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Our publications

Our research primarily focuses on the human musculoskeletal system, with an emphasis on tissue regeneration and implants, alongside other specialized fields. Additionally, we concentrate on the manufacturing, processing, and characterization of materials and surfaces. The results of our research activities are published in internationally recognized scientific journals.

Here, you will find a list of publications involving the RMS Foundation, organized by year of publication.

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    Publications 2025

    Workshop on the Latest Advances in Biomedical Applications of Octacalcium Phosphate

    Nicola Döbelin, Osamu Suzuki, Christophe Drouet, Jānis Ločs, Gerard Insley, Philip Procter
    Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2025; 113:e35500

    The first workshop on the “latest advances in biomedical applications of octacalcium phosphate (OCP)” was or­ganized as a satellite symposium to the Bioceramics33 conference in Solothurn, Switzerland, in October 2023. The event brought together leading researchers and industry representatives to present and discuss their latest ground­breaking research aimed at developing and com­mer­cial­izing advanced OCP-based bio­materials for bone regen­er­a­tion. The topics presented by the six invited speakers ranged from a fundamental understanding of the OCP crystal chemistry to advanced processing and characterization methods, functionalization, bio­mineralization, and com­mer­cial­ization. With this summary report, we are laying the foundation for a continuation of a series of work­shops on the subject of OCP bio­materials in order to promote the exchange between researchers and industry re­pre­sen­tatives and to drive forward the development and com­mer­cial­ization of new improved synthetic bone substitute materials.

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    Publications 2024

    Decay experiments and microbial community analysis of water lily leaf biofilms: Sediment effects on leaf preservation potential

    Brianne Palmer, Sabina Karačić, Shook Ling Low, Kathrin Janssen, Harald Färber, Moritz Liesegang, Gabriele Bierbaum, Carole T. Gee
    PLoS ONE 19(12): e0315656

    Understanding the intricate dynamics of sediment-mediated microbial interactions and their impact on plant tissue preservation is crucial for unraveling the complexities of leaf decay and preservation processes. To elucidate the earliest stages of leaf preservation, a series of decay experiments was carried out for three months on Nymphaea water lily leaves in aquariums with pond water and one of three distinctly different, sterilized, fine-grained substrates—commercially purchased kaolinite clay or fine sand, or natural pond mud. One aquarium contained only pond water as a control. We use 16S and ITS rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to identify and characterize the complex composition of the bacterial and fungal communities on leaves. Our results reveal that the pond mud substrate produces a unique community composition in the biofilms compared to other substrates. The mud substrate significantly influences microbial communities, as shown by the correlation between high concentrations of minerals in the water and bacterial abundance. Furthermore, more biofilm formers are observed on the leaves exposed to mud after two months, contrasting with declines on other substrates. The mud substrate also enhanced leaf tissue preservation compared to the other sediment types, providing insight into the role of sediment and biofilms in fossilization processes. Notably, leaves on kaolinite clay have the fewest biofilm formers by the end of the experiment. We also identify key biofilm-forming microbes associated with each substrate. The organic-rich mud substrate emerges as a hotspot for biofilm formers, showing that it promotes biofilm formation on leaves and may increase the preservation potential of leaves better than other substrates. The mud’s chemical composition, rich in minerals such as silica, iron, aluminum, and phosphate, may slow or suspend decay and facilitate biomineralization, thus paving the way toward leaf preservation. Our study bridges the information gap between biofilms observed on modern leaves and the mineral encrustation on fossil leaves by analyzing the microbial response in biofilms to substrate types in which fossil leaves are commonly found.

    Correlation of cross-linking as measured by the trans-vinylene index and in vitro wear of polyethylene from various acetabular liner brands

    P. Wahl, R. Heuberger, A. Pascucci, T. Imwinkelried, M. Fürstner, N. Icken, M.Schläppi, R. Pourzal, E. Gautier
    Bone Joint Res 2024; 13(11): 682–693

    Highly cross-linked polyethylene (HXLPE) greatly reduces wear in total hip arthroplasty, compared to conventional polyethylene (CPE). Cross-linking is commonly achieved by irradiation. This study aimed to compare the degree of cross-linking and in vitro wear rates across a cohort of retrieved and unused polyethylene cups/liners from various brands.

    Polyethylene acetabular cups/liners were collected at one centre from 1 April 2021 to 30 April 2022. The trans-vinylene index (TVI) and oxidation index (OI) were determined by Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry. Wear was measured using a pin-on-disk test.

    A total of 47 specimens from ten brands were included. The TVI was independent of time in vivo. A linear correlation (R2 = 0.995) was observed between the old and current TVI standards, except for vitamin E-containing polyethylene. The absorbed irradiation dose calculated from the TVI corresponded to product specifications for all but two products. For one electron beam-irradiated HXLPE, a mean dose of 241% (SD 18%) of specifications was determined. For another, gamma-irradiated HXLPE, a mean 41% (SD 13%) of specifications was determined. Lower wear was observed for higher TVI.

    The TVI is a reliable measure of the absorbed irradiation dose and does not alter over time in vivo. The products of various brands differ by manufacturing details and consequently cross-linking characteristics. Absorption and penetration of electron radiation and gamma radiation differ, potentially leading to higher degrees of cross-linking for electron radiation. There is a non-linear, inverse correlation between TVI and in vitro wear. The wear resistance of the HXLPE with low TVI was reduced and more comparable to CPE.

    The reactivity of α-tricalcium phosphate powders is affected by minute amounts of β-calcium pyrophosphate and by the synthesis temperature

    Marc Bohner, Fabrizio Bigolin, Isabelle Bohner, Thomas Imwinkelried, Yassine Maazouz, Pascal Michel, Christoph Stähli, Yves Viecelli, Nicola Döbelin
    Open Ceramics, Volume 19, September 2024, 100647

    α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) is the most widespread raw material for hydraulic calcium phosphate cements (CPCs). CPCs are widely used in bone repair due to their injectability, setting ability, and osteoconductivity. This study investigated the reactivity of α-TCP powders, focusing on the impact of minor phase impurities, β-calcium pyrophosphate and hydroxyapatite, and the synthesis temperature. The α-TCP powders were synthesized via a solid-state reaction of calcium carbonate and anhydrous dicalcium phosphate, with varying Ca/P molar ratios (1.4850–1.5075) and synthesis temperatures (1175°C–1350 °C). Powders produced with a Ca/P molar ratio below 1.50 and synthesized at a temperature above the melting point of β-CPP (1296 °C) had a broader size distribution and a two to fourfold lower hydraulic reactivity. Conversely, a higher Ca/P molar ratio improved reactivity. The study underscores the importance of precise control over synthesis parameters to enhance the performance of α-TCP-based CPCs, offering insights for optimizing material design in biomedical applications.

    Silicon and oxygen isotope fractionation in a silicified carbonate rock

    Michael Tatzel, Marcus Oelze, Daniel A. Frick, Tommaso Di Rocco, Moritz Liesegang, Maria Stuff, Michael Wiedenbeck
    Chemical Geology, Issue 658, 2024, 122120

    Silicon isotope fractionation during silicification is poorly understood and impedes our ability to decipher paleoenvironmental conditions from Si isotopes in ancient cherts. To investigate isotope fractionation during silica-for‑carbonate replacement we analyzed the microscale Si and O isotope composition in different silica phases in a silicified zebra dolostone as well as their bulk δ18O and Δ’17O compositions. The subsequent replacement of carbonate layers is mimicked by decreasing δ18O and δ30Si. The textural relationship and magnitude of Si and O isotope fractionation is best explained by near-quantitative silica precipitation in an open system with finite Si. A Rayleigh model for silicification suggests positive Ɛ30/28Si during silicification, conforming with predictions for isotope distribution at chemical equilibrium from ab-initio models. Application of the modelled Ɛ30Si-T relationship yields silicification temperatures of approx. 50 C. To reconcile the δ18Ochert composition with these temperatures, the δ18O of the fluid must have been between − 2.5 and − 4 ‰, compositions for which the quartz phases fall close to the oxygen equilibrium fractionation line in three-isotope space. Diagenetic silica replacement appears to occur in O and Si isotopic equilibrium allowing reconstructions of temperatures of silicification from Si isotopes and derive the δ18O composition of the fluid – a highly desired value needed for accurate reconstructions of the temperature- and δ18O histories of the oceans.

    Inflammatory tissue response in human soft tissue is caused by a higher particle load near carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK compared to titanium plates

    E Fleischhacker, CM Sprecher, S Milz, MM Saller, R Wirz, R Zboray, A Parrilli, J Gleich, G Siebenbürger, W Böcker, B Ockert, T Helfen
    Acta Biomaterialia, 2024, online 16.04.2024

    Titanium as the leading implant material in locked plating is challenged by polymers such as carbon fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone (CFR-PEEK), which became the focus of interest of researchers and manufacturers in recent years. However, data on human tissue response to these new implant materials are rare.

    Osteosynthesis plates and peri–implant soft tissue samples of 16 healed proximal humerus fractures were examined ( n = 8 CFR-PEEK, n = 8 titanium). Soft tissue was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and μCT. The entrapped foreign bodies were further examined for their material composition by FTIR. To gain insight into their origin and formation mechanism, explanted and new plates were evaluated by SEM, EDX, profilometry and HR-CT.

    In the peri–implant soft tissue of the CFR-PEEK plates, an inflammatory tissue reaction was detected. Tissues contained foreign bodies, which could be identified as tantalum wires, carbon fiber fragments and PEEK particles. Titanium particles were also found in the peri–implant soft tissue of the titanium plates but showed a less intense surrounding tissue inflammation in immunohistochemistry. The surface of explanted CFR-PEEK plates was rougher and showed exposed and broken carbon fibers as well as pro- truding and deformed tantalum wires, especially in used screw holes, whereas scratches were identified on the titanium plate surfaces.

    Particles were present in the peri–implant soft tissue neighboring both implant materials and could be clearly assigned to the plate material. Particles from both plate materials caused detectable tissue inflammation, with more inflammatory cells found in soft tissue over CFR-PEEK plates than over titanium plates.

    The colourful optical appearance of centric diatom fossil frustules with diagenetic nanocrystalline calcite fill

    Moritz Liesegang, Mohamed Ghobara, Sabine Matting, Richard Wirth
    Facies 70, 1 (2024)

    Biophotonic nanostructures rarely withstand fossilization processes occurring after burial over geologic time. Even more distinctive is a change introduced to the optical properties during diagenetic processes resulting in a different optical appearance. Here, we report and explain the optical appearance of centric diatom frustules obtained from ash-bearing carbonatecemented concretions on the Greifswalder Oie island (Pomeranian Bay, Germany, southern Baltic Sea). The ultrastructural and mineralogical analysis of the fossil frustules were carried out using electron microscopy techniques and were correlated to the macroscopic and microscopic optical appearance of the frustules before and after acid etching. The unique optical properties of the fossil diatoms were associated with diagenetic nanocrystalline calcite filling the frustules’ areolae. This fill created the macroscopic pale-yellow colour of many frustules, a microscopic iridescence probably associated with diffraction grating behaviour, and microscopic colour rings. The results highlight the unique permineralization process of diatom frustules and might be an addition to the emerging studies on frustule optics and photonics.

    Optimization of a tunable process for rapid production of calcium phosphate microparticles using a droplet-based microfluidic platform

    Y. Alaoui Selsouli, H. S. Rho, M. Eischen-Loges, V. P. Galván-Chacón, C. Stähli, Y. Viecelli, N. Döbelin, M. Bohner, Z. Tahmasebi Birgani, P. Habibović
    Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 12:1352184

    Calcium phosphate (CaP) biomaterials are amongst the most widely used synthetic bone graft substitutes, owing to their chemical similarities to the mineral part of bone matrix and off-the-shelf availability. However, their ability to regenerate bone in critical-sized bone defects has remained inferior to the gold standard autologous bone. Hence, there is a need for methods that can be employed to efficiently produce CaPs with different properties, enabling the screening and consequent fine-tuning of the properties of CaPs towards effective bone regeneration. To this end, we propose the use of droplet microfluidics for rapid production of a variety of CaP microparticles. Particularly, this study aims to optimize the steps of a droplet microfluidic-based production process, including droplet generation, in-droplet CaP synthesis, purification and sintering, in order to obtain a library of CaP microparticles with fine-tuned properties. The results showed that size-controlled, monodisperse water-in-oil microdroplets containing calcium- and phosphate-rich solutions can be produced using a flow-focusing droplet-generator microfluidic chip. We optimized synthesis protocols based on in-droplet mineralization to obtain a range of CaP microparticles without and with inorganic additives. This was achieved by adjusting synthesis parameters, such as precursor concentration, pH value, and aging time, and applying heat treatment. In addition, our results indicated that the synthesis and fabrication parameters of CaPs in this method can alter the microstructure and the degradation behavior of CaPs. Overall, the results highlight the potential of the droplet microfluidic platform for engineering CaP microparticle biomaterials with fine-tuned properties.

    Density and phase-purity of α-TCP obtained by sintering of nano-crystalline powder

    C. Stähli, A.J. Salinas, N. Döbelin, A. Testino, M. Bohner
    Ceramics International, Volume 50, Issue 6, 15 March 2024, Pages 8586-8593

    Dense and polished samples are sometimes used to test the in vitro biological response of biomaterials. However, their production can be challenging, for example for α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP), a commonly-used bone graft substitute. In this particular case, the ideal sintering conditions are in a temperature range close to the β-α-TCP phase transition (1125 °C). This phase transition is characterized by a 7 % volume increase which typically leads to the formation of cracks. Additionally, the production of a powder suitable for ceramic processing is difficult because α-TCP can only be produced via a thermal process. The initial aim of this study was to produce dense and polished α-TCP samples using an innovative method to produce nano-crystalline α-TCP. However, after observing the formation of β-TCP phase above the β-α-TCP phase transition (1125 °C), the focus of this study was shifted towards this unexpected phenomenon. Specifically, uniaxially compressed bulk samples were sintered at between 1160 and 1240 °C for different durations up to one week. The resulting density reached up to 95 % and was positively associated with green body density and sintering time, while being initially highest when sintered at the lowest temperature. A transient appearance of up to 6 wt% β-TCP was observed during sintering. The higher the sintering temperature was, the shorter and the smaller this transient appearance was. This behavior was attributed to the intrinsic pressure occurring within the material during sintering and which favoured the denser β-TCP phase.

    Release kinetics of growth factors loaded into β-TCP ceramics in an in vitro model

    M. Waldmann, M. Bohner, A. Baghnavi, B. Riedel, M. Seidenstuecker
    Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2024; 12: 1441547

    Introduction: β-TCP ceramics are bone replacement materials that have recently been tested as a drug delivery system that can potentially be applied to endogenous substances like growth factors found in blood platelets to facilitate positive attributes.

    Methods: In this work, we used flow chamber loading to load β-TCP dowels with blood suspensions of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), platelet-poor plasma (PPP), or buffy coat (BC) character. PRP and BC platelet counts were adjusted to the same level by dilution. Concentrations of TGF-β1, PDGF-AB, and IGF-1 from dowel-surrounding culture medium were subsequently determined using ELISA over 5 days. The influence of alginate was additionally tested to modify the release.

    Results: Concentrations of TGF-β1 and PDGF-AB increased and conclusively showed a release from platelets in PRP and BC compared to PPP. The alginate coating reduced the PDGF-AB release but did not reduce TGF-β1 and instead even increased TGF-β1 in the BC samples. IGF-1 concentrations were highest in PPP, suggesting circulating levels rather than platelet release as the driving factor. Alginate samples tended to have lower IGF-1 concentrations, but the difference was not shown to be significant.

    Discussion: The release of growth factors from different blood suspensions was successfully demonstrated for β-TCP as a drug delivery system with release patterns that correspond to PRP activation after Ca2+-triggered activation. The release pattern was partially modified by alginate coating.

    Awareness for artifacts in fluorescence microscopy of β-TCP

    M. Waldmann, M. Bohner, A. Baghnavi, B. Riedel, M. Seidenstuecker
    BMC Biotechnology, 17 (122), 2024

    Fluorescence analysis of β-TCP ceramics is often used to describe cells found on said ceramics. However, we found, to our knowledge, so far undescribed artifacts which might sometimes be hard to differentiate from cells due to shape and fluorescence behavior. We tried prolonged ultrasound washing as well as Technovit 9100 fixation to reduce these artifacts. While untreated dowels showed no reduction in artifacts no matter the further treatment, Technovit fixation reduced the artifacts with even further reduction achieved by mechanical cleaning. As a consequence, scientists working with these dowels and likely even other types should try to avoid creating false positive results by considering the existence of these artifacts, checking additional filters for unusual fluorescence and by reducing them by using Technovit fixation when possible.

    A model approach to show that monocytes can enter microporous β-TCP ceramics

    M. Waldmann, M. Bohner, L.-Q. Le, A. Baghnavi, B. Riedel, M. Seidenstuecker
    BMC Biotechnology, 24 (32), 2024

    β-TCP ceramics are versatile bone substitute materials and show many interactions with cells of the monocyte-macrophage-lineage. The possibility of monocytes entering microporous β-TCP ceramics has however not yet been researched. In this study, we used a model approach to investigate whether monocytes might enter β-TCP, providing a possible explanation for the origin of CD68-positive osteoclast-like giant cells found in earlier works.
    We used flow chambers to unidirectionally load BC, PRP, or PPP into slice models of either 2 mm or 6 mm β-TCP. Immunofluorescence for CD68 and live/dead staining was performed after the loading process.
    Our results show that monocytes were present in a relevant number of PRP and BC slices representing the inside of our 2 mm slice model and also present on the actual inside of our 6 mm model. For PPP, monocytes were not found beyond the surface in either model.
    Our results indicate the possibility of a new and so far neglected constituent in β-TCP degradation, perhaps causing the process of ceramic degradation also starting from inside the ceramics as opposed to the current understanding. We also demonstrated flow chambers as a possible new in vitro model for interactions between blood and β-TCP.

    Optimizing Parameters for Atom Probe Tomography Analysis of β-Tricalcium Phosphates

    S. Torkornoo, M. Bohner, I. McCarroll, B. Gault
    Microscopy and Microanalysis 2024

    The biocompatibility and resorption characteristics of β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP, Ca3(PO4)2) have made it a coveted alternative for bone grafts. However, the underlying mechanisms governing the biological interactions between β-tricalcium phosphate and osteoclasts remain elusive. It has been speculated that the composition at grain boundaries might vary and affect β-TCP resorption properties. Atom probe tomography (APT) offers a quantitative approach to assess the composition of the grain boundaries, and thus advance our comprehension of the biological responses within the microstructure and chemical composition at the nanoscale. The precise quantitative analysis of chemical composition remains a notable challenge in atom probe tomography, primarily due to the influence of measurement conditions on compositional accuracy. In this study, we investigated the impact of laser pulse energy on the composition of β-TCP using atom probe tomography, aiming for the most precise Ca:P ratio and consistent results across multiple analyses performed with different sets of analysis conditions and on two different instruments.

