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X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

XPS analysis can be used to quantitatively determine the chemical composition of the top 5‑10 nm of a surface. All elements except hydrogen and helium can be detected non-destructively and their oxidation or bonding states can be determined.

The method is based on irradiating the sample with X‑rays, which excites electrons and allows them to escape. Their number and energy provide information on the composition and bonding states. Depending on the measuring time and element, the detection limit of the method is around 0.1‑0.3 at%, which corresponds to around 1‑3 ng/cm².

Our XPS device is equipped with a large sample holder, a monochromatic AlKα X‑ray source, argon ion sputtering, a charge neutralizer, a hemispherical analyzer and a 2D detector, which allows the parallel acquisition of element distribution images with a lateral resolution of up to 20 μm. This is a particular strength of this instrument.

According to which standards do we test?

Whenever possible, we carry out our testing services in accordance with or based on these international standards:

  • ISO 14606
  • ISO 15472
  • ISO 19318
  • ISO 20903
  • ASTM E1078

Which devices do we use?

  • Kratos Axis Nova

For which material tests do we use this method?

We use our XPS for quantitative surface analysis of all elements (except H and He) and oxidation states. Examples of applications are

  • Trace analysis: Identification of chromium-6 / Cr(VI)
  • Determination of the surface composition of medical devices (organic as well as inorganic substances), as recommended in ISO 10993-18 and ASTM F2847.

What experimental options are available?

In addition to the standard analysis, there are various other options:

What you should know about this method?

For which samples is the method suitable?

We can analyze all vacuum-resistant metallic (including magnetic) and non-metallic solids and powders.

What do I need to bear in mind with the samples?
Specimen specifications:
  • Sample diameter max. 100 mm, height max. 20 mm. Larger samples can be crushed
  • Cleanly packed, we recommend in aluminum foil
How many measuring points should be analyzed?

We generally recommend 3 measurements, e.g. 3 measurements on one spot and 3 next to it as a reference. This ensures that the results are statistically relevant.

Is the method accredited?

Yes, we are the only laboratory in Switzerland to offer XPS analyses accredited to ISO/IEC 17025.


Who is your contact person?

Roman Heuberger
Dr. sc. ETH Zurich, Certified Materials Engineer ETH
Head of Materials Testing and Consulting
+41 32 644 2022