Former Managing Director

Dr Beat Gasser joined the research group of Mathys Medizinaltechnik AG in 1990 and was involved in the reorganisation of the Dr h. c. Robert Mathys Foundation (RMS) as an independent research and service laboratory for medical technology in 1992. From March 1992 until the end of 2009 he was Head of Fundamentals (from 2007 Head of Testing & Consulting) of RMS and was responsible for external research activities. From 2010 to 2021, he was Managing Director of the institution, now also named RMS Foundation, and also served as Co-Coordinator Research.

In 1981, he finished his studies at the ETH Zurich with a diploma in me­chanical engineering, before working for two years as an assistant at the Institute of Mechanics of the ETH. Later on he was a scientific assistant at the M. E. Müller Institute for Biomechanics at the Univer­sity of Berne for six years. In 1998, he was awarded his PhD degree in natural science at the Institute for Physics at the Uni­ver­sity of Fribourg, Switzerland, studying titanium surfaces. His scientific interests have their focus in biomechanics and biomaterials for application in trauma and orthopaedic surgery.

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