    Beschichtung unterstützt den kontrollierten Abbau von Magnesiumimplantaten

    T. Imwinkelried, R. Heuberger, L. Berger A. Rich, W. Rubin, J.F. Löffler
    Oberflächen POLYSURFACES 1/2024, 5

    Ein dauerhafter Verbleib von Implantaten im Körper kann zu Komplikationen führen. So werden Implantate zur Behandlung von Knochenbrüchen nach erfolgter Heilung oftmals wieder entnommen. Diese Entnahme bedingt eine Zweitoperation, die wiederum Risiken mit sich bringt. Im Gegen­satz zu inerten Implantaten aus Titan oder rost­freiem Stahl degradiert metallisches Magnesium im Körper. Idealerweise stützt das biodegradierbare Magnesium-implantat das betroffene Gewebe bis zur Heilung und baut sich anschliessend ohne Nebenwirkungen ab.
    Beim Kontakt mit Körperflüssigkeit setzt eine unbeschichtete, nicht passivierte Magnesium­ober­fläche Wasser­stoffgas frei. Durch eine geeignete Beschichtung lässt sich die anfängliche Gasfrei­setzung und Degradation verzögern.

    Gadolinium-based contrast agents and free gadolinium inhibit differentiation and activity of bone cell lineages

    F. Strunz, C. Stähli, J. Heverhagen, W. Hofstetter, R. Egli
    Investigative Radiology 59(7) 495-503, July 2024

    Administration of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCA) in magnetic resonance imaging results in the long-term retention of gadolinium (Gd) in tissues and organs, including the bone, and may affect their function and metabolism. This study aims to investigate the effects of Gd and GBCA on the proliferation/survival, differentiation, and function of bone cell lineages.

    Materials and Methods
    Primary murine osteoblasts (OB) and osteoclast progenitor cells (OPC) isolated from C57BL/6J mice were used to test the effects of Gd3+ (12.5–100 μM) and GBCA (100–2000 μM). Cultures were supplemented with the nonionic linear Gd-DTPA-BMA (gadodiamide), ionic linear Gd-DTPA (gadopentetic acid), and macrocyclic Gd-DOTA (gadoteric acid). Cell viability and differentiation were analyzed on days 4–6 of the culture. To assess the resorptive activity of osteoclasts, the cells were grown in OPC cultures and were seeded onto layers of amorphous calcium phosphate with incorporated Gd.

    Gd3+ did not affect OB viability, but differentiation was reduced dose-dependently up to 72.4% ± 6.2%–73.0% ± 13.2% (average ± SD) at 100 μM Gd3+ on days 4–6 of culture as compared with unexposed controls (P < 0.001). Exposure to GBCA had minor effects on OB viability with a dose-dependent reduction up to 23.3% ± 10.2% for Gd-DTPA-BMA at 2000 μM on day 5 (P < 0.001). In contrast, all 3 GBCA caused a dose-dependent reduction of differentiation up to 88.3% ± 5.2% for Gd-DTPA-BMA, 49.8% ± 16.0% for Gd-DTPA, and 23.1% ± 8.7% for Gd-DOTA at 2000 μM on day 5 (P < 0.001). In cultures of OPC, cell viability was not affected by Gd3+, whereas differentiation was decreased by 45.3% ± 9.8%–48.5% ± 15.8% at 100 μM Gd3+ on days 4–6 (P < 0.05). Exposure of OPC to GBCA resulted in a dose-dependent increase in cell viability of up to 34.1% ± 11.4% at 2000 μM on day 5 of culture (P < 0.001). However, differentiation of OPC cultures was reduced on day 5 by 24.2% ± 9.4% for Gd-DTPA-BMA, 47.1% ± 14.0% for Gd-DTPA, and 38.2% ± 10.0% for Gd-DOTA (P < 0.001). The dissolution of amorphous calcium phosphate by mature osteoclasts was reduced by 36.3% ± 5.3% upon incorporation of 4.3% Gd/Ca wt/wt (P < 0.001).

    Gadolinium and GBCA inhibit differentiation and activity of bone cell lineages in vitro. Thus, Gd retention in bone tissue could potentially impair the physiological regulation of bone turnover on a cellular level, leading to pathological changes in bone metabolism.

    Classification of Progressive Wear on a Multi-Directional Pin-on-Disc Tribometer Simulating Conditions in Human Joints-UHMWPE against CoCrMo Using Acoustic Emission and Machine Learning

    P. Deshpande, K. Wasmer, T. Imwinkelried, R. Heuberger, M. Dreyer, B. Weisse, R. Crockett, V. Pandiyan
    Lubricants, 12 (2), 47 (2024)

    Human joint prostheses experience wear failure due to the complex interactions between Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) and Cobalt-Chromium-Molybdenum (CoCrMo). This study uses the wear classification to investigate the gradual and progressive abrasive wear mechanisms in UHMWPE. Pin-on-disc tests were conducted under simulated in vivo conditions, monitoring wear using Acoustic Emission (AE). Two Machine Learning (ML) frameworks were employed for wear classification: manual feature extraction with ML classifiers and a contrastive learning-based Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with ML classifiers. The CNN-based feature extraction approach achieved superior classification performance (94% to 96%) compared to manual feature extraction (81% to 89%). The ML techniques enable accurate wear classification, aiding in understanding surface states and early failure detection. Real-time monitoring using AE sensors shows promise for interventions and improving prosthetic joint design.

    Bisphosphonates do not affect healing of a critical-size defect in estrogen-deficient mice

    F. Strunz, S. Gentil-Perret, M. Siegrist, M. Bohner, N. Saulacic, W. Hofstetter
    Bone Reports, 20, 101739 (2024)
    Bisphosphonates (BP) are anti-resorptive drugs that are widely used to prevent bone loss in osteoporosis. Since inhibition of bone resorption will cause a decrease in bone formation through a process called coupling, it is hypothesized that extended treatment protocols may impair bone healing. In this study, β-tri‑calcium-phosphate (βTCP) ceramics were inserted into critical-size long bone defects in estrogen-deficient mice under BP therapy. The study assessed the benefits of coating the ceramics with Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP2) and an engineered BMP2 analogue (L51P) that inactivates BMP antagonists on the healing process, implant resorption, and bone formation.
    Female NMRI mice (11–12 weeks of age) were ovariectomized (OVX) or sham operated. Eight weeks later, after the manifestation of ovariectomy-induced osteoporotic bone changes, BP therapy with Alendronate (ALN) was commenced. After another five weeks, a femoral critical-size defect was generated, rigidly fixed, and βTCP-cylinders loaded with 0.25 μg or 2.5 μg BMP2, 2.5 μg L51P, and 0.25 μg BMP2/2.5 μg L51P, respectively, were inserted. Unloaded βTCP-cylinders were used as controls. Femora were collected six and twelve weeks post-implantation.
    Histological and micro-computer tomography (MicroCT) evaluation revealed that insertion of cylinders coated with 2.5 μg BMP2 accelerated fracture repair and induced significant bone formation compared to controls (unloaded cylinders or coated with 2.5 μg L51P, 0.25 μg BMP2) already six weeks post-implantation, independent of estrogen-deficiency and BP therapy. The simultaneous administration of BMP2 and L51P (0.25 μg BMP2/2.5 μg L51P) did not promote fracture healing six and twelve weeks post-implantation. Moreover, new bone formation within the critical-size defect was directly linked to the removal of the βTCP-implant in all experimental groups. No evidence was found that long-term therapy with ALN impaired the resorption of the implanted graft. However, osteoclast transcriptom signature was elevated in sham and OVX animals upon treatment with BP, with transcript levels being higher at six weeks than at twelve weeks post-surgery. Furthermore, the transcriptome profile of the developing repair tissue confirmed an accelerated repair process in animals treated with 2.5 μg BMP2 implants. L51P did not increase the bioefficacy of BMP2 in the applied defect model.
    The present study provides evidence that continuous administration of BP does not inhibit implant resorption and does not alter the kinetics of the healing process of critical-size long bone defects. Furthermore, the BMP2 variant L51P did not enhance the bioefficacy of BMP2 when applied simultaneously to the femoral critical-size defect in sham and OVX mice.

    Osteoinduction and osteoimmunology: Emerging concepts

    R. Miron, M. Bohner, Y. Zhang, D. Bosshardt
    Periodontol 2000. 2024; 94: 9-26
    The recognition and importance of immune cells during bone regeneration, including around bone biomaterials, has led to the development of an entire field termed “osteoimmunology,” which focuses on the connection and interplay between the skeletal system and immune cells. Most studies have focused on the “osteogenic” capacity of various types of bone biomaterials, and much less focus has been placed on immune cells despite being the first cell type in contact with implantable devices. Thus, the amount of literature generated to date on this topic makes it challenging to extract needed information. This review article serves as a guide highlighting advancements made in the field of osteo­immunology emphasizing the role of the osteoimmunomodulatory properties of biomaterials and their impact on osteoinduction. First, the various immune cell types involved in bone biomaterial integration are discussed, including the prominent role of osteal macrophages (OsteoMacs) during bone regeneration. Thereafter, key biomaterial properties, including topography, wettability, surface charge, and adsorption of cytokines, growth factors, ions, and other bioactive molecules, are discussed in terms of their impact on immune responses. These findings highlight and recognize the importance of the immune system and osteo­immunology, leading to a shift in the traditional models used to understand and evaluate biomaterials for bone regeneration.

    Reply to the Letter to the editor from Grappiolo G et al. to the article ‘The History of the development of the regular straight stem in hip arthroplasty’

    Hanna Wellauer, Roman Heuberger, Emanuel Gautier, Moritz Tannast, Hubert Steinke and Peter Wahl
    EFORT Open Rev. 2024 Feb 1;9(2):148-149

    No abstract available

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    Publications 2023

    Influence of the sintering atmosphere on the physico-chemical properties and the osteoclastic resorption of β-tricalcium phosphate cylinders

    B. Le Gars Santoni, L. Niggli, S. Dolder, O. Loeffel, G. Sblendorio, Y. Maazouz, D. Alexander, R. Heuberger, C. Stähli, N. Döbelin, P. Bowen, W. Hofstetter, M. Bohner
    Acta Biomaterialia 169, 566-578 (2023)

    One of the most widely used materials for bone graft substitution is β‐Tricalcium phosphate (β‐TCP; β-Ca3(PO4)2). β-TCP is typically produced by sintering in air or vacuum. During this process, evaporation of phosphorus (P) species occurs, leading to the formation of a calcium-rich alkaline layer. It was recently shown that the evaporation of P species could be prevented by co-sintering β-TCP with dicalcium phosphate (DCPA; CaHPO4; mineral name: monetite). The aim of this study was to see how a change of sintering atmosphere could affect the physico-chemical and biological properties of β-TCP. For this purpose, three experimental groups were considered: β‐TCP cylinders sintered in air and subsequently polished to remove the surface layer (control group); the same polished cylinders after subsequent annealing at 500 °C in air to generate a calcium-rich alkaline layer (annealed group); and finally, β‐TCP cylinders sintered in a monetite-rich atmosphere and subsequently polished (monetite group). XPS analysis confirmed that cylinders from the annealed group had a significantly higher Ca/P molar ratio at their surface than that of the control group while this ratio was significantly lower for the cylinders from the monetite group. Sintering β‐TCP in the monetite-rich atmosphere significantly reduced the grain size and increased the density. Changes of surface composition affected the activity of osteoclasts seeded onto the surfaces, since annealed β-TCP cylinders were significantly less resorbed than β-TCP cylinders sintered in the monetite-rich atmosphere. This suggests that an increase of the surface Ca/P molar ratio leads to a decrease of osteoclastic resorption.

    Statement of Significance
    Minimal changes of surface and bulk (< 1%) composition have major effects on the ability of osteoclasts to resorb β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), one of the most widely used ceramics for bone substitution. The results presented in this study are thus important for the calcium phosphate community because (i) β-TCP may have up to 5% impurities according to ISO and ASTM standards and still be considered to be “pure β-TCP”, (ii) β-TCP surface properties are generally not considered during biocompatibility assessment and (iii) a rationale can be proposed to explain the various inconsistencies reported in the literature on the biological properties of β-TCP.

    The history of the development of the regular straight stem in hip arthroplasty

    H. Wellauer, R. Heuberger, E. Gautier, M. Tannast, H. Steinke, P. Wahl
    EFORT Open Reviews, 8 (7), 548 - 560 (2023)
    • Since the middle of the 20th century, total hip arthroplasty has become a very successful treatment for all end-stage diseases of the hip joint. Charnley solved with his low frictional torque arthroplasty the problem of wear and friction with the introduction of a new bearing couple and the reduction of the head size, which set the prerequisite for the further development of stem design.
    • This narrative review presents the major developments of regular straight stems in hip arthroplasty. It does not only provide an overview of the history but also assembles the generally scarce documentation available regarding the rationale of developments and illustrates often-unsuspected links.
    • Charnley's success is based on successfully solving the issue of fixation of the prosthetic components to the bone, using bone cement made of polymethyl-methacrylate. In the field of cemented anchorage of the stem, two principles showing good long-term revision rates emerged over the years: the force-closed and the shape-closed principles.
    • The non-cemented anchorage bases on prosthesis models ensure enough primary stability for osteointegration of the implant to occur. For bone to grow onto the surface, not only sufficient primary stability is required but also a suitable surface structure together with a biocompatible prosthetic material is also necessary.

    Composite material consisting of microporous beta-TCP ceramic and alginate-dialdehyde-gelatin for controlled dual release of clindamycin and bone morphogenetic protein 2

    L. Ritschl, P. Schilling, A. Wittmer, M. Bohner, A. Bernstein, H. Schmal, M. Seidenstuecker
    J Mater Sci: Mater Med 34, 39 (2023)
    The aim of this study was to produce a composite of microporous β-TCP filled with alginate-gelatin crosslinked hydrogel, clindamycin and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-2) to prolong the drug-release behaviour for up to 28 days. The most promising alginate-di-aldehyde(ADA)-gelatin gel for drug release from microcapsules was used to fill microporous β-TCP ceramics under directional flow in a special loading chamber. Dual release of clindamycin and BMP-2 was measured on days 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 14, 21 and 28 by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). After release, the microbial efficacy of the clindamycin was checked and the biocompatibility of the composite was tested in cell culture. Clindamycin and the model substance FITC-protein A were released from microcapsules over 28 days. The clindamycin burst release was 43 ± 1%. For the loaded ceramics, a clindamycin release above the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) until day 9 and a burst release of 90.56 ± 2.96% were detected. BMP-2 was released from the loaded ceramics in low concentrations over 28 days. The release of active substances from β-TCP and hydrogel have already been extensively studied. Directional flow loading is a special procedure in which the ceramic could act as a stabilizer in the bone and, as a biodegradable system, enables a single-stage surgical procedure. Whether ADA-gelatin gel is suitable for this procedure as a more biodegradable alternative to pure alginate or whether a dual release is possible in this composite has not yet been investigated.

    Towards an improved understanding of the β-TCP crystal structure by means of “checkerboard” atomistic simulations

    Gabrielle A. Sblendorio, Bastien Le Gars Santoni, Duncan T.L. Alexander, Paul Bowen, Marc Bohner, Nicola Döbelin
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 43, Issue 8, July 2023, Pages 3746-3754

    The large variability of biological responses to β-TCP implants reported in the literature could possibly be related to subtle differences in the β-TCP crystal structure. The structure contains one partially occupied site Ca(4). In order to better understand the ordering of this site, 12 pairs of unit cells with different Ca(4) site occupancies were combined in different checkerboard patterns with an average occupancy of 3. Atomistic simulations were conducted to identify the lowest energy configurations. The previously published low energy configuration is not the most stable one when considering a larger supercell. Plotting the 662 simulation outputs by lattice parameters a or c versus relative lattice energy revealed clusters of high density which are composed of configurations with predominant motifs of Ca(4) occupancy. The tools introduced in this study can be applied in future simulation studies to better explain the Ca(4) site occupancy in the β-TCP crystal structure.

    Impact of polyethylene glenoid cementation technique on cement mantle integrity and stability after cyclic loading: a computed tomography and biomechanical study

    Philip Kasten, Nico Maximilian Jandl, Felix Zeifang, Frank Dallmann, Stefan Jakobs, Kevin Stalder, Andreas Niemeier
    Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Volume 43, 2023 Feb;32(2):383-391

    Background: There are no generally accepted guidelines for polyethylene (PE) glenoid component cementation techniques. In particular, it is not known whether the backside of a PE glenoid should be fully or partially cemented – or not cemented at all. We hypothesized that cementing techniques would have an impact on cement mantle volume and integrity, as well as biomechanical stability, measured as micromotion under cyclic loading.

    Methods: To address our hypothesis, 3 different cementation techniques using a single 2-peg PE glenoid design with polyurethane foam were compared regarding (1) the quality and quantity of the cement mantle and (2) bio­mechanical stability after cyclic loading in vitro. Eight identically cemented glenoids per group were used. Group A underwent cement application only into the peg holes, group B received additional complete cement mantle application on the backside of the glenoid, and group C received the same treatment as group B but with additional standardized drill holes in the surface of the glenoid bone for extra cement interdigitation. All glenoids underwent cyclic edge loading by 105 cycles according to ASTM F2028-14. Before and after loading, cement mantle evaluation was performed by XtremeCT and biomechanical strength and loosening were evaluated by measuring the relative motion of the implants.

    Results: The cement mantle at the back of the implant was incomplete in group A as compared with groups B and C, in which the complete PE backside was covered with a homogeneous cement mantle. The cement mantle was thickest in group C, followed by group B (P = .006) and group A (P <.001). We did not detect any breakage of the cement mantle in any of the 3 groups after testing.

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    Publications 2022

    Reduced thrombogenicity of surface-treated Nitinol implants steered by altered protein adsorption

    K. Gegenschatz-Schmid, S. Buzzi, J. Grossmann, B. Roschitzki, R. Urbanet, R. Heuberger, D. Glück, A. Zucker, M. Ehrbar
    Acta Biomaterialia, 2022, 137, pp. 331-345

    Blood-contacting medical implants made of Nitinol and other titanium alloys, such as neurovascular flow diverters and peripheral stents, have the disadvantage of being highly thrombogenic. This makes the use of systemic (dual) anti-platelet/anticoagulant therapies inevitable with related risks of device thrombosis, bleeding and other complications. Meeting the urgent clinical demand for a less thrombogenic Nitinol surface, we describe here a simple treatment of standard, commercially available Nitinol that renders its surface ultra-hydrophilic and functionalized with phosphate ions. The efficacy of this treatment was assessed by comparing standard and surface-treated Nitinol disks and braids, equivalent to flow diverters. Static and dynamic (Chandler loop) blood incubation tests showed a drastic reduction of thrombus formation on treated devices. Surface chemistry and proteomic analysis indicated a key role of phosphate and calcium ions in steering blood protein adsorption and avoiding coagulation cascade activation and platelet adhesion. A good endothelialization of the surface confirmed the biocompatibility of the treated surface.

    Anomalous Wear Behavior of UHMWPE During Sliding Against CoCrMo Under Varying Cross-Shear and Contact Pressure

    M. J. Dreyer, W. R. Taylor, K. Wasmer, T. Imwinkelried, R. Heuberger, B. Weisse, R. Crockett
    Tribology Letters volume 70, 119 (2022)

    Wear of ultra-high-molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) in joint implant applications has been shown to increase with cross-shear (CS, i.e., multidirectional sliding) but decrease with higher contact pressure (CP). Moreover, structural changes, resulting in protrusions, are known to occur to the surface of the pin following multidirectional sliding. However, these phenomena are not yet fully understood. In this study, we simultaneously varied CP and CS to derive an empirical formula for the wear factor as a function of these parameters. The wear factor increased when going from unidirectional sliding to multidirectional sliding but decreased with increasing CP, as has been previously observed. Following these tests, the protrusions on the pin surface were chemically and mechanically characterized to gain insights into both their origin and influence on wear behavior. Micro-FT-IR confirmed that the structures consist of polyethylene, rather than adsorbed, denatured proteins. It also allowed the crystallinity of both the protrusions and unaffected UHMWPE to be estimated, showing a strong positive correlation with the hardness of these different areas on the surface. Time-of-flight secondary-ion mass spectrometry was used to probe the chemistry of the surface and near-surface region and indicated the presence of contamination from the test fluid within the structure. This suggests that the protrusions are formed by the folding of UHMWPE following plastic deformation. It is also suggested that the higher hardness of the protrusions affords some protection of the surface, leading to the observed anomalous behavior, whereby wear increases with decreasing CP.

