X-Ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) Ceramics

System: Bruker D8 Advance

XRD analysis is used to identify and quantify crystalline phases in powder samples (e.g. minerals, ceramics, metals). Since the diffraction signal depends on the geometric arrangement of the atoms in the crystal structure, XRD can differentiate phases with identical chemical composition but different crystal structures, also known as polymorphs.

Useful tips:

Suitable samples:
  • Materials containing at least one crystalline phase
Sample specifications:
  • At least 1.0 g material is required. The material must be able to be processed into a powder.
  • The detection limit is typically at 0.5-1.0 wt-%, but strongly depends on the complexity of the diffraction signal.


  • Qualitative and quantitative determination of the crystalline phase composition
  • Testing of phase purity and conformance with material and product specifications
  • Determination of cell parameters and crystallite sizes by Rietveld refinement
  • Determination of amorphous contents


  • ISO 13779-3
  • ISO 13175-3
  • ISO 13356
  • ASTM F 1088
  • ASTM F 1185
  • ASTM F 1581
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