    A free and open-source solution for Rietveld refinement of XRD data from the CheMin instrument onboard the Mars rover Curiosity

    N. Döbelin, R. Archer, V. Tu
    Elsevier, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 224, December 2022, 105596

    The Rietveld refinement software Profex is an open-source and platform-independent solution for the processing of powder X-ray diffraction datasets. It is based on the BGMN refinement kernel and uses a description of the diffractometer configuration to determine the instrument-related peak profile. In this article we present a Profex configuration file for the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) X-ray diffractometer (XRD), which is on-board the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity. For the past decade, Curiosity has been on a mission on Mars to find out whether the planet was once habitable for microbial life. The CheMin XRD determines the mineralogical phases and abundances of Martian soil and rocks in Gale Crater, Mars. Since its arrival on Mars in 2012, Curiosity has analyzed powdered soil and rock samples with the CheMin instrument and transmitting the raw XRD data acquired back to Earth.

    Adaptations of Profex to work seamlessly with CheMin XRD datasets involved creating a new configuration file for the CheMin instrument, as well as adding the Mars Mineral Compendium, a compilation of structural models specifically selected for the analysis of Mars sedimentary soil and rock samples, to Profex. Using example refinements, we demonstrate that this software solution is well suited for quantitative analysis of CheMin XRD datasets.

    Early failure of a highly cross-linked polyethylene inlay after total hip arthroplasty probably due to insufficient irradiation

    P. Wahl, C. Mossu-Haas, C. Dommann-Scherrer, K. Wei, L. Eschbach, P. Gehr, E. Benninger
    SAGE journals, October 25, 2022

    Highly cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) is a major advance in total hip arthroplasty (THA), as it suffers from less wear and thus is associated with lower revision rates than standard ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. Early failures are reported rarely, and associated with specific design or manufacturing issues. We report a case requiring early revision due to adverse reaction to polyethylene particles. Investigations identified insufficient irradiation as the most probable cause of failure. Here are reported the features of a clinical case with determination of the material properties of the retrieved XLPE liner and establishment of the appropriate calibration curves as reference. Periprosthetic joint infection could be ruled out with appropriate sampling as cause for the inflammatory periarticular tumour. Histology identified a massive macrophagic reaction to micrometric polyethylene particles. No component malposition was present, nor any third-body wear. The trans-vinylene index (TVI) indicated insufficient and potentially detrimental irradiation of the polyethylene, while gel content, crystallinity, melting temperature and oxidation index remained within expected ranges. Histologically proven failure of a XLPE THA liner was identifiable despite correct implantation of the components. The cause of failure most probably was an inadequate irradiation, as indicated by determination of the TVI. This case underscores the importance of histologic workup even in aseptic revisions, and of detailed analysis of retrievals. The calibration curves provided are essential for analysis of other retrievals.

    Effect of minor amounts of β-calcium pyrophosphate and hydroxy­apatite on the physico-chemical properties and osteoclastic resorption of β-tricalcium phosphate cylinders

    B. Le Gars Santoni, L. Niggli, S. Dolder, O. Loeffel, G.A. Sblendorio, R. Heuberger, Y. Maazouz, C. Stähli, N. Döbelin, P. Bowen, W. Hofstetter, M. Bohner
    Bioactive Materials, Volume 10, April 2022, Pages 222-235

    β-Tricalcium Phosphate (β-TCP), one of the most used bone graft substitutes, may contain up to 5 wt% foreign phase according to standards. Typical foreign phases include β-calcium pyrophosphate (β-CPP) and hydroxyapatite (HA). Currently, the effect of small amounts of impurities on β-TCP resorption is unknown. This is surprising since pyrophosphate is a very potent osteoclast inhibitor. The main aim of this study was to assess the effect of small β-CPP fractions (<1 wt%) on the in vitro osteoclastic resorption of β-TCP. A minor aim was to examine the effect of β-CPP and HA impurities on the physico-chemical properties of β-TCP powders and sintered cylinders. Twenty-six batches of β-TCP powder were produced with a Ca/P molar ratio varying between 1.440 and 1.550. Fifteen were further processed to obtain dense and polished β-TCP cylinders. Finally, six of them, with a Ca/P molar ratio varying between 1.496 (1 wt% β-CPP) and 1.502 (1 wt% HA), were incubated in the presence of osteoclasts. Resorption was quantified by white-light interferometry. Osteoclastic resorption was significantly inhibited by β-CPP fraction in a linear manner. The presence of 1% β-CPP reduced β-TCP resorption by 40%, which underlines the importance of controlling β-CPP content when assessing β-TCP biological performance.

    Evaluation of imaging setups for quantitative phase contrast nanoCT of mineralized biomaterials

    J.-P. Suuronen, B. Hesse, M. Langer, Marc Bohner, J. Villanova
    J. Synchrotron Rad. (2022). 29, 843-852

    X-ray nano-tomography with phase contrast (nanoCT) using synchrotron radiation is a powerful tool to non-destructively investigate 3D material properties at the nanoscale. In large bone lesions, such as severe bone fractures, bone cancer or other diseases, bone grafts substituting the lost bone might be necessary. Such grafts can be of biological origin or be composed of a synthetic bone substitute. The long-term functioning of artificial bone substitutes depends on many factors. Synchrotron nanoCT imaging has great potential to contribute to further the understanding of integration of implants into bone tissue by imaging the spatial interaction between bone tissue and implant, and by accessing the interface between implant material and bone tissue. With this aim, a methodology for evaluating the image quality is presented for in-line phase contrast nanoCT images of bone scaffold samples. A PMMA-embedded tricalcium phosphate scaffold was used with both a closed and an open porosity structure and bone ingrowths as a representative system of three known materials. Parameters such as spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio were extracted and used to explore and quantitatively compare the effects of implementation choices in the imaging setup, such as camera technology and imaging energy, on the resulting image quality. Increasing the X-ray energy from 17.5 keV to 29.6 keV leads to a notable improvement in image quality regardless of the camera technology used, with the two tested camera setups performing at a comparable level when the recorded intensity was kept constant.

    Sustained local ionic homeostatic imbalance caused by calcification modulates inflammation to trigger heterotopic ossification

    Marc Bohner, Yassine Maazouz, Maria-Pau Ginebra, Pamela Habibovic, Jonathan G. Schoenecker, Howard Seeherman, Jeroen J.J.P. van den Beucken, Frank Witte
    Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 145, 2022, Pages 1-24

    Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a condition triggered by an injury leading to the formation of mature lamellar bone in extraskeletal soft tissues. Despite being a frequent complication of orthopedic and trauma surgery, brain and spinal injury, the etiology of HO is poorly understood. The aim of this study is to evaluate the hypothesis that a sustained local ionic homeostatic imbalance (SLIHI) created by mineral formation during tissue calcification modulates inflammation to trigger HO. This evaluation also considers the role SLIHI could play for the design of cell-free, drug-free osteoinductive bone graft substitutes. The evaluation contains five main sections. The first section defines relevant concepts in the context of HO and provides a summary of proposed causes of HO. The second section starts with a detailed analysis of the occurrence and involvement of calcification in HO. It is followed by an explanation of the causes of calcification and its consequences. This allows to speculate on the potential chemical modulators of inflammation and triggers of HO. The end of this second section is devoted to in vitro mineralization tests used to predict the ectopic potential of materials. The third section reviews the biological cascade of events occurring during pathological and material-induced HO, and attempts to propose a quantitative timeline of HO formation. The fourth section looks at potential ways to control HO formation, either acting on SLIHI or on inflammation. Chemical, physical, and drug-based approaches are considered. Finally, the evaluation finishes with a critical assessment of the definition of osteoinduction.

    A human bone infection organ model for biomaterial research

    Theodor Kuehling, Pia Schilling, Anke Bernstein, Hermann O. Mayr, Annerose Serr, Annette Wittmer, Marc Bohner, Michael Seidenstuecker
    Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 144, May 2022, Pages 230-241

    The aim of this work was to establish an organ model for staphylococcal infection of human bone samples and to investigate the influence and efficacy of a microporous β-tricalcium phosphate ceramic (β-TCP, RMS Foundation) loaded with hydrogels (alginate, alginate-di-aldehyde (ADA)-gelatin) and clindamycin on infected human bone tissue over a period of 28 days. For this purpose, human tibia plateaus, collected during total knee replacement surgery, were used as a source of bone material. Samples were infected with S. aureus ATCC29213 and treated with differently loaded β-TCP composites (alginate +/- clindamycin, ADA-gelatin +/- clindamycin, unloaded). The loading of the composites was carried out by means of a flow chamber. The infection was observed for 28 days, quantifying bacteria in the medium and the osseus material on day 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28. All samples were histologically processed for bone vitality evaluation. Bone infection could be consistently performed within the organ model. In addition, a strong reduction in bacterial counts was recorded in the groups treated with ADA-gelatin + clindamycin and alginate + clindamycin, while the bacterial count in the control groups remained constant. No significant differences between groups could be observed in the number of lacunae filled with osteocytes suggesting no differences in bone vitality among groups. In an ex-vivo human bone infection model, over a period of 28 days bacterial growth could be reduced by treatment with ADA-Gel + CLI and ALG + CLI -releasing β-TCP composites. This could be relevant for its clinical use. Further work will be necessary to improve the loading of β-TCP and the bone infection organ model itself.

    Bone-on-a-Chip: A Microscale 3D Biomimetic Model to Study Bone Regeneration

    Víctor Pablo Galván-Chacón, Athanasia Zampouka, Bernhard Hesse, Marc Bohner, Pamela Habibovic, David Barata
    Adv. Eng. Mater. 2022, 2101467

    Organ-on-chip models, developed using microengineering and microfluidic technologies, aim to recreate physiological-like microenvironments of organs or tissues as a tool to study (patho)physiological processes in vitro. On-chip models of bone are relevant for the study of bone physiology, diseases and regenerative processes. While a few bone-on-a-chip models exist, recapitulating the cellular components of bone, these models do not incorporate the chemical and structural characteristics of bone tissue. Herein, the development of a bone-on-a-chip platform is reported that comprises a 3D structural model of bone. To build the platform, first, a 3D model of bone is produced in a polymer using two-photon polymerization (2PP) from a 3D nano-computed tomography scan of trabecular bone. This 3D model is then coated with a layer of bone mineral-like calcium phosphate. Finally, the 3D bone model is integrated inside a microfluidic device suitable for cell culture. Human mesenchymal stromal cells, cultured inside the platform for up to 21 days, show high viability and extensive production of extracellular matrix, rich in collagen. This biomimetic bone-on-a-chip platform can contribute to a better understanding of the processes related to bone formation and remodeling, which in turn can be used for the development of bone regeneration strategies.

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    Publications 2021

    Cell-free, quantitative mineralization measurements as a proxy to identify osteoinductive bone graft substitutes

    Yassine Maazouz, Giacomo Chizzola, Nicola Döbelin, Marc Bohner
    Biomaterials, Volume 275, August 2021, 120912

    Titanium as the leading implant material in locked plating is challenged by polymers such as carbon fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone (CFR-PEEK), which became the focus of interest of researchers and manufacturers in recent years. However, data on human tissue response to these new implant materials are rare.

    Osteosynthesis plates and peri–implant soft tissue samples of 16 healed proximal humerus fractures were examined ( n = 8 CFR-PEEK, n = 8 titanium). Soft tissue was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and μCT. The entrapped foreign bodies were further examined for their material composition by FTIR. To gain insight into their origin and formation mechanism, explanted and new plates were evaluated by SEM, EDX, profilometry and HR-CT.

    In the peri–implant soft tissue of the CFR-PEEK plates, an inflammatory tissue reaction was detected. Tissues contained foreign bodies, which could be identified as tantalum wires, carbon fiber fragments and PEEK particles. Titanium particles were also found in the peri–implant soft tissue of the titanium plates but showed a less intense surrounding tissue inflammation in immunohistochemistry. The surface of explanted CFR-PEEK plates was rougher and showed exposed and broken carbon fibers as well as pro- truding and deformed tantalum wires, especially in used screw holes, whereas scratches were identified on the titanium plate surfaces.

    Particles were present in the peri–implant soft tissue neighboring both implant materials and could be clearly assigned to the plate material. Particles from both plate materials caused detectable tissue inflammation, with more inflammatory cells found in soft tissue over CFR-PEEK plates than over titanium plates.

    Chemically pure β-tricalcium phosphate powders: Evidence of two crystal structures

    B. Le Gars Santoni, L. Niggli, G.A. Sblendorio, D.T.L. Alexander, C. Stähli, P. Bowen, N. Döbelin, M. Bohner
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 41, Issue 2, February 2021, Pages 1683-1694

    The question whether β‐tricalcium phosphate (β‐TCP) can form a solid solution with β-calcium pyrophosphate (β-CPP) and/or hydroxyapatite (HA) has still not been solved. For this reason, wet-chemically synthesized β-TCP powders with only 20 ppm Sr (among 43 tested elements) and with different HA and β-CPP contents, or in other words Ca/P molar ratios, were used. The graphical relationship between these various Ca/P molar ratios determined by X-ray diffraction and by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry showed no discontinuity, indicating the absence of a solid solution between β‐TCP and β-CPP or HA. Analysis of the β‐TCP lattice parameters as a function of the Ca/P molar ratio revealed a discontinuity at a Ca/P molar ratio of 1.500 and a maximum microstrain. These results indicated that at least two β‐TCP structures co-existed, with variable mixing ratios depending on the Ca/P molar ratio, and with a distinct jump at a Ca/P molar ratio of 1.500.

    Thermal treatment at 500 °C significantly reduces the reaction to irregular tricalcium phosphate granules as foreign bodies: An in vivo study

    Sarah Al-Maawi, Mike Barbeck, Carlos Herrera-Vizcaínoa, Rainer Egli, Robert Sadera, Charles James Kirkpatrick , Marc Bohner, Shahram Ghanaati
    Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 121, February 2021, Pages 621-636

    Evaporation of phosphate species during thermal treatment (> 400 °C) of calcium phosphates leads to the formation of an alkaline layer on their surface. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hypothesis that the biological response of thermally treated calcium phosphates is modified by the presence of such an alkaline layer on their surface. For this purpose, 0.125–0.180 mm α- and β-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) granules were obtained by crushing and size classification, with some being subjected to thermal treatment at 500 °C. The four types of granules (α-TCP, β-TCP, α-TCP-500 °C, and β-TCP-500 °C) were implanted subcutaneously and orthotopically in rats. Sham operations served as control.

    Subcutaneously, α-TCP and β-TCP induced significantly more multinucleated giant cells (MNGCs) than calcined granules. Most of the induced MNGCs were TRAP-negative, CD-68 positive and cathepsin K-negative, reflecting a typical indication of a reaction with a foreign body. The vessel density was significantly higher in the α-TCP and β-TCP groups than it was in the α-TCP-500 °C and β-TCP-500 °C groups. In the femur model, β-TCP-500 °C induced significantly more new bone formation than that induced by β-TCP. The granule size was also significantly larger in the β-TCP-500 °C group, making it more resistant to degradation than β-TCP. The MNGC density was higher in the α-TCP and β-TCP groups than in the α-TCP-500 °C and β-TCP-500 °C groups, including cathepsin-positive, CD-68 positive, TRAP-positive and TRAP-negative MNGCs.

    In conclusion, this study confirms that the biological response of calcium phosphates was affected by the presence of an alkaline layer on their surface. Thermally-treated α-TCP and β-TCP granules produced significantly fewer MNGCs and were significantly less degraded than non-thermally-treated α-TCP and β-TCP granules. Thermally treating α-TCP and β-TCP granules shifts the reaction from a foreign body reaction towards a physiological reaction by downregulating the number of induced MNGCs and enhancing degradation resistance.

    PEEK as a replacement for CoCrMo in knee prostheses: Pin-on-disc wear test of PEEK-on-polyethylene articulations

    Roman Heuberger, Christina Stöck, Jeannine Sahin, Lukas Eschbach
    Biotribology, Volume 27, September 2021

    The feasibility to use poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) instead of CoCrMo for femoral condyles of knee prostheses was investigated in this pin-on-disc study. This replacement would hinder the release of the toxic elements Co, Cr and Mo and this possibly at lower production costs. In this preliminary pin-on-disc study, the wear of the pairings PEEK vs. ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and PEEK vs. vitamin E containing crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) was investigated in unidirectional and multidirectional wear tests.

    The articulating surfaces of the pins and discs were polished after the wear tests, while most of the initial toolmarks were removed. In addition, there were small scratches on the surfaces. Striations and protuberances were found on some of the UHMWPE samples.

    All wear factors were relatively small with less than 1 × 10−6 mm3/Nm. Due to the low wear, the resulting weight loss was highly affected by the soaking of the samples. This was especially the case for the discs due to their larger surface. Thus, the wear of the discs was not used for the comparisons. The wear factors for PEEK pins and XLPE pins were in the range of (0.05 to 0.06) × 10−6 mm3/Nm, both for unidirectional and multidirectional motion. The wear of the UHMWPE pins was with (0.07 ± 0.01) × 10−6 mm3/Nm slightly higher under unidirectional motion and with (0.28 ± 0.03) × 10−6 mm3/Nm four times higher under multidirectional motion.

    Thus, PEEK should be considered as an alternative to the CoCrMo alloy in knee prostheses, especially when used in combination with XLPE liners.

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    Publications 2020

    A Novel Bioreactor System Capable of Simulating the In Vivo Conditions of Synovial Joints

    Adel Tekari, Veit Schmid, Joern Justiz, Reto Luginbuehl
    Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, Vol. 26, 16 Dec 2020

    Any significant in vitro evaluation of cartilage tissue engineering and cartilage repair strategies has to be performed under the harsh conditions encountered in vivo within synovial joints. To this end, we have developed a novel automated physiological robot reactor system (PRRS) that is capable of recapitulating complex physiological motions and load patterns within an environment similar to that found in the human knee. The PRRS consists of a mechanical stimulation unit (MSU) and an automatic sample changer (ASC) within an environment control box in which the humidity, temperature, and gas composition are tightly regulated. The MSU has three linear (orthogonal) axes and one rotational degree of freedom (around the z-axis). The ASC provides space for up to 24 samples, which can be allocated to individual stimulation patterns. Cell-seeded scaffolds and ex vivo tissue culture systems were established to demonstrate the applicability of the PRRS to the investigation of the effect of load and environmental conditions on engineering and maintenance of articular cartilage in vitro. The bioreactor is a flexible system that has the potential to be applied for culturing connective tissues other than cartilage, such as bone and intervertebral disc tissue, even though the mechanical and environmental parameters are very different.

    Explicit finite element analysis can predict the mechanical response of conical implant press-fit in homogenized trabecular bone

    Marzieh Ovesy, Marcel Aeschlimann, Philippe K. Zysset
    Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 107, 23 June 2020

    Prediction of primary stability is a major challenge in the surgical planning of dental and orthopedic implants. Computational methods become attractive to estimate primary stability from clinical CT images, but implicit finite element analysis of implant press-fit faces convergence issues due to contact and highly distorted elements. This study aims to develop and validate an explicit finite element method to simulate the insertion and primary stability of a rigid implant in a deformable bone while accounting for damage occurring at the bone-implant interface. Accordingly, a press-fit experiment of a conical implant into predrilled bovine trabecular bone was designed and realized for six samples. A displacement-driven cyclic protocol was used to quantify the reaction force and stiffness of the bone-implant system. Homogenized finite element analyses of the experiments were performed by modeling contact with friction and converting an existing constitutive model with elasto-plasticity and damage of bone tissue to be applicable to an explicit time integration scheme where highly distorted elements get deleted. The computed reaction forces and unloading stiffnesses showed high correlations (R2 = 0.95 and R2 = 0.94) with the experiment. Friction between bone and implant exhibited a strong influence on both reaction force and stiffness. In conclusion, the developed explicit finite element approach with frictional contact and element deletion accounts properly for bone damage during press-fit and will help optimizing dental or orthopedic implant design towards maximal primary stability.

    Bone grafts and bone replacement material

    Marc Bohner, Berton Rahn
    Advanced Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Chapter 1.3, Thieme, ISBN 9783132428393

    No abstract available.

    Validation of XRD phase quantification using semi-synthetic data

    Nicola Döbelin
    Powder Diffraction. 2020; 35(4): 262-275

    Validating phase quantification procedures of powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data for an implementation in an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited environment has been challenging due to a general lack of suitable certified reference materials. The preparation of highly pure and crystalline reference materials and mixtures thereof may exceed the costs for a profitable and justifiable implementation. This study presents a method for the validation of XRD phase quantifications based on semi-synthetic datasets that reduces the effort for a full method validation drastically. Datasets of nearly pure reference substances are stripped of impurity signals and rescaled to 100% crystallinity, thus eliminating the need for the preparation of ultra-pure and -crystalline materials. The processed datasets are then combined numerically while preserving all sample- and instrument-characteristic features of the peak profile, thereby creating multi-phase diffraction patterns of precisely known composition. The number of compositions and repetitions is only limited by computational power and storage capacity. These datasets can be used as input files for the phase quantification procedure, in which statistical validation parameters such as precision, accuracy, linearity, and limits of detection and quantification can be determined from a statistically sound number of datasets and compositions.

    β-tricalcium phosphate for bone substitution: Synthesis and properties

    Marc Bohner, Bastien Le Gars Santoni, Nicola Döbelin
    Acta Biomaterialia, 19 June 2020

    β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) is one the most used and potent synthetic bone graft substitute. It is not only osteoconductive, but also osteoinductive. These properties, combined with its cell-mediated resorption, allow full bone defects regeneration. Its clinical outcome is sometimes considered to be “unpredictable”, possibly due to a poor understanding of β-TCP physico-chemical properties: β-TCP crystallographic structure is not fully uncovered; recent results suggest that sintered β-TCP is coated with a Ca-rich alkaline phase; β-TCP apatite-forming ability and osteoinductivity may be enhanced by a hydrothermal treatment; β-TCP grain size and porosity are strongly modified by the presence of minute amounts of β-calcium pyrophosphate or hydroxyapatite impurities. The aim of the present article is to provide a critical, but still rather comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge on β-TCP, with a strong focus on its synthesis and physico-chemical properties, and their link to the in vivo response.

    Statement of significance
    The present review documents the richness, breadth, and interest of the research devoted to β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). β-TCP is synthetic, osteoconductive, osteoinductive, and its resorption is cell-mediated, thus making it one of the most potent bone graft substitutes. This comprehensive review reveals that there are a number of aspects, such as surface chemistry, crystallography, or stoichiometry deviations, that are still poorly understood. As such, β-TCP is still an exciting scientific playground despite a 50 year long history and > 200 yearly publications.

    A thermodynamic approach to surface modification of calcium phosphate implants by phosphate evaporation and condensation

    Nicola Döbelin, Yassine Maazouz, Roman Heuberger, Marc Bohner, Ashley A. Armstrong, Amy J. Wagoner Johnson, Christoph Wanner
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40 (2020) 6095-6106

    It has been reported in the literature that thermal treatment of calcium phosphate ceramics chemically alters the surface composition by phosphate evaporation. To predict the compositional changes, we have developed a thermodynamic model for the evaporation of phosphorous species from CPP, TCP, HA, and TetCP. In an open atmosphere, the model predicts the formation of a surface layer consisting of a sequence of increasingly phosphate-depleted phases. In a closed system, the atmosphere reaches equilibrium with a single-phase surface layer. To verify our model, we performed a series of experiments which confirmed the predicted formation of phosphate-depleted surface layers. These experiments further demonstrated that controlled supersaturation of the atmosphere led to formation of a phosphate-enriched surface layer as a result of phosphate condensation. In conclusion, our thermodynamic model is capable of predicting the surface modification by phosphate evaporation and condensation of calcium phosphate phases during high-temperature processing in different environments.

    Shear resistance and composition of polyethylene protuberances from hip-simulating pin-on-disc wear tests

    Roman Heuberger, Emely Lea Bortel, Jorge Sague, Pablo Escuder, Jiri Nohava
    Biotribology Vol. 23, September 2020, 100139

    Protuberances on the surface of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) pins were chemically and mechanically investigated in order to better understand the tribology of UHMWPE vs. CoCrMo, which is a typical material pairing for joint replacements.

    Pin-on-disc wear tests were performed using pins made of UHMWPE articulating against discs made of a CoCrMo alloy. Wear tests were performed using two different test fluids: a standard test liquid used for hip-simulator tests and a synthetic synovial fluid containing hyaluronic acid, albumin, immunoglobulin G, the phospholipid lecithin and additionally sodium azide to fight bacterial growth.

    After the wear tests, the pin surfaces exhibited scratches as well as protuberances with a pitting-like appearance. These protuberances, i.e. elevations protruding from the articulating surface, were 6 ± 3 μm high on the pins lubricated with the standard test liquid and 20 ± 5 μm high under the lubrication with the synthetic synovial fluid. Investigating the protuberances using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that these were composed mainly of UHMWPE, together with amine groups from proteins. To our knowledge, the mechanical properties and namely shear resistance of these protuberances were investigated the first time. The hardness and the elastic modulus of the protuberances were similar to the bulk material, as revealed by nanoindentation. The shear resistance of the protuberances as measured by a nanoscratch test method was comparable or even higher than that of the bulk material.

    Grafting of calcium chelating functionalities onto PLA monofilament fiber surfaces

    Elias Mulky, Giuseppino Fortunato, Dirk Hegemann, Jorge Sague, Roman Heuberger, Martin Frenz
    Biointerphases 15, 011006 (2020)

    Polymer surface grafting is widely used in the field of bone regeneration to increase calcium phosphate (CaP) adhesion, with the intent of improving mechanical properties of CaP-polymer composite cements. Reinforcement can be achieved using multiple combined functional groups and/or complex surface geometries that, however, concurrently influence multiple effects such as wetting, roughness, and interfacial strengthening. This study focused on the influence of a chelating group, namely aspartic acid, on the adsorption of divalent ions such as Ba2+ or Ca2+ onto poly-l-lactic acid (PLA) films. The films were analyzed using contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The adsorption of CaP and its interfacial mechanical properties were investigated using functionalized PLA monofilaments whose surface roughness was analyzed using white light interferometry. Mechanical analysis was conducted by performing pull-out tests. The surfaces were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Using aspartic acid as a chelating group resulted in a 50 % increased adsorption of barium, an almost threefold increase in calcium coverage of the fiber compared to the control group and a twofold increase in interfacial stiffness. No significant increase in interfacial strength was determined, most likely due to the weakness of the CaP matrix, which was partially visible as residues on the monofilaments in the postfracture imaging. This study shows the potential of surfaces functionalized with aspartic acid as a simple alternative to complex polypeptide based functional groups for the adsorption of divalent ions such as calcium on poly-lactic acid in bone regenerating applications.

    In vitro measurement of the chemical changes occurring within β-tricalcium phosphate bone graft substitutes

    Y. Maazouz, I. Rentsch, B. Lu, B. Le Gars Santoni, N. Döbelin, M. Bohner
    Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 102, 15 January 2020, Pages 440-457

    Several mechanisms proposed to explain the osteoinductive potential of calcium phosphates involve surface min­er­al­i­zation (“bioactivity”) and mention the occurrence of con­cen­tration gradients between the inner and the outer part of the implanted material. Determining the evolution of the local chemical environment occurring inside the pores of an implanted bone graft substitute (BGS) is therefore highly relevant. A quantitative and fast method was developed to measure the chemical changes occurring within the pores of β-Tricalcium Phosphate (β-TCP) granules incubated in a simulated body fluid. A factorial design of experiment was used to test the effect of particle size, specific surface area, microporosity, and purity of the β-TCP granules. Large pH, calcium and phosphate con­cen­tration changes were observed inside the BGS and lasted for several days. The kinetics and magnitude of these changes (up to 2 pH units) largely depended on the processing and properties of the granules. Interestingly, processing parameters that increased the kinetics and magnitude of the local chemical changes are parameters considered to favor calcium phosphate osteoinduction, suggesting that the model might be useful to predict the osteoinductive potential of BGSs.

    Statement of significance

    Recent results suggest that in situ mineralization of biomaterials (polymers, ceramics, metals) might be key in their ability to trigger ectopic bone formation. This is the reason why the effect on in situ mineralization of various synthesis parameters of β-tricalcium phosphate granules was studied (size, microporosity, specific surface area, and Ca/P molar ratio). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first article devoted to the chemical changes occurring within the pores of a bone graft substitute. We believe that the manuscript will prove to be highly important in the design and mechanistic understanding of drug-free osteoinductive biomaterials.

    The influence of sterilization on octacalcium phosphate for clinical applications

    Kieran A. Murray , Nicola Döbelin, Ahmad B. Albadarin, Jarosław Sadło, Guang Ren, Maurice N. Collins, Cathriona O’Neill
    Chapter 4 of Octacalcium Phosphate Biomaterials, Woodhead Publishing, 2020, Pages 55-84, ISBN 9780081025116

    Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) is regarded as an in vivo precursor of hydroxyapatite (HAp) with similar crystalline structures. It is important to understand the mechanism of transformation of OCP to HAp in order to reveal the mechanism of mineralization and help in the development of artificial bone-repairing materials. For orthopedic use, it is of vital importance that the key attributes of OCP are not compromised by radiation sterilization. Therefore the aim of this study is to determine the influence of gamma sterilization and various environmental conditions on the physiochemical characteristics of OCP. Electron spin resonance confirmed the presence of entrapped free radicals in the structural lattice of the OCP following irradiation. The inclusion of a 24h annealing step following sterilization successfully reduced the number of free radicals generated during the process. Furthermore, this technique established that the degree of radiation–induced free radicals that reduced significantly over time following 1 year of accelerating aging. Other interesting findings included the results for X-ray diffraction, whereby it was established that selected samples had significant transformation from OCP to HAp. For example, the wt.% of OCP was reduced from 71 to 57, while the HAp content increased from 29 to 43. However, it was apparent from the results that the transformation occurred without any change in overall chemistry, that is, change in molar Ca:P ratio. This suggests that the overall conversion was related to a gradual shift of the Ca deficiency in the HAp phase. Overall, this study determined that although free radicals were detected in the OCP material following sterilization, this had no significant impact on the stability and performance of the material over time. Lastly, by exposing the OCP material to accelerated aging at 55°C and 60% relative humidity, this promoted the transformation rate of OCP to HAp.

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    Publications 2019

    A BMP/activin A chimera is superior to native BMPs and induces bone repair in nonhuman primates when delivered in a composite matrix

    H. J. Seeherman, S. P. Berasi, C. T. Brown, R. X. Martinez, S. Z. Juo, S. Jelinsky, M. Cain, J. Grode, K. E. Tumelty, M. Bohner, O. Grinberg, N. Orr, O. Shoseyov, J. Eyckmans, C. Chen, P. R. Morales, C. G. Wilson, E. Vanderploeg, J. M. Wozney
    Sci Transl Med. 2019 Apr 24;11(489)

    Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)/carriers approved for orthopedic procedures achieve efficacy superior or equivalent to autograft bone. However, required supraphysiological BMP concentrations have been associated with potential local and systemic adverse events. Suboptimal BMP/receptor binding and rapid BMP release from approved carriers may contribute to these outcomes. To address these issues and improve efficacy, we engineered chimeras with increased receptor binding by substituting BMP-6 and activin A receptor binding domains into BMP-2 and optimized a carrier for chimera retention and tissue ingrowth. BV-265, a BMP-2/BMP-6/activin A chimera, demonstrated increased binding affinity to BMP receptors, including activin-like kinase-2 (ALK2) critical for bone formation in people. BV-265 increased BMP intracellular signaling, osteogenic activity, and expression of bone-related genes in murine and human cells to a greater extent than BMP-2 and was not inhibited by BMP antagonist noggin or gremlin. BV-265 induced larger ectopic bone nodules in rats compared to BMP-2 and was superior to BMP-2, BMP-2/6, and other chimeras in nonhuman primate bone repair models. A composite matrix (CM) containing calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite granules suspended in a macroporous, fenestrated, polymer mesh-reinforced recombinant human type I collagen matrix demonstrated improved BV-265 retention, minimal inflammation, and enhanced handling. BV-265/CM was efficacious in nonhuman primate bone repair models at concentrations ranging from 1/10 to 1/30 of the BMP-2/absorbable collagen sponge (ACS) concentration approved for clinical use. Initial toxicology studies were negative. These results support evaluations of BV-265/CM as an alternative to BMP-2/ACS in clinical trials for orthopedic conditions requiring augmented healing.

    Effect of grain orientation and magnesium doping on β-tricalcium phosphate resorption behavior

    M. Gallo, B. Le Gars Santoni, Th. Douillard, F. Zhang, L. Gremillard, S. Dolder, W. Hofstetter, S. Meille, M. Bohner, J. Chevalier, S. Tadier
    Acta Biomaterialia 2019;89:391-402

    The efficiency of calcium phosphate (CaP) bone substitutes can be improved by tuning their resorption rate. The influence of both crystal orientation and ion doping on resorption is here investigated for beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). Non-doped and Mg-doped (1 and 6 mol%) sintered β-TCP samples were immersed in acidic solution (pH 4.4) to mimic the environmental conditions found underneath active osteoclasts. The surfaces of β-TCP samples were observed after acid-etching and compared to surfaces after osteoclastic resorption assays. β-TCP grains exhibited similar patterns with characteristic intra-crystalline pillars after acid-etching and after cell-mediated resorption. Electron BackScatter Diffraction analyses, coupled with Scanning Electron Microscopy, Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry and X-Ray Diffraction, demonstrated the influence of both grain orientation and doping on the process and kinetics of resorption. Grains with c-axis nearly perpendicular to the surface were preferentially etched in non-doped β-TCP samples, whereas all grains with simple axis (ab or c) nearly normal to the surface were etched in 6  mol% Mg-doped samples. In addition, both the dissolution rate and the percentage of etched surface were lower in Mg-doped specimens. Finally, the alignment direction of the intra-crystalline pillars was correlated with the preferential direction for dissolution.

    A proposed mechanism for material-induced heterotopic ossification

    M. Bohner, R. J. Miron
    Materials Today: Volume 22, January - February 2019, Pages 132-141

    Repairing large bone defects caused by severe trauma or tumor resection remains one of the major challenges in orthopedics and maxillofacial surgery. A promising therapeutic approach is the use of osteoinductive materials, i.e. materials able to drive mesenchymal stem cells into the osteogenic lineage. Even though the mechanism of this so-called intrinsic osteoinduction or material-induced heterotopic ossification has been studied for decades, the process behind it remains unknown, thus preventing any design of highly potent osteoinductive materials. We propose and demonstrate for the first time that intrinsic osteoinduction is the result of calcium and/or phosphate depletion, thus explaining why not only the material (surface) composition but also the material volume and architecture (e.g. porosity, pore size) play a decisive role in this process.

    Influence of UV Irradiation and Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma on Zirconia Surfaces: An In Vitro Study

    R. Smeets, A. Henningsen, R. Heuberger, O. Hanisch, F. Schwarz, C. Precht
    The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 34(2), 329-336

    Purpose: To compare the influence of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) treatment on surface structure, surface chemistry, cytocompatibility, and cell behavior on zirconia in vitro. Materials and methods: Zirconia samples (TZ-3YSBE) were treated by UV irradiation, oxygen plasma, or argon plasma for 12 minutes each and compared with the nontreated samples. Surface analysis was conducted using scanning electron microscopy, roughness analysis, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Cell proliferation, viability, and cell attachment as well as cytotoxicity were evaluated using MC3T3-E1 murine osteoblasts cultivated directly on the zirconia samples. Results: Surface structure and roughness were not affected by the surface treatments. CAP and UV irradiation significantly reduced organic material and increased the surface oxidation on the zirconia samples. Furthermore, CAP and UV treatment significantly decreased the contact angle on the zirconia samples, indicating superhydrophilicity. Cell attachment was significantly increased on oxygen plasma-treated zirconia samples compared with the nontreated samples at all times (P < .001). After 24 and 48 hours, cell proliferation and viability (P < .001) were significantly increased on oxygen plasma-treated samples in comparison with the nontreated, UV-treated, and argon plasma-treated samples. Neither UV nor CAP treatment led to cytotoxicity. Conclusion: In vitro, surface treatment by UV irradiation or CAP causes a significant reduction of organic material, increases the hydrophilicity of zirconia, and improves the conditions for osteoblasts. Results stipulate that treatment of zirconia surfaces with oxygen plasma may favor cell proliferation.

    Bone Substitute Materials

    M. Bohner
    Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, Elsevier, 2019, Pages 513-529, ISBN 9780128051443

    Repairing bone defects is a fairly common surgical procedure. Generally, the patient’s own bone is used for repair. However, since complications and costs are high, alternatives have been looked for: allografts, xenografts, or synthetic materials. The present article is devoted to these so-called bone substitute materials, with an emphasis on four aspects: (1) the various materials used for bone substitution, (2) the various formulations that are commercially available (granules, blocks, pastes, cements, membranes), (3) the special architectures used for such materials, and finally (4) the main resorption mechanisms of bone substitutes.

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    Publications 2018

    In vitro methods for the evaluation of antimicrobial surface designs

    J. Sjollema, S. A. J. Zaat, V. Fontaine, M. Ramstedt, R. Luginbuehl, K. Thevissen, J.Li, H. C. van der Mei, H. J. Busscher
    Acta Biomaterialia Volume 70, 1. April 2018, Pages 12-24

    Bacterial adhesion and subsequent biofilm formation on biomedical implants and devices are a major cause of their failure. As systemic antibiotic treatment is often ineffective, there is an urgent need for antimicrobial biomaterials and coatings. The term “antimicrobial” can encompass different mechanisms of action (here termed “antimicrobial surface designs”), such as antimicrobial-releasing, contact-killing or non-adhesivity. Biomaterials equipped with antimicrobial surface designs based on different mechanisms of action require different in vitro evaluation methods. Available industrial standard evaluation tests do not address the specific mechanisms of different antimicrobial surface designs and have therefore been modified over the past years, adding to the myriad of methods available in the literature to evaluate antimicrobial surface designs. The aim of this review is to categorize fourteen presently available methods including industrial standard tests for the in vitro evaluation of antimicrobial surface designs according to their suitability with respect to their antimicrobial mechanism of action. There is no single method or industrial test that allows to distinguish antimicrobial designs according to all three mechanisms identified here. However, critical consideration of each method clearly relates the different methods to a specific mechanism of antimicrobial action. It is anticipated that use of the provided table with the fourteen methods will avoid the use of wrong methods for evaluating new antimicrobial designs and therewith facilitate translation of novel antimicrobial biomaterials and coatings to clinical use. The need for more and better updated industrial standard tests is emphasized.

    Fracture Healing and Bone Remodeling With Human Standard-Sized Magnesium Versus Polylactide-Co-Glycolide Plate and Screw Systems Using a Mini-Swine Craniomaxillofacial Osteotomy Fixation Model

    B. Schaller, J. P. M. Burkhard, M. Chagnon, S. Beck, T. Imwinkelried, M. Assad
    J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 Oct;76(10):2138-2150

    PURPOSE: This study compared the degradation profile, safety, and efficacy of bioresorbable magnesium alloy and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) polymer osteosynthesis systems for the treatment of fractures in a load-sharing maxillofacial environment using a new mini-swine fracture fixation model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two types of clinically relevant situations were evaluated in 5 Yucatan miniature pigs. Defined porcine midface osteotomies of the supraorbital rim and zygoma were created and fixed with either a coated magnesium (test animals) or PLGA plate and screw osteosynthesis system (control animals). After surgery, the mini-pigs were able to recover for either 1 or 9 months with continuous in vivo post-implantation monitoring. Standardized computed tomography (CT) imaging was taken immediately postoperatively and at termination for all animals. The 9-month cohort also underwent CT at 2, 4, and 6 months after surgery. At necropsy, osteotomy sites and bone-implant units were harvested, and healing was evaluated by micro-CT, histopathology, and histomorphometry. RESULTS: After clinical and radiologic follow-up examination, all fracture sites healed well for both the magnesium and polymer groups regardless of time point. Complete bone union and gradually disappearing osteotomy lines were observed across all implantation sites, with no major consistency change in periprosthetic soft tissue or in soft tissue calcification. Macroscopic and microscopic examination showed no negative influence of gas formation observed with magnesium during the healing process. Histopathologic analysis showed similar fracture healing outcomes for both plating systems with good biocompatibility as evidenced by a minimal or mild tissue reaction. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms that WE43 magnesium alloy exhibited excellent fracture healing properties before its full degradation without causing any substantial inflammatory reactions in a long-term porcine model. Compared with PLGA implants, magnesium represents a promising new biomaterial with reduced implant sizes and improved mechanical properties to support fracture healing in a load-sharing environment.

    In vitro response of mesenchymal stem cells to biomimetic hydroxy­apatite substrates: A new strategy to assess the effect of ion exchange

    J. M. Sadowska, J. Guillem-Marti, M. Espanol, C. Stähli, N. Döbelin, M. -P. Ginebra
    Acta Biomaterialia Volume 76, August 2018, Pages 319-332

    Biomaterials can interact with cells directly, that is, by direct contact of the cells with the material surface, or indirectly, through soluble species that can be released to or uptaken from the surrounding fluids. However, it is difficult to characterise the relevance of this fluid-mediated interaction separately from the topography and composition of the substrate, because they are coupled variables. These fluid-mediated interactions are amplified in the case of highly reactive calcium phosphates (CaPs) such as biomimetic calcium deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA), particularly in static in vitro cultures. The present work proposes a strategy to decouple the effect of ion exchange from topographical features by adjusting the volume ratio between the cell culture medium and biomaterial (VCM/VB). Increasing this ratio allowed mitigating the drastic ionic exchanges associated to the compositional changes experienced by the material exposed to the cell culture medium. This strategy was validated using rat mesenchymal stem cells (rMSCs) cultured on CDHA and beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) discs using different VCM/VB ratios. Whereas in the case of β-TCP the cell response was not affected by this ratio, a significant effect on cell adhesion and proliferation was found for the more reactive CDHA. The ionic exchange, produced by CDHA at low VCM/VB, altered cell adhesion due to the reduced number of focal adhesions, caused cell shrinkage and further rMCSs apoptosis. This was mitigated when using a high VCM/VB, which attenuated the changes of calcium and phosphate concentrations in the cell culture medium, resulting in rMSCs spreading and a viability over time. Moreover, rMSCs showed an earlier expression of osteogenic genes on CDHA compared to sintered β-TCP when extracellular calcium fluctuations were reduced.

    Statement of Significance

    Fluid mediated interactions play a significant role in the bioactivity of calcium phosphates. Ionic exchange is amplified in the case of biomimetic hydroxyapatite, which makes the in vitro characterisation of cell-material interactions especially challenging. The present work proposes a novel and simple strategy to explore the mechanisms of interaction of biomimetic and sintered calcium phosphates with mesenchymal stem cells. The effects of topography and ion exchange are analysed separately by modifying the volume ratio between cell culture medium and biomaterial. High ionic fluctuations interfered in the maturation of focal adhesions, hampering cell adhesion and leading to increased apoptosis and reduced proliferation rate.

    Reversible photodoping of TiO2 nanoparticles for photochromic applications

    U. Joost, A. Sutka, M. Oja, K. Smits, N. Döbelin, A. Loot, M. Järvekülg, M. Hirsimäki, M. Valden, E. Nõmmiste
    Chem. Mater. 30, pp. 8968-74, 2018

    Observations on the strong photochromic effect of crystalline TiO2 quantum dots (mean size ≈ 4 nm) are presented. The synthesized quantum dots consist of irregularly shaped anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) and are dispersed in butanol (8% by mass). Obtained NPs exhibit a dramatic photoresponse to UV light, enabling effective transmittance modulation in a broad wavelength range extending from the visible to near-infrared region, and even the thermal black body radiation regime beyond 10 μm. The exceptional photoresponse is attributed to hole-scavenging by butanol, TiO2 self-reduction, injection of electrons to the conduction band, and consequent localized surface plasmon resonances in NPs. The observed optical effect is reversible, and the initial high transmittance state can be restored simply by exposing the NPs to air. The applied NP synthesis route is economic and can be easily scaled for applications such as smart window technologies.

    Changes in surface characteristics of titanium and zirconia after surface treatment with ultraviolet light or non‐thermal plasma

    A. Henningsen, R. Smeets, R. Heuberger, O. T. Jung, H. Hanken, M. Heiland, C. Cacaci, C. Precht
    European Journal of Oral sciences, 126(2), pp. 126-134

    Positive effects of irradiation with ultraviolet (UV) light or treatment with non‐thermal plasma on titanium and zirconia surfaces have been described in various studies. The aim of this study was to assess and compare the changes in the physicochemical surface conditions of titanium and zirconia surfaces after a short treatment with UV light or with non‐thermal plasmas of argon or oxygen. Titanium and zirconia samples with moderately rough surfaces were treated for 12 min either in a UV‐light oven or in a non‐thermal plasma reactor that generates non‐thermal plasmas of oxygen or argon. Changes in surface conditions were assessed by confocal microscopy, dynamic contact angle measurement, and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). No changes in roughness occurred. Ultraviolet irradiation and non‐thermal plasma significantly increased the wettability of the titanium and zirconia surfaces. X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed an increase of oxygen and a significant decrease of carbon after treatment with either method. Thus, ultraviolet light and non‐thermal plasma were found to be able to improve the chemical surface conditions of titanium and zirconia following a short exposure time. However, further in vitro and in vivo studies are needed to determine the relevance of the results.

    Mechanical Testing of Maximal Shift Scarf Osteotomy with Inside-Out Plating Compared to Classic Scarf Osteotomy With Double Screw Fixation

    L. Bohnert, A. Radeideh, G. Bigolin, E. Gautier, M. Lottenbach
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Volume 57, Issue 6, November–December 2018, Pages 1056-1058

    The purpose of the present study was to biomechanically compare the primary stability of our formerly described inside-out plate fixation to the classic double screw fixation for scarf osteotomy in the treatment of hallux valgus. We performed 20 scarf osteotomies on first metatarsal composite bone models. One half were fixed using a double screw technique and the other half using a locking plate inside-out technique. Using a testing device to simulate the physiologic load, the specimen was loaded until failure, and the load at failure, displacement at failure, and work at failure were recorded. The results were compared between the 2 groups and against the findings from intact sawbones. Compared with the intact bone models, the energy absorption was low for both types of osteotomy fixation. Between the 2 fixation groups, the load at failure was greater for plate fixation, although the difference was not statistically significant (p = .051). However, a statistically significant difference was found between both groups comparing work and displacement at failure (p < .001). In conclusion, the formerly described inside-out plating technique is a biomechanically reasonable alternative to screw fixation because of its primary stability after scarf osteotomy for hallux valgus.

    Bisphosphonates reduce biomaterial turnover in healing of critical-size rat femoral defects

    M. Hauser, M. Siegrist, A. Denzer, N. Saulacic, J. Grosjean, M. Bohner, W. Hofstetter
    J Orthop Surg 2018;26(3):1-10

    Treatment of osteoporotic patients with bisphosphonates (BPs) preserves bone mass and microarchitecture. The high prescription rate of the drugs brings about increases in the numbers of fractures and bone defects requiring surgical interventions in these patients. Currently, critical-size defects are filled with biomaterials and healing is supported with bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP). It is hypothesized that BPs interfere with biomaterial turnover during BMP-supported repair of defects filled with β-tricalcium phosphate (βTCP) ceramics. To test this hypothesis, retired breeder rats were ovariectomized (OVX). After 8 weeks, treatment with alendronate (ALN) commenced. Five weeks later, 6 mm diaphyseal femoral defects were applied and stabilized with locking plates. βTCP cylinders loaded with 1 μg and 10 μg BMP2, 10 μg L51P, an inhibitor of BMP antagonists and 1 μg BMP2/10 μg L51P were fitted into the defects. Femora were collected 16 weeks post-implantation. In groups receiving calcium phosphate implants loaded with 10 μg BMP2 and 1 μg BMP2/10 μg L51P, the volume of bone was increased and βTCP was decreased compared to groups receiving implants with 1 μg BMP2 and 10 μg L51P. Treatment of animals with ALN caused a decrease in βTCP turnover. The results corroborate the synergistic effects of BMP2 and L51P on bone augmentation. Administration of ALN caused a reduction in implant turnover, demonstrating the dependence of βTCP removal on osteoclast activity, rather than on chemical solubility. Based on these data, it is suggested that in patients treated with BPs, healing of biomaterial-filled bone defects may be impaired because of the failure to remove the implant and its replacement by authentic bone.

    In vitro study of new combinations for local antibiotic therapy with calcium sulphate – Near constant release of ceftriaxone offers new treatment options

    P. Wahl, K. Rönn, M. Bohner, L. Decosterd, Ch. Meier, M. Schläppi, S. Festa, E. Gautier
    J Bone Jt Infect 2018; 3(4):212-221

    Introduction: Local application of antibiotics provides high concentrations at the site of interest, with minimal systemic toxicity. Carrier materials might help manage dead space. Calcium sulphate (CaSO4) has a dissolution time that only slightly exceeds the usually recommended duration of systemic antibiotic treatments. This in vitro study evaluates compatibility, release kinetics and antibacterial activity of new combinations of antibiotics with CaSO4 as carrier material.

    Methods: CaSO4 pellets added with 8% w/w antibiotic powder were exposed once in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution and once in bovine plasma, in an elution experiment run over 6 weeks at 37 °C. Antibiotic elution was examined at various time points. Concentration was measured by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Antimicrobial activity was checked with an agar diffusion test.

    Results: Piperacillin-tazobactam, ceftazidime, cefepime, and meropenem showed fast reduction of concentration and activity. Flucloxacillin and cefuroxime remained present in relevant concentrations for 4 weeks. Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and clindamycin lasted for 6 weeks, but also at cell toxic concentrations. Ceftriaxone showed a near-constant release with only a small reduction of concentration from 130 to 75 mg/l. Elution profiles from PBS and plasma were comparable.

    Conclusion: CaSO4 provides new possibilities in the local treatment of bone and joint infections. Ceftriaxone appears to be of particular interest in combination with CaSO4. Release persists at clinically promising concentrations, and appears to have a depot-like slow release from CaSO4, with only a small reduction in activity and concentration over 6 weeks. To the best of our knowledge, such a particular persistent release never was described before, for any antibiotic in combination with a carrier material for local application.

    Joint academic and industrial efforts towards innovative and efficient solutions for clinical needs

    A. De Pieri, S. Ribeiro, D. Tsiapalis, D. Eglin, M. Bohner, P. Dubruel, Ph. Procter, D. I. Zeugolis, Y. Bayon
    J Mater Sci Mater Med 2018; 29(8):129

    The 4th Translational Research Symposium (TRS) was organised at the annual meeting of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) 2017, Athens, Greece, with a focus on ‘Academia—Industry Clusters of Research for Innovation Catalysis’. Collaborations between research institutes and industry can be sustained in several ways such as: European Union (EU) funded consortiums; syndicates of academic institutes, clinicians and industries; funding from national governments; and private collaborations between universities and companies. Invited speakers from industry and research institutions presented examples of these collaborations in the translation of research ideas or concepts into marketable products. The aim of the present article is to summarize the key messages conveyed during these lectures. In particular, emphasis is put on the challenges to appropriately identify and select unmet clinical needs and their translation by ultimately implementing innovative and efficient solutions achieved through joint academic and industrial efforts.

    Comparison of Fixation Techniques for Acetabular Fractures Involving the Anterior Column with Disruption of the Quadrilateral Plate: A Biomechanical Study

    C. May, M. Egloff, A. Butscher, M. J. B. Keel, T. Aebi, K. A. Siebenrock, J. D. Bastian
    JBJS: June 20, 2018 - Volume 100 - Issue 12 - p 1047–1054

    Background: In elderly patients who have sustained an acetabular fracture involving disruption of the quadrilateral plate (QLP), postoperative loading of the joint beyond the level of partial weight-bearing can result in medial redisplacement of the QLP. The purpose of this biomechanical study was to compare the performances of 4 different fixation constructs intended to prevent medial redisplacement of the QLP.

    Methods: Anterior column posterior hemitransverse (ACPHT) fractures with disruption of the QLP were created on synthetic hemipelves (fourth-generation Sawbones models) and subsequently stabilized with (1) a 12-hole plate bridging the QLP (Group 1), (2) the plate with added periarticular screws along the QLP (Group 2), (3) the plate combined with an infrapectineal buttress plate (Group 3), or (4) the plate with the added periarticular screws as well as the buttress plate (Group 4). The point of load application on the acetabulum was defined to be the same as the point of application of maximum vertical hip contact force during normal walking. Loads were applied to simulate either partial weight-bearing (20 cycles, from 35 to 350 N) or inadvertent supraphysiologic loads (linearly increasing loads until the onset of failure, defined as fragment displacement of >3 mm). A universal testing machine was synchronized with a digital image correlation system to optically track redisplacement at the QLP. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05.

    Results: During experimental simulation of partial weight-bearing, maximum fracture step openings never exceeded 2 mm. During simulation of inadvertent supraphysiologic load, the median load to failure was higher (p < 0.05) in Group 2 (962 N; range, 798 to 1,000 N) and Group 4 (985 N; range, 887 to 1,000 N) compared with Group 1 (445 N; range, 377 to 583 N) and Group 3 (671 N; range, 447 to 720 N).

    Conclusions: All 4 fixation constructs performed in an acceptable manner on testing with simulated partial weight-bearing. Only additional periarticular screws along the QLP increased the fixation strength.

    Clinical Relevance: Redisplacement of the QLP resulting in an incongruency of the hip joint has been associated with poor long-term outcomes. Within the constraints of this study, periarticular long screws were superior to infrapectineal buttress plates in preventing medial redisplacement of the QLP.

    Absorbable mineral nanocomposite for biomedical applications: Influence of homogenous fiber dispersity on mechanical properties

    E. Mulky, K. Maniura-Weber, M. Frenz, G. Fortunato, R. Luginbuehl
    J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 106A: 850–857, 2018

    Electrospun micro- and nanosized fibers are frequently used as reinforcing elements in low temperature ceramic composites for biomedical applications. Electrospinning of fibers yield, however, not individual fibers, but rather fiber-mats that are difficult to separate. Most investigations have been performed on diced mats and highly nonhomogenous composites. We examined the influence of dispersed electrospun single micro- and nanometer fibers on the mechanical properties of calcium phosphate cement composites. Absorbable poly-l-lactic-acid was electrospun yielding fibers with diameters of 244 ± 78 nm, named nanofibers (NF), and 1.0 ± 0.3 μm, named microfibers (MF). These fibers were cut using a particle assisted ultrasonication process and dispersed with hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and composites of low (5%) and high (30%) NF/MF content were engineered. The homogeneity of the fiber distribution was investigated by analyzing fracture areas regarding the number of fibers and Voronoi area size distribution. Variation of fiber distribution was significantly lower in the NF group as compared to the MF group. For composites containing 5% NF (V/V), an eightfold increase in the compressive fracture strength, and for the 30% NF (V/V) a threefold increase compared was measured. The composite containing 5% NF was identified as optimal regarding fiber distribution and strength. Our new method of engineering these composites allows for high volume fractions of NF with low variation in fiber distribution to be incorporated into composites, and shows the importance of using single filaments as reinforcing agents.

    Global chondrocyte gene expression after a single anabolic loading period: Time evolution and re-inducibility of mechano-responses

    S. Scholtes, E. Krämer, M. Weisser, W. Roth, R. Luginbühl, T. Grossner, W. Richter
    Journal of Cellular Physiology, Volume 233, Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 699–711

    Aim of this study was a genome-wide identification of mechano-regulated genes and candidate pathways in human chondrocytes subjected to a single anabolic loading episode and characterization of time evolution and re-inducibility of the response. Osteochondral constructs consisting of a chondrocyte-seeded collagen-scaffold connected to β-tricalcium-phosphate were pre-cultured for 35 days and subjected to dynamic compression (25% strain, 1 Hz, 9 × 10 min over 3 hr) before microarray-profiling was performed. Proteoglycan synthesis was determined by 35S-sulfate-incorporation over 24 hr. Cell viability and hardness of constructs were unaltered by dynamic compression while proteoglycan synthesis was significantly stimulated (1.45-fold, p = 0.016). Among 115 significantly regulated genes, 114 were up-regulated, 48 of them ≥ twofold. AP-1-relevant transcription factors FOSB and FOS strongly increased in line with elevated ERK1/2-phosphorylation and rising MAP3K4 expression. Expression of proteoglycan-synthesizing enzymes CHSY1 and GALNT4 was load-responsive as were factors associated with the MAPK-, TGF-β-, calcium-, retinoic-acid-, Wnt-, and Notch-signaling pathway which were significantly upregulated SOX9, and BMP6 levels rose significantly also after multiple loading episodes at daily intervals even at the 14th cycle with no indication for desensitation. Canonical pSmad2/3 and pSmad1/5/9-signaling showed no consistent regulation. This study associates novel genes with mechanoregulation in chondrocytes, raising SOX9 protein levels with anabolic loading and suggests that more pathways than so far anticipated apparently work together in a complex network of stimulators and feedback-regulators. Upregulation of mechanosensitive indicators extending differentially into the resting time provides crucial knowledge to maximize cartilage matrix deposition for the generation of high-level cartilage replacement tissue.

    Multimodal analysis of in vivo resorbable CaP bone substitutes by combining histology, SEM, and microcomputed tomography data

    A. Sweedy, M. Bohner, G. Baroud
    J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 106B: 1567–1577, 2018

    This study introduced and demonstrated a new method to investigate the repair process of bone defects using micro- and macroporous beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) substitutes. Specifically, the new method combined and aligned histology, SEM, and preimplantation microcomputed tomography (mCT) data to accurately characterize tissue phases found in biopsies, and thus better understand the bone repair process. The results included (a) the exact fraction of ceramic remnants (CR); (b) the fraction of ceramic resorbed and substituted by bone (CSB); and (c) the fraction of ceramic resorbed and not substituted by bone (CNSB). The new method allowed in particular the detection and quantification of mineralized tissues within the 1–10 µm micropores of the ceramic (“micro-bone”). The utility of the new method was demonstrated by applying it on biopsies of two β-tricalcium phosphate bone substitute groups with two differing macropore sizes implanted in an ovine model for 6 weeks. The total bone deposition and ceramic resorption of the two substitute groups, having macropore sizes of 510 and 1220 μm, were 25.1 ± 8.1% and 67.5 ± 3.2%, and 24.4 ± 4.1% and 61.4 ± 6.5% for the group having the larger pore size.

    Photofunctionalization and non-thermal plasma activation of titanium surfaces

    A. Henningsen, R. Smeets, P. Hartjen, O. Heinrich, R. Heuberger, M. Heiland, C. Precht, C. Cacaci
    Clinical Oral Investigations: March 2018, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp 1045–1054

    The aim of this study was to compare UV light and non-thermal plasma (NTP) treatment regarding the improvement of physical material characteristics and cell reaction on titanium surfaces in vitro after short-term functionalization.

    Materials and methods
    Moderately rough (Ra 1.8–2.0 μm) sandblasted and acid-etched titanium disks were treated by UV light (0.05 mW/cm2 at λ = 360 nm and 2 mW/cm2 at λ = 250 nm) or by NTP (24 W, -0.5 mbar) of argon or oxygen for 12 min each. Surface structure was investigated by scanning electron microscopy, confocal microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Hydrophilicity was assessed by dynamic contact angle measurement. Cell attachment, viability, cell proliferation and cytotoxicity were assessed in vitro using murine osteoblast-like cells.

    UV irradiation or NTP treatment of titanium surfaces did not alter the surface structure. XPS analysis revealed a significantly increased oxidation of the surface and a decrease of carbon after the use of either method. NTP and UV light led to a significant better cell attachment of murine osteoblasts; significantly more osteoblasts grew on the treated surfaces at each time point (p < 0.001).

    UV light as well as NTP modified the surface of titanium and significantly improved the conditions for murine osteoblast cells in vitro. However, results indicate a slight advantage for NTP of argon and oxygen in a short time interval of surface functionalization compared to UV.

    Clinical relevance
    UV light and NTP are able to improve surface conditions of dental implants made of titanium.

    Solvothermal synthesis derived Co-Ga codoped ZnO diluted magnetic degenerated semiconductor nanocrystals

    Andris Šutka, Tanel Käämbre, Urmas Joost, Kuno Kooser, Mati Kook, Roberto Felix Duarte, Vambola Kisand, Mikhael Maiorov, Nicola Döbelin, Krisjanis Smits
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 763, 2018, Pages 164-172

    Here we are reporting solvothermal synthesis derived diluted magnetic and plasmonic Co-Ga co-doped ZnO nanocrystals with high magnetization values (from 1.02 to 4.88 emu/g) at room temperature. Co-Ga co-doped ZnO nanocrystals show up to 2 fold increase in saturation magnetization compared to Co doped ZnO nanocrystals at the same Co concentration, with the observed room temperature magnetization higher than previously reported values for multifunctional magnetic and plasmonic nanocrystals, and the effect of Ga suggesting some role of the correspondingly introduced itinerant charge. While at the lowest Ga content the nanoparticles appear homogeneously doped, we note that already a moderate Ga content of several percent triggers a fraction of Co to segregate in metallic form in the bulk of the nanoparticles. However, the amount of segregated Co is not sufficient to account for the total effect, whereas a dominating contribution to the observed magnetism has to be related to itinerant charge mediated exchange interactions.

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    Publications 2017

    Facile synthesis of magnetically separable CoFe2O4/Ag2O/Ag2CO3 nanoheterostructures with high photocatalytic performance under visible light and enhanced stability against photodegradation

    A. Sutka, N. Doebelin, U. Joost, K. Smits, V. Kisand, M. Maiorov, K. Kooser, M. Kook, R. F. Duarte, T. Käämbre
    Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5(4), pp 3455-3462, 2017

    We have developed magnetically separable and reasonably stable visible light active photocatalysts containing CoFe2O4 and mixture of Ag2O/Ag2CO3 nanoheterostructures. Obtained ternary nanoheterostructures outperform previously reported magnetically separable visible light photocatalysts, showing one of the highest visible light photocatalytic dye degradation activities in water by a magnetically separable photocatalyst. Photocatalytically active part is Ag2O/Ag2CO3 whereas the CoFe2O4 mainly has stabilizing and magnetic separation functions. The Ag2CO3 phase junction on Ag2O nanoparticle surface were obtained by straightforward phase transformation from silver oxide to silver carbonate in air due to ambient CO2. The phase transformation was followed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) measurements.

    Particles and Ions Generated in Total Hip Joint Prostheses: In Vitro Wear Test Results of UHMWPE and XLPE Acetabular Components

    H. Zohdi, B. Andreatta, R. Heuberger
    Tribol Lett (2017) 65:92

    The accurate and detailed characterization of wear particles and ions released from total hip joint prostheses is essential to understand the cause and development of osteolysis, aseptic loosening and hypersensitivity. In this in vitro research, the wear particles and ion release of 22 different test liquids from hip simulator studies were investigated. Wear particles generated from acetabular components made of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) or cross-linked polyethylene containing vitamin E (XLPE) were compared using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and laser diffraction. Additionally, the effect of running-in versus steady-state, accelerated ageing, head materials and calcium sulphate third-body particles on the morphology and size of the created debris was investigated. The Fe, Ni, Mn, Nb, Co, Mo and Al ions released from femoral heads made of stainless steel, CoCrMo and alumina ceramic were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The combination of SEM and laser diffraction to analyse both the morphology and the particle-size distributions of the polyethylene wear particles was very powerful. The wear particles were predominantly in the submicron range and globular, with occasional fibrils. The size distributions of the UHMWPE and XLPE particles were similar; however, more fibrils were observed among the UHMWPE particles. The average particle size decreased for most samples in the steady-state phase compared to the running-in. The accelerated ageing and the presence of third-body particles generally caused larger UHMWPE wear particles only. Increasing the size of the stainless steel femoral heads led to an increase in the ion level too.

    Characterization and distribution of mechanically competent mineralized tissue in micropores of β-tricalcium phosphate bone substitutes

    M. Bohner, G. Baroud, A. Bernstein, N. Döbelin, L. Galea, B. Hesse, R. Heuberger, S. Meille, P. Michel, B. von Rechenberg, J. Sague, H. Seeherman
    Materals Today, Vol. 20, Issue 3, April 2017, Pages 106-115

    Although bone formation around and within implants has been intensively studied, the role of pores and pore geo­metry is still debated. Not­with­standing studies reporting the formation of bone and bone components with­in pores as small as a few micro­meters (‘micro­pores’), bone ingrowth is believed to only occur in pores larger than 100 μm (‘macropores’). A thorough analysis of 10 different porous β-tri­calcium phos­phate cylinders (Ø: 8 mm; L: 13 mm) implanted for 2–24 weeks in an ovine model demonstrates ingrowth of mineralized tissue (MT) in pores as small as 1 μm. This tissue contained calcium phosphate, collagen, and inter­connected cells. It formed within the first 3–4 weeks of implantation, extended over several hundred micro­meters within the ceramic, and contributed to the majority of the early MT formation (including bone) in the defect. The indentation stiffness of the MT-ceramic com­pos­ite was signi­fi­cantly higher than that of bone and MT-free ceramic. The presented results substantiate the importance of micro­pores for optimal bone healing, particularly at early implantation times.

    A novel method for segmentation and aligning the pre- and post-implantation scaffolds of resorbable calcium phosphate bone substitutes

    A. Sweedy, M. Bohner, G. H. van Lenthe, G. Baroud
    Acta Biomaterialia, May 2017; 54:441-453

    Micro-computed tomography (microCT) is commonly used to characterize the three-dimensional structure of bone graft scaffolds before and after implantation in order to assess changes occurring during implantation. The accurate processing of the microCT datasets of explanted β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) scaffolds poses significant challenges because of (a) the overlap in the grey values distribution of ceramic remnants, bone, and soft tissue, and of (b) the resorption of the bone substitute during the implantation. To address those challenges, this article introduces and rigorously validates a new processing technique to accurately distinguish these three phases found in the explanted β-TCP scaffolds. Specifically, the microCT datasets obtained before and after implantation of β-TCP scaffolds were aligned in 3D, and the characteristic grey value distributions of the three phases were extracted, thus allowing for (i) the accurate differentiation between these three phases (ceramic remnants, bone, soft tissue), and additionally for (ii) the localization of the defect site in the post-implantation microCT dataset. Using the similarity matrix, a 94±1% agreement was found between algorithmic results and the visual assessment of 556,800 pixels. Moreover, the comparison of the segmentation results of the same microCT and histology section further confirmed the validity of the present segmentation algorithm. This new technique could lead to a more common use of microCT in analyzing the complex 3D processes and to a better understanding of the biological processes occurring after the implantation of ceramic bone graft substitutes.

    Calcium-phosphate scaffolds are being increasingly used to repair critical bone defects. Methods for the accurate characterization of the repair process are still lacking. The present study introduced and validated a novel image-processing technique, using micro-computed tomography (mCT) datasets, to investigate material phases present in biopsies. Specifically, the new method combined mCT datasets from the scaffold before and after implantation to access the characteristic data of the ceramic for more accurate analysis of bone biopsies, and as such to better understand the interactions of the scaffold design and the bone repair process.

    Effect of sex-hormone levels, sex, body mass index and other host factors on human craniofacial bone regeneration with bioactive tricalcium phosphate grafts

    C. Knabe, A. Mele, P. H. Kann, B. Peleska, D. Adel-Khattab, H. Renz, A. Reuss, M. Bohner, M. Stiller
    Biomaterials 123 (2017) 48-62

    Little is known regarding the associations between sex-hormone levels, sex, body mass index (BMI), age, other host factors and biomaterial stimulated bone regeneration in the human craniofacial skeleton. The aim of this study was to elucidate the associations between these factors and bone formation after sinus floor augmentation procedures (SFA) utilizing a bioactive tricalcium phosphate (TCP) bone grafting material. We conducted a prospective study in a human population in which 60 male and 60 female participants underwent SFA and dental implant placement using a staged approach. BMI as well as levels of serum estradiol (E2), total testosterone (TT), and the free androgen index (FAI) were measured by radioimmunoassay and electrochemoluminescent-immunoassay. At implant placement, 6 months after SFA, bone biopsy specimens were harvested for hard tissue histology, the amount of bone formation was evaluated by histomorphometry and immunohistochemical analysis of osteogenic marker expression. The Wilcoxon rank-sum U test, Spearman correlations and linear regression analysis were used to explore the association between bone formation and BMI, hormonal and other host factors. BMI and log E2 were significantly positively associated with bone formation in male individuals (p < 0.05). Histomorphometry revealed trends toward greater bone formation and osteogenic marker expression with non-smokers compared to smokers. In male patients, higher E2 levels and higher BMI enhanced TCP stimulated craniofacial i.e. intramembranous bone repair.

    Composite material consisting of microporous β-TCP ceramic and alginate for delayed release of antibiotics

    M. Seidenstuecker, J. Ruehe, N. P. Suedkamp, A. Serr, A. Wittmer, M. Bohner, A. Bernstein, H. O. Mayr
    Acta Biomaterialia pp 51:433-46, 2017

    The aim of this study was to produce a novel composite of microporous β-TCP filled with alginate and Vancomycin (VAN) to prolong the release behavior of the antibiotic for up to 28 days.

    Material and methods
    Using the flow chamber developed by the group, porous ceramics in a directional flow were filled with alginates of different composition containing 50 mg/mL of antibiotics. After cross-linking the alginate with calcium ions, incu­ba­tion took place in 10 mL double-distilled water for 4 weeks at 37 °C. At defined times (1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 14, 20 and 28 days), the liquid was completely exchanged and analyzed by capillary zone electrophoresis and microtiter trials. For statistical purposes, the mean and standard deviation were calculated and analyzed by ANOVA.

    The release of VAN from alginate was carried out via an external calcium source over the entire period with con­cen­tra­tions above the minimal inhibitory con­cen­tra­tion (MIC). The burst release measured 35.2 ± 1.5%. The release of VAN from alginate with an internal calcium source could only be observed over 14 days. The burst release here was 61.9 ± 4.3%. The native alginate’s burst release was 54.1 ± 7.8%; that of the sterile alginate 40.5 ± 6.4%. The micro­titer experiments revealed efficacy over the entire study period for VAN. The MIC value was determined in the release experi­ments as well in a range of 0.5–2.0 μg/mL against Staphylococcus aureus.

    Statement of Significance
    Drug release systems based on β-TCP and hydrogels are well documented in literature. However, in all described systems the ceramic, as granule or powder, is inserted into a hydrogel. In our work, we do the opposite, a hydrogel which acts as reservoir for antibiotics is placed into a porous biodegradable ceramic. Eventually, this system should be applied as treatment of bone infections. Contrary to the “granule in hydrogel” composites it has the advantage of mechanical stability. Thus, it can take over functions of the bone during the healing process. For a quicker trans­lation from our scientific research into clinical use, only FDA approved materials were used in this work.

    Low metallic wear of dynamic intraligamentary stabilization

    Ch. May, B. Gueorguiev, R. Heuberger, J. Sague, Ch. Gross, Ph. Henle, D. Delfosse, J. Häberli
    Tribology International, Volume 109, May 2017, Pages 217-221

    Abstract Dynamic Intraligamentary Stabilization (DIS) represents a treatment option for acute anterior cruciate ligament ruptures. The device used for DIS consists of a polyethylene braid and a metallic spring system, allowing the remnants of the ligament to recombine in a stabilized position over the self-healing period. This work addresses the metallic wear generated thereby. A cadaveric study was carried out with n=8 knees over 50'000 cycles, along with a control group to validate the cleaning and assembly process. Gravimetric analysis yielded a total wear of (0.28±0.35) mg for the entire implant. 50% of the wear originated from the bush and 46% from the clamping element. In a worst case scenario, a total wear of 1.7 mg would result during the functional lifetime.

    Surrogate Outcome Measures of In Vitro Osteoclast Resorption of β Tricalcium Phosphate

    S. A. Clarke, J. Martin, J. Nelson, J. -C. Hornez, M. Bohner, N. Dunne, F. Buchanan
    Advanced Healthcare Materials Volume 6, Issue 1 January 11, 2017

    Introduction of porosity to calcium phosphate scaffolds for bone repair has created a new challenge when measuring bioresorption in vitro, rendering traditional outcome measures redundant. The aim of this study is to identify a surrogate endpoint for use with 3D scaffolds. Murine RAW 264.7 cells are cultured on dense discs of β-tricalcium phosphate in conditions to stimulate osteoclast (OC) formation. Multinucleated OCs are visible from day 6 with increases at days 8 and 10. Resorption pits are first observed at day 6 with much larger pits visible at days 8, 10, and 12. The concentration of calcium ions in the presence of cells is significantly higher than cell-free cultures at days 3 and 9. Using linear regression analysis, Ca ion release could account for 35.9% of any subsequent change in resorption area. The results suggest that Ca ion release is suitable to measure resorption of a beta-tricalcium phosphate ceramic substrate in vitro. This model could replace the more accepted resorption pit assay in circumstances where quantification of pits is not possible, e.g., when characterizing 3D tissue engineered bone scaffolds.

    Osteosynthesis of partial rib osteotomy in a miniature pig model using human standard-sized magnesium plate/screw systems: Effect of cyclic deformation on implant integrity and bone healing

    Benoit Schaller, Nikola Saulacic, Stefan Beck, Thomas Imwinkelried, Edwin Wei Yang Liu, Ken Nakahara, Willy Hofstetter, Tateyuki Iizuka
    Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 45(6), Pages 862-871, 2017

    Magnesium alloys are candidates for resorbable material in bone fixation. However, the degradation and performance of osteosynthesis plate/screw systems in vivo, under cyclic deformation, is unknown. We evaluated the outcomes of human standard-sized magnesium plate/screw systems with or without plasma-electrolytic surface modifications in a miniature pig rib model. Of a total of 14 minipigs, six were implanted with coated magnesium WE43 six-hole plates/screws, six received magnesium uncoated plates/screws, and two received titanium osteosynthesis systems. The performance of the plate/screw fixation system on partially osteotomized 7th ribs was compared with that on intact 9th ribs. Radiological examinations were performed in vivo at 1, 4 and 8 weeks and after euthanasia at 12 and 24 weeks. After euthanasia the bone blocks were analyzed by computed tomography (CT), microfocus computed tomography (micro-CT), histology and histomorphometry. Follow-up post-surgery showed no trouble with wound healing. In vivo radiological examinations showed higher amounts of gas formation above the uncoated magnesium plates fixed on the partially osteotomized and intact ribs. CT scans showed no broken plates or implant displacement. The micro-CT examination demonstrated better surrounding bone properties around the coated than the uncoated magnesium implants 12 weeks after surgery. No negative influence of magnesium degradation on bone healing was observed with histological examinations. Plastic deformation during surgery and cyclic deformation did not affect the integrity of the used magnesium plates. This study showed promising results for the further development of coated magnesium plate/screw systems for bone fixation.

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    Publications 2016

    Hydrogen-substituted β-tricalcium phosphate synthesized in organic media

    Ch. Stähli, J. Thüring, L. Galea, S. Tadier, M. Bohner, N. Döbelin
    Acta Crystallographica Section B B72:875-884, 2016

    β-Tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) platelets synthesized in ethylene glycol offer interesting geometries for nano-structured composite bone substitutes but were never crystallographically analyzed. In this study, powder X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement revealed a discrepancy between the platelet structure and the known β-TCP crystal model. In contrast, a model featuring partial H for Ca substitution and the inversion of P1O4 tetrahedra, adopted from the whitlockite structure, allowed for a refinement with minimal misfits and was corroborated by HPO42− absorptions in Fourier-transform IR spectra. The Ca/P ratio converged to 1.443 ± 0.003 (n = 36), independently of synthesis conditions. As a quantitative verification, the platelets were thermally decomposed into hydrogen-free β-TCP and β-calcium pyrophosphate which resulted in a global Ca/P ratio in close agreement with the initial β-TCP Ca/P ratio (ΔCa/P = 0.003) and with the chemical composition measured by inductively coupled plasma (ΔCa/P = 0.003). These findings thus describe for the first time a hydrogen-substituted β-TCP structure, i.e. a Mg-free whitlockite, represented by the formula Ca21 − x(HPO4)2x(PO4)14 − 2x, where x = 0.80 ± 0.04, and may have implications for resorption properties of bone regenerative materials.

    Effect of cobalt doping on the mechanical properties of ZnO nanowires

    M. Vahtrus, A. Šutka, B. Polyakov, S. Oras, M. Antsov, N. Döbelin, R. Lohmus, E. Nõmmiste, S. Vlassov
    Materials Characterization 121, pp. 40-47, 2016

    n this work, we investigate the influence of doping on the mechanical properties of ZnO nanowires (NWs) by comparing the mechanical properties of pure and Co-doped ZnO NWs grown in similar conditions and having the same crystallographic orientation [0001]. The mechanical characterization included three-point bending tests made with atomic force microscopy and cantilever beam bending tests performed inside scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the Young's modulus of ZnO NWs containing 5% of Co was approximately a third lower than that of the pure ZnO NWs. Bending strength values were comparable for both materials and in both cases were close to theoretical strength indicating high quality of NWs. Dependence of mechanical properties on NW diameter was found for both doped and undoped ZnO NWs.

    Effect of niobium onto the tribological behavior of cathodic arc deposited Nb–Ti–N coatings

    D. D. La Grange, N. Goebbels, A. Santana, R. Heuberger, T. Imwinkelried, L. Eschbach, A. Karimi
    Wear Vol. 368-369, pp 60-69, 2016

    This investigation addresses a need for higher quality surfaces and wear resistance of coatings used on load bearing medical implants. Multilayered cathodic arc deposited coatings are candidates for such applications and were the subject of this study. Nb–Ti–N coatings were deposited by cathodic arc using TiNb compound cathodes. The microstructure and properties of the coatings were characterized using XRD, TEM/STEM, EDS, nanoindentation, scratch tests and pin-on-disc testing. Throughout the coating, macroparticles consisting of a Nb rich core and a nitrided titanium porous shell were evidenced by STEM and EDS. It was shown that inhomogeneities related with the soft and malleable metallic Nb inclusions alter the tribological behavior of the coatings. The underlying mechanism of wear in hip-simulator test liquid against UHMWPE was investigated. During pin-on-disc tests, the top layers of the coatings were removed and the embedded niobium droplets became visible. The wear of UHMWPE during pin-on-disks tests was increased on Nb–Ti–N counter surfaces compared to the wear of UHMWPE on TiN itself. It is inferred that the wear of the coatings is initiated by the growth discontinuities and pores around the Nb droplets. The debris released from the coating acts as third body wear particles, grinds the remaining coating and causes the wear of UHMWPE pins.

    Innovating in the Medical Device Industry - Challenges & Opportunities. ESB 2015 Translational Research Symposium

    Y. Bayon, M. Bohner, D. Eglin, P. Procter, R. G. Richards, J. Weber, D. I. Zeugolis
    J Mater Sci Mater Med 27, pp. 144, 2016

    The European Society for Biomaterials 2015 Translational Research Symposium focused on 'Innovating in the Medical Device Industry - Challenges & Opportunities' from different perspectives, i.e., from a non-profit research organisation to a syndicate of small and medium-sized companies and large companies. Lecturers from regulatory consultants, industry and research institutions described the innovation process and regulatory processes (e.g., 510K, PMA, combination product) towards market approval. The aim of the present article is to summarise and explain the main statements made during the symposium, in terms of challenges and opportunities for medical device industries, in a constantly changing customer and regulatory environment.

    Controlled release of NELL-1 protein from chitosan-modified ATCP particles

    Y. Zhang, R. Dong, Y. Park, M. Bohner, X. Zhang, K. Ting, C. Soo, B. M. Wu
    International Journal of Pharmaceutics 511, pp. 79-89, 2016

    NEL-like molecule-1 (NELL-1) is a novel osteogenic protein that showing high specificity to osteochondral cells. It was widely used in bone regeneration research by loading onto carriers such as tricalcium phosphate (TCP) particles. However, there has been little research on protein controlled release from this material and its potential application. In this study, TCP was first modified with a hydroxyapatite coating followed by a chitosan coating to prepare chitosan/hydroxyapatite-coated TCP particles (Chi/HA-TCP). The preparation was characterized by SEM, EDX, FTIR, XRD, FM and Zeta potential measurements. The NELL-1 loaded Chi/HA-TCP particles and the release kinetics were investigated in vitro. It was observed that the Chi/HA-TCP particles prepared with the 0.3% (wt/wt) chitosan solution were able to successfully control the release of NELL-1 and maintain a slow, steady release for up to 28 days. Furthermore, more than 78% of the loaded protein's bioactivity was preserved in Chi/HA-TCP particles over the period of the investigation, which was significantly higher than that of the protein released from hydroxyapatite coated TCP (HA-TCP) particles. Collectively, this study suggests that the osteogenic protein NELL-1 showed a sustained release pattern after being encapsulated into the modified Chi/HA-TCP particles, and the NELL-1 integrated composite of Chi/HA-TCP showed a potential to function as a protein delivery carrier and as an improved bone matrix for use in bone regeneration research.

    In vivo degradation of a new concept of magnesium-based rivet-screws in the minipig mandibular bone

    B. Schaller, N. Saulacic, S. Beck, Th. Imwinkelried, B. T. Goh, K. Nakahara, W. Hofstetter, T. Iizuka
    Materials Science and Engineering C 69, pp 247-254, 2016

    Self-tapping of magnesium screws in hard bone may be a challenge due to the limited torsional strength of magnesium alloys in comparison with titanium. To avoid screw failure upon implantation, the new concept of a rivet-screw was applied to a WE43 magnesium alloy. Hollow cylinders with threads on the outside were expanded inside drill holes of minipig mandibles. During the expansion with a hexagonal mandrel, the threads engaged the surrounding bone and the inside of the screw transformed into a hexagonal screw drive to allow further screwing in or out of the implant. The in vivo degradation of the magnesium implants and the performance of the used coating were studied in a human standard-sized animal model. Four magnesium alloy rivet-screws were implanted in each mandible of 12 minipigs. Six animals received the plasmaelectrolytically coated magnesium alloy implants; another six received the uncoated magnesium alloy rivet-screws. Two further animals received one titanium rivet-screw each as control. In vivo radiologic examination was performed at one, four, and eight weeks. Euthanasia was performed for one group of seven animals (three animals with coated, three with uncoated magnesium alloy implants and one with titanium implant) at 12 weeks and for the remaining seven animals at 24 weeks. After euthanasia, micro-computed tomography and histological examination with histomorphometry were performed. Significantly less void formation as well as higher bone volume density (BV/TV) and bone-implant contact area (BIC) were measured around the coated implants compared to the uncoated ones. The surface coating was effective in delaying degradation despite plastic deformation. The results showed potential for further development of magnesium hollow coated screws for bone fixation.

    The Effects of Crystal Phase and Particle Morphology of Calcium Phosphates on Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

    Ch. Danoux, D. Pereira, N. Döbelin, Ch. Stähli, J. Barralet, C. van Blitterswijk, P. Habibovic
    Advanced Healthcare Materials 5(14), pp. 1775-1785, 2016

    Calcium phosphate (CaP) ceramics are extensively used for bone regeneration; however, their clinical performance is still considered inferior to that of patient's own bone. To improve the performance of CaP bone graft substitutes, it is important to understand the effects of their individual properties on a biological response. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the crystal phase and particle morphology on the behavior of human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs). To study the effect of the crystal phase, brushite, monetite, and octacalcium phosphate (OCP) are produced by controlling the precipitation conditions. Brushite and monetite are produced as plate-shaped and as needle-shaped particles, to further investigate the effect of particle morphology. Proliferation of hMSCs is inhibited on OCP as compared to brushite and monetite in either morphology. Brushite needles consistently show the lowest expression of most osteogenic markers, whereas the expression on OCP is in general high. There is a trend toward a higher expression of the osteogenic markers on plate-shaped than on needle-shaped particles for both brushite and monetite. Within the limits of CaP precipitation, these data indicate the effect of both crystal phase and particle morphology of CaPs on the behavior of hMSCs.

    Full-field Calcium K-Edge X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectroscopy on Cortical Bone at the Micron-Scale: Polarization Effects Reveal Mineral Orientation

    B. Hesse, M. Salome, H. Castillo-Michel, M. Cotte, B. Fayard, Ch. Sahle, W. De Nolf, J. Hradilova, A. Masic, B. Kanngiesser, M. Bohner, P. Varga, K. Raum, S. Schrof
    Analytical Chemistry 88(7), pp. 3826–3835, 2016

    Here, we show results on X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy in both transmission and X-ray fluorescence full-field mode (FF-XANES) at the calcium K-edge on human bone tissue in healthy and diseased conditions and for different tissue maturation stages. We observe that the dominating spectral differences originating from different tissue regions, which are well pronounced in the white line and postedge structures are associated with polarization effects. These polarization effects dominate the spectral variance and must be well understood and modeled before analyzing the very subtle spectral variations related to the bone tissue variations itself. However, these modulations in the fine structure of the spectra can potentially be of high interest to quantify orientations of the apatite crystals in highly structured tissue matrices such as bone. Due to the extremely short wavelengths of X-rays, FF-XANES overcomes the limited spatial resolution of other optical and spectroscopic techniques exploiting visible light. Since the field of view in FF-XANES is rather large the acquisition times for analyzing the same region are short compared to, for example, X-ray diffraction techniques. Our results on the angular absorption dependence were verified by both site-matched polarized Raman spectroscopy, which has been shown to be sensitive to the orientation of bone building blocks and by mathematical simulations of the angular absorbance dependence. As an outlook we further demonstrate the polarization based assessment of calcium-containing crystal orientation and specification of calcium in a beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-Ca3(PO4)2 scaffold implanted into ovine bone. Regarding the use of XANES to assess chemical properties of Ca in human bone tissue our data suggest that neither the anatomical site (tibia vs jaw) nor pathology (healthy vs necrotic jaw bone tissue) affected the averaged spectral shape of the XANES spectra.

    Ag sensitized TiO2 and NiFe2O4 three-component nano­hetero­structures: Synthesis, electronic structure and strongly enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity

    A. Šutka, T. Käämbre, R. Pärna, N. Döbelin, M. Vanags, K. Smits, V. Kisand
    RSC Advances 6(23):18834-18842, 2016

    This study reports on the synthesis and characterisation of two- and three-component visible light active photocatalytic nanoparticle heterostructures, based on TiO2 and NiFe2O4 and sensitized with Ag. We observe that a Ag content as small as 1 at% in the TiO2/NiFe2O4 heterostructure increases by more than an order of magnitude the rate constant for the visible light photocatalytic process. We rationalise this in terms of the measured structure and electronic structure data of the binary and ternary combinations of the component materials and focus on details, which show that an optimised deposition sequence is vital for attaining high values of photocatalytic efficiency, because the charge transfer across the interfaces appears to be sensitive to where the Ag is loaded in the heterostructure. The overall higher visible light photocatalytic activity of the TiO2/NiFe2O4 heterostructure was observed and is attributed to enhanced charge carrier separation efficiency and migration via vectorial electron transfer.

    In vivo degradation of magnesium plate/screw osteosynthesis implant systems: Soft and hard tissue response in a calvarial model in miniature pigs

    B. Schaller, N. Saulacic, Th. Imwinkelried, S. Beck, E. W. Y. Liu, J. Gralla, K. Nakahara, W. Hofstetter, T. Iizuka
    Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 44 (3), pp 309-317, 2016

    Biodegradable magnesium plate/screw osteosynthesis systems were implanted on the frontal bone of adult miniature pigs. The chosen implant geometries were based on existing titanium systems used for the treatment of facial fractures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo degradation and tissue response of the magnesium alloy WE43 with and without a plasma electrolytic surface coating. Of 14 animals, 6 received magnesium implants with surface modification (coated), 6 without surface modification (uncoated), and 2 titanium implants. Radiological examination of the skull was performed at 1, 4, and 8 weeks post-implantation. After euthanasia at 12 and 24 weeks, X-ray, computed tomography, and microfocus computed tomography analyses and histological and histomorphological examinations of the bone/implant blocks were performed. The results showed a good tolerance of the plate/screw system without wound healing disturbance. In the radiological examination, gas pocket formation was found mainly around the uncoated plates 4 weeks after surgery. The micro-CT and histological analyses showed significantly lower corrosion rates and increased bone density and bone implant contact area around the coated screws compared to the uncoated screws at both endpoints. This study shows promising results for the further development of coated magnesium implants for the osteosynthesis of the facial skeleton.

    Calcium phosphates in biomedical applications: materials for the future?

    W. Habraken, P. Habibovic, M. Epple, M. Bohner
    Materals Today 19(2): 69-87, 2016

    Our populations are aging. Some experts predict that 30% of hospital beds will soon be occupied by osteoporosis patients. Statistics show that 20% of patients suffering from an osteoporotic hip fracture do not survive the first year after surgery, all this showing that there is a tremendous need for better therapies for diseased and damaged bone. Human bone consists for about 70% of calcium phosphate (CaP) mineral, therefore CaPs are the materials of choice to repair damaged bone. To do this successfully, the process of CaP biomineralization and the interaction of CaPs and biological environment in the body need to be fully understood. First commercial CaP bone graft substitutes were launched 40 years ago, and they are currently often regarded as ‘old biomaterials’ or even as an ‘obsolete’ research topic. Some even talk about ‘stones’. The aim of this manuscript is to highlight the tremendous improvements achieved in CaP materials research in the past 15 years, in particular in the field of biomineralization, as carrier for gene or ion delivery, as biologically active agent, and as bone graft substitute. Besides an outstanding biological performance, CaPs are easily and inexpensively produced, are safe, and can be relatively easily certified for clinical use. As such, CaP materials have won their spurs, but they also offer a great promise for the future.

    Influence of Mg-doping, calcium pyrophosphate impurities and cooling rate on the allotropic α↔β-tricalcium phosphate phase transformations

    P. M. C. Torres, J. Abrantes, A. Kaushal, S. Pina, N. Döbelin, M. Bohner, J. M. F. Ferreira
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36:817-27, 2016

    Alpha and beta-tricalcium phosphates are allotropic phases which play a very important role as bone graft substitutes, namely in calcium phosphate cements. Despite extensive research efforts, contradictory reports exist on the importance of quenching for maintaining α-TCP purity. The role of calcium pyrophosphate impurities derived from a certain calcium-deficiency, hydroxyapatite impurities derived from calcium excess, and various ionic substitutions on thermal stability of these phases was not yet fully disclosed. The present work reports on the kinetics of α ↔ β-TCP phase transformations of calcium-deficient TCP powders with different Mg-doping extents (0–5 mol%) prepared by precipitation. Mg clearly enhanced the thermal stability of β-TCP. The effect of cooling rate was more complex and interdependent on the Mg content and the heat treatment schedule. High α-TCP contents were retained upon cooling at 5 °C min−1 for Mg ≤ 1 mol% or upon quenching from 1550 °C for Mg contents ≤2 mol%.

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    Publications 2015

    Continuous Polyol Synthesis of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Using a Segmented Flow Tubular Reactor (SFTR)

    Andrea Testino, Frank Pilger, Mattia Alberto Lucchini, Jose Enrico Q. Quinsaat, Christoph Stähli and Paul Bowen
    Molecules 2015, 20(6), 10566-10581

    Over the last years a new type of tubular plug flow reactor, the segmented flow tubular reactor (SFTR), has proven its versatility and robustness through the water-based synthesis of precipitates as varied as CaCO3, BaTiO3, Mn(1−x)NixC2O4·2H2O, YBa oxalates, copper oxalate, ZnS, ZnO, iron oxides, and TiO2 produced with a high powder quality (phase composition, particle size, and shape) and high reproducibility. The SFTR has been developed to overcome the classical problems of powder production scale-up from batch processes, which are mainly linked with mass and heat transfer. Recently, the SFTR concept has been further developed and applied for the synthesis of metals, metal oxides, and salts in form of nano- or micro-particles in organic solvents. This has been done by increasing the working temperature and modifying the particle carrying solvent. In this paper we summarize the experimental results for four materials prepared according to the polyol synthesis route combined with the SFTR. CeO2, Ni, Ag, and Ca3(PO4)2 nanoparticles (NPs) can be obtained with a production rate of about 1–10 g per h. The production was carried out for several hours with constant product quality. These findings further corroborate the reliability and versatility of the SFTR for high throughput powder production.

    Development of a Synthetic Synovial Fluid for Tribological Testing

    Emely Lea Bortel, Baptiste Charbonnier and Roman Heuberger
    Lubricants 2015, 3(4), 664-686

    Wear tests of joint prostheses are usually performed using bovine calf serum. The results from different laboratories are hardly ever comparable as, for example, the protein concentration and the protein composition of the serum-based test liquids vary. In addition, the viscosity of these test liquids is similar to that of water and does not match the more viscous synovial fluid. The present work was aimed at developing a synthetic synovial fluid as an alternative to the existing test liquids. Improved consistency and reproducibility of results at a similar price were required. Hyaluronic acid (HA), the lyophilized proteins bovine serum albumin (BSA) and immunoglobulin G (IgG), the phospholipid lecithin (PL) and salts were applied in a stepwise approach to replace the actually used test liquid based on newborn calf serum. The in vitro results obtained with ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) pins sliding against CoCrMo discs revealed that the developed synthetic synovial fluid fulfils the set requirements: increase of viscosity, reasonable cost, improved consistency and wear particles which resemble the ones found in vivo. The developed synthetic synovial fluid with 3 g/L HA, 19 g/L BSA, 11 g/L IgG, 0.1 g/L PL and Ringer solution is a more realistic alternative to the used serum-based test liquid.

    Photocatalytic activity of anatase–nickel ferrite heterostructures

    Emely Lea Bortel, Baptiste Charbonnier and Roman Heuberger
    Phys. Status Solidi A, 212: 796-803

    The simple co-precipitation route was used to couple commercial TiO2 anatase nanopowder with nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4). The morphology and the crystalline structure of composite nanoparticles were characterised by TEM, N2 adsorption-desorption, XRD and Rietveld refinement, XPS and XAS. The optical and magnetic properties were investigated. After co-precipitation NiFe2O4 nanoparticles, composed of spinel ferrite crystal phase, were formed on the surface of TiO2 anatase nanopowder. The TiO2/NiFe2O4 composite oxide demonstrated large specific surface area, high visible light absorption efficiency and efficient charge carrier separation, compared to pristine anatase TiO2 or pristine NiFe2O4, representatively. The obtained TiO2/NiFe2O4 composite oxides, with different nickel ferrite contents (5, 10, 25, 50 and 75 wt%) showed decent visible light photocatalytic efficiency, up to three times higher than pure anatase or pure NiFe2O4. However, TiO2/NiFe2O4 composite oxides did not demonstrate high magnetic properties.

    Interlaboratory studies on in vitro test methods for estimating in vivo resorption of calcium phosphate ceramics

    Atsuo Ito, Yu Sogo, Atsushi Yamazaki, Mamoru Aizawa, Akiyoshi Osaka, Satoshi Hayakawa, Masanori Kikuchi, Kimihiro Yamashita, Yumi Tanaka, Mika Tadokoro, Lídia Ágata de Sena, Fraser Buchanan, Hajime Ohgushi, Marc Bohner
    Acta Biomaterialia, 25, 2015, 347-355

    A potential standard method for measuring the relative dissolution rate to estimate the resorbability of calcium-phosphate-based ceramics is proposed. Tricalcium phosphate (TCP), magnesium-substituted TCP (MgTCP) and zinc-substituted TCP (ZnTCP) were dissolved in a buffer solution free of calcium and phosphate ions at pH 4.0, 5.5 or 7.3 at nine research centers. Relative values of the initial dissolution rate (relative dissolution rates) were in good agreement among the centers. The relative dissolution rate coincided with the relative volume of resorption pits of ZnTCP in vitro. The relative dissolution rate coincided with the relative resorbed volume in vivo in the case of comparison between microporous MgTCPs with different Mg contents and similar porosity. However, the relative dissolution rate was in poor agreement with the relative resorbed volume in vivo in the case of comparison between microporous TCP and MgTCP due to the superimposition of the Mg-mediated decrease in TCP solubility on the Mg-mediated increase in the amount of resorption. An unambiguous conclusion could not be made as to whether the relative dissolution rate is predictive of the relative resorbed volume in vivo in the case of comparison between TCPs with different porosity. The relative dissolution rate may be useful for predicting the relative amount of resorption for calcium-phosphate-based ceramics having different solubility under the condition that the differences in the materials compared have little impact on the resorption process such as the number and activity of resorbing cells.

    Statement of significance

    The evaluation and subsequent optimization of the resorbability of calcium phosphate are crucial in the use of resorbable calcium phosphates. Although the resorbability of calcium phosphates has usually been evaluated in vivo, establishment of a standard in vitro method that can predict in vivo resorption is beneficial for accelerating development and commercialization of new resorbable calcium phosphate materials as well as reducing use of animals. However, there are only a few studies to propose such an in vitro method within which direct comparison was carried out between in vitro and in vivo resorption. We propose here an in vitro method based on measuring dissolution rate. The efficacy and limitations of the method were evaluated by international round-robin tests as well as comparison with in vivo resorption studies for future standardization. This study was carried out as one of Versailles Projects on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS).

    A straightforward and “green” solvothermal synthesis of Al doped zinc oxide plasmonic nanocrystals and piezoresistive elastomer nanocomposite

    Andris Šutka, Martin Timusk, Nicola Döbelin, Rainer Pärna, Meeri Visnapuu, Urmas Joost, Tanel Käämbre, Vambola Kisand, Kristjan Saal and Maris Knite
    RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 63846-63852

    Plasmonic oxide nanocrystals hold great promise in a wide range of applications, for which the availability of scalable and “green” synthesis methods is prerequisite, whereas until recently an excellent response has been demonstrated only for samples prepared through intricate synthesis paths. We report here a simple ethanol solvothermal synthesis route of Al doped ZnO plasmonic nanocrystals (Zn1−xAlxO) at doping levels of x up to 0.15. The obtained Al doped ZnO samples consisted of nanoparticles and short nanorods with a diameter of around 10 nm at x = 0.15 doping level while reaching aspect ratio levels of 50 for lower doping levels. Detailed structural studies using powder X-ray diffraction Rietveld refinement, X-ray absorption and photoelectron spectroscopies show that all samples maintain the structure of the phase-pure zincite with the space group P63mc. The resulting powders exhibit strong infrared absorption while remaining largely transparent for visible light, enabling the preparation of transparent colloidal dispersions. Furthermore, as a test of applicability in a practical device, the nanocrystals were used to prepare transparent piezoresistive Zn0.925Al0.075O–polydimethylsiloxane composites. The prepared sensor material exhibits excellent repeatable and reproducible piezoresistive behaviour.

    Staphylococcal biofilm formation on the surface of three different calcium phosphate bone grafts: a qualitative and quantitative in vivo analysis

    Ulrika Furustrand Tafin, Bertrand Betrisey, Marc Bohner, Thomas Ilchmann, Andrej Trampuz & Martin Clauss
    J Mater Sci: Mater Med 26, 130 (2015)

    Differences in physico-chemical characteristics of bone grafts to fill bone defects have been demonstrated to influence in vitro bacterial biofilm formation. Aim of the study was to investigate in vivo staphylococcal biofilm formation on different calcium phosphate bone substitutes. A foreign-body guinea-pig infection model was used. Teflon cages prefilled with β-tricalcium phosphate, calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite, or dicalcium phosphate (DCP) scaffold were implanted subcutaneously. Scaffolds were infected with 2 × 103 colony-forming unit of Staphylococcus aureus (two strains) or S. epidermidis and explanted after 3, 24 or 72 h of biofilm formation. Quantitative and qualitative biofilm analysis was performed by sonication followed by viable counts, and microcalorimetry, respectively. Independently of the material, S. aureus formed increasing amounts of biofilm on the surface of all scaffolds over time as determined by both methods. For S. epidermidis, the biofilm amount decreased over time, and no biofilm was detected by microcalorimetry on the DCP scaffolds after 72 h of infection. However, when using a higher S. epidermidis inoculum, increasing amounts of biofilm were formed on all scaffolds as determined by microcalorimetry. No significant variation in staphylococcal in vivo biofilm formation was observed between the different materials tested. This study highlights the importance of in vivo studies, in addition to in vitro studies, when investigating biofilm formation of bone grafts.

    Calorimetry investigations of milled α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) powders to determine the formation enthalpies of α-TCP and X-ray amorphous tricalcium phosphate

    Katrin Hurle, Juergen Neubauer, Marc Bohner, Nicola Doebelin, Friedlinde Goetz-Neunhoeffer
    Acta Biomaterialia, 23, 2015, Pages 338-346
    One α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) powder was either calcined at 500 °C to obtain fully crystalline α-TCP or milled for different durations to obtain α-TCP powders containing various amounts of X-ray amorphous tricalcium phosphate (ATCP). These powders containing between 0 and 71 wt.% ATCP and up to 2.0 ± 0.1 wt.% β-TCP as minor phase were then hydrated in 0.1 M Na2HPO4 aqueous solution and the resulting heat flows were measured by isothermal calorimetry. Additionally, the evolution of the phase composition during hydration was determined by in situ XRD combined with the G-factor method, an external standard method which facilitates the indirect quantification of amorphous phases.
    Maximum ATCP hydration was reached after about 1 h, while that of crystalline α-TCP hydration occurred between 4 and 11 h, depending on the ATCP content. An enthalpy of formation of −4065 ± 6 kJ/mol (T = 23 °C) was calculated for ATCP (Ca3(PO4)2), while for crystalline α-TCP (α-Ca3(PO4)2) a value of −4113 ± 6 kJ/mol (T = 23 °C) was determined.

    Bovine Osteochondral Tissues: A Questionable Model to Evaluate Mechanical Loading In Vitro

    Adel Tekari, Reto Luginbuehl, Willy Hofstetter, Rainer J. Egli
    IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 14(7), 716-721, 2015
    Articular cartilage exists within synovial joints to adsorb and distribute mechanical loads to the subchondral bone. Mechanical loading is one aspect of a wide range of microenvironmental stressors that contribute to the maintenance of articular cartilage. The aim of the current study was to characterize bovine osteochondral tissues and to assess their suitability to serve as a model for investigating the effects of mechanical loading on cartilage tissue in vitro using a custom-made reactor system. Osteochondral tissues were harvested from bovine knee joints and cultured up to 24 days in loaded and unloaded conditions. Notably, we found a considerable zone-specific heterogeneity between cartilage explants harvested from the same joint as evidenced by histology and gene expression levels. Results using the reactor system revealed that differences observed after mechanical loading varied within the range of the heterogeneity observed amongst the different cartilage explants. Thus, it may be difficult to obtain reliable and reproducible data in mechanical loading experiments from these tissues in vitro, especially in cases where small variations between the experimental groups are expected. This will likely lead to the reporting of false positives or negatives in studies investigating the effect of mechanical load on the function of cartilage tissue.

    Transforming Growth Factor Beta Signaling Is Essential for the Autonomous Formation of Cartilage-Like Tissue by Expanded Chondrocytes

    Adel Tekari, Reto Luginbuehl, Willy Hofstetter, Rainer J. Egli
    PLoS ONE 10(3): e0120857, 2015
    Cartilage is a tissue with limited self-healing potential. Hence, cartilage defects require surgical attention to prevent or postpone the development of osteoarthritis. For cell-based cartilage repair strategies, in particular autologous chondrocyte implantation, articular chondrocytes are isolated from cartilage and expanded in vitro to increase the number of cells required for therapy. During expansion, the cells lose the competence to autonomously form a cartilage-like tissue, that is in the absence of exogenously added chondrogenic growth factors, such as TGF-βs. We hypothesized that signaling elicited by autocrine and/or paracrine TGF-β is essential for the formation of cartilage-like tissue and that alterations within the TGF-β signaling pathway during expansion interfere with this process. Primary bovine articular chondrocytes were harvested and expanded in monolayer culture up to passage six and the formation of cartilage tissue was investigated in high density pellet cultures grown for three weeks. Chondrocytes expanded for up to three passages maintained the potential for autonomous cartilage-like tissue formation. After three passages, however, exogenous TGF-β1 was required to induce the formation of cartilage-like tissue. When TGF-β signaling was blocked by inhibiting the TGF-β receptor 1 kinase, the autonomous formation of cartilage-like tissue was abrogated. At the initiation of pellet culture, chondrocytes from passage three and later showed levels of transcripts coding for TGF-β receptors 1 and 2 and TGF-β2 to be three-, five- and five-fold decreased, respectively, as compared to primary chondrocytes. In conclusion, the autonomous formation of cartilage-like tissue by expanded chondrocytes is dependent on signaling induced by autocrine and/or paracrine TGF-β. We propose that a decrease in the expression of the chondrogenic growth factor TGF-β2 and of the TGF-β receptors in expanded chondrocytes accounts for a decrease in the activity of the TGF-β signaling pathway and hence for the loss of the potential for autonomous cartilage-like tissue formation.

    Interlaboratory study on the quantification of calcium phosphate phases by Rietveld refinement

    Nicola Döbelin
    Powder Diffraction 2015; 30(3): 231-241
    An interlaboratory study (ILS, round robin) was conducted to assess the accuracy and precision of the phase quantification of calcium phosphate (CaP) bioceramics by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld refinement. For that purpose, a mixture of hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate, two CaP phases commonly used in synthetic bone graft substitutes, was prepared and sent to 12 laboratories for XRD analysis. Results from 26 different instruments were received and evaluated statistically according to ASTM E691 – 13. The statistical analysis revealed that the reproducibility standard deviation of phase quantities was approximately two times greater than the repeatability standard deviation, which is obtained by repeating the analysis on a single instrument configuration multiple times. The 95% reproducibility limit for phase quantities was R = ±1.67 wt%. The study also demonstrated that several participants overinterpreted their data in an attempt to refine crystallite sizes of the minor phase.

    Profex: a graphical user interface for the Rietveld refinement program BGMN

    Nicola Doebelin and Reinhard Kleeberg
    J. Appl. Cryst. 48, 1573-1580
    Profex is a graphical user interface for the Rietveld refinement program BGMN. Its interface focuses on preserving BGMN's powerful and flexible scripting features by giving direct access to BGMN input files. Very efficient workflows for single or batch refinements are achieved by managing refinement control files and structure files, by providing dialogues and shortcuts for many operations, by performing operations in the background, and by providing import filters for CIF and XML crystal structure files. Refinement results can be easily exported for further processing. State-of-the-art graphical export of diffraction patterns to pixel and vector graphics formats allows the creation of publication-quality graphs with minimum effort. Profex reads and converts a variety of proprietary raw data formats and is thus largely instrument independent. Profex and BGMN are available under an open-source license for Windows, Linux and OS X operating systems.

    Progressing innovation in biomaterials. From the bench to the bed of patients

    Y. Bayon, M. Bohner, D. Eglin, M. Thérin, A. Montali, P. Procter, J. Fisher & R. G. Richards
    J Mater Sci: Mater Med 26, 228 (2015)
    A Translational Research Symposium was organized at the 2014 annual meeting of the European society for biomaterials. This brought together leading Tier one companies in clinical biomaterials and medical device markets, small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurial academics who shared their experiences on taking biomaterials technologies to commercial endpoints, in the clinics. The symposium focused on “Progressing Innovation in Biomaterials. From the Bench to the Bed of Patients”. The aim of the present document is to illustrate the content of the symposium and to highlight the key lessons from selected lectures.

    Design of an inorganic dual-paste apatite cement using cation exchange

    Marc Bohner, Hanna Tiainen, Pascal Michel & Nicola Döbelin
    J Mater Sci: Mater Med 26, 63 (2015)
    The use of hydraulic calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) as bone substitute is impaired by their relatively poor handling due to the need to mix a powder and a liquid during surgery. The aim of the present study was to assess the possibility to design CPCs as inorganic dual-paste cements, where both pastes would be stable for years, but would react as soon as they are mixed together. Results showed that aqueous pastes of α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) powder could be stabilized for up to a year at room temperature by the use of 0.1 M Mg chloride solution. Adding a calcium chloride solution in a 1:4 volume ratio activated α-TCP pastes provided the Ca/Mg ratio was larger than one. Mechanistic investigations suggest that Ca ions can displace Mg cations adsorbed at the surface of α-TCP particles to initiate α-TCP transformation to calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite and concomitant paste hardening. The compressive strength (29 MPa) was similar to that of commercial formulations (5–80 MPa). Other divalent cations (Ba, Ni, Sr) had a similar effect although with a different degree of efficacy.

    Effect of oxide layer modification of CoCr stent alloys on blood activation and endothelial behavior

    Vincent Milleret, Algirdas Ziogas, Stefano Buzzi, Roman Heuberger, Arik Zucker, Martin Ehrbar
    J Biomed Mater Res Part B 2015: 103B: 629–640

    CoCr alloys, in particular MP35N and L605, are extensively used in biomedical implants, for example for coronary stents. In practice, these alloys present a moderately hydrophobic surface which leads to significant platelet adhesion and consequently to risk of early thrombosis or in-stent restenosis. Surface modification of biomedical implants is known to alter their biological performances. In this study we focused on the alteration of in vitro biological responses of human cells contacting CoCr surfaces with engineered oxide layers. XPS analysis was performed to determine the composition of the oxide layer of differently treated CoCr while the bulk properties were not modified. An extensive characterization of the surfaces was performed looking at surface roughness, wettability and charge. After static exposure to blood, strongly reduced platelet and increased polymorphonuclear neutrophil adhesion were observed on treated versus untreated surfaces. Comparisons of treated and untreated samples provide evidence for wettability being an important player for platelet adhesion, although multiple factors including surface oxide chemistry and charge might control polymorphonuclear neutrophil adhesion. The differently treated surfaces were shown to be equally suitable for endothelial cell proliferation. We herein present a novel approach to steer biological properties of CoCr alloys. By adjusting their oxide layer composition, substrates were generated which are suitable for endothelial cell growth and at the same time show an altered (reduced) blood contact activation. Such treatments are expected to lead to stents of highly reproducible quality with minimal thrombogenicity and in-stent restenosis, while maintaining rapid re-endothelialization after coronary angioplasty.

    Textured and hierarchically structured calcium phosphate ceramic blocks through hydrothermal treatment

    Laetitia Galea, Dmitriy Alexeev, Marc Bohner, Nicola Doebelin, André R. Studart, Christos G. Aneziris, Thomas Graule
    Biomaterials 67 (2015) 93-103

    Synthetic calcium phosphate bone graft substitutes are widely recognized for their biocompatibility and resorption characteristics in the treatment of large bone defects. However, due to their inherent brittleness, applications in load-bearing situations always require reinforcement by additional metallic implants. Improved mechanical stability would eliminate the need for non-resorbable metallic implants. In this context a new approach to obtain calcium phosphate scaffolds with improved mechanical stability by texturing the material in specific crystal orientations was evaluated. Texture and reduction of crystal size was achieved by recrystallizing α-TCP blocks into calcium deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA) under hydrothermal conditions. SEM and XRD analysis revealed the formation of fine CDHA needles (diameter ≈ 0.1–0.5 μm), aligned over several hundreds of micrometers. The obtained microstructures were remarkably similar to the microstructures of the prismatic layer of mollusk shells or enamel, also showing organization at 5 hierarchical structure levels. Brazilian disc tests were used to determine the diametral tensile strength, σdts, and the work-of-fracture, WOF, of the textured materials. Hydrothermal incubation significantly increased σdts and WOF of the ceramic blocks as compared to sintered blocks. These improvements were attributed to the fine and entangled crystal structure obtained after incubation, which reduces the size of strength-determining critical defects and also leads to tortuous crack propagation. Rupture surfaces revealed intergranular tortuous crack paths, which dissipate much more energy than transgranular cracks as observed in the sintered samples. Hence, the refined and textured microstructure achieved through the proposed processing route is an effective way to improve the trength and particularly the toughness of calcium phosphate-based ceramics.

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    (Tab id: module_17122664564493; Tab name:  2014 )

    Publications 2014

    Study of Defects by Rietveld Technique and Gas Response of Excess-Iron Zinc Ferrite

    A. Sutka, N. Doebelin
    Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 2014, Volume 61, Issue S1, Pages S81-S84

    It has been shown that by regulating excess iron content in spinel zinc ferrite it is possible to enhance its gas response. In this work relationships between structural properties and gas response of the non-stoichiometric zinc ferrites are studied. Stoichiometric and excess iron spinel zinc ferrite nanomaterials were synthesized by using sol-gel combustion. Rietveld refinement of site occupancies from powder XRD data shows that excess iron zinc ferrites contain vacancies on oxygen positions, Fe2+ on octahedral crystallographic B sites, and Fe3+ on the A site. As revealed by complex impedance spectra, with increasing oxygen vacancy concentration the depletion layer width decreases. At the same time, increasing oxygen vacancy concentration increases oxygen adsorption for reaction with a test gas, thus increasing the gas response of spinel zinc ferrite. Long term stability of the non-stoichiometric excess iron spinel zinc ferrite gas sensors will be discussed in this work.

    Implants with Original and Non-Original Abutment Connections

    Michel Gigandet, Gianni Bigolin, Francisco Faoro, Walter Bürgin, Urs Brägger
    Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 16: 303-311, 2014

    To test in vitro the mechanical resistance, rotational misfit and failure mode of three original implant-abutment connections and to compare them to two connections between non-original abutments connected to one of the original implants.

    Material and Methods

    Three different implants with small diameters (3.3 mm for Straumann Roxolid, 3.5 mm for Nobel Biocare Replace and Astra Tech Osseospeed TX) were connected with individualized titanium abutments.
    Twelve implants from each system were connected to their original abutments (Straumann CARES, Nobel Biocare Procera, Astra Tech Atlantis). Twenty-four Roxolid implants were connected with non-original abutments using CAD/CAM procedures from the other two manufacturers (12 Nobel Biocare Procera and 12 Astra Tech Atlantis). For the critical bending test, a Zwick/Roell 1475 machine and the Xpert Zwick/Roell software were used.

    The rotational misfit varied when comparing the different interfaces. The use of non-original grade V titanium abutments on Roxolid implants increased the force needed for deformation. The fracture mode was different with one of the original connections.

    Non-original abutments differ in design of the connecting surfaces and material and demonstrate higher rotational misfit. These differences may result in unexpected failure modes.

    Effect of amorphous phases during the hydraulic conversion of α-TCP into calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite

    Katrin Hurle, Juergen Neubauer, Marc Bohner, Nicola Doebelin, Friedlinde Goetz-Neunhoeffer
    Acta Biomaterialia, 10(9), 2014, 3931-3941

    Powders of α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP), which readily react with water to form calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA), are frequently used in bone cements. As, for clinical applications, it is important to adjust the setting reaction of the cements to a reasonable reaction time, exact knowledge of the hydration mechanism is essential. It is known that prolonged milling results in partial amorphization of α-TCP powders and that dissolution of the amorphous phase significantly accelerates the hydration, but it is not clear yet when the amorphous phase reacts in comparison to the crystalline α-TCP. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the development of quantitative phase content of α-TCP samples during hydration.
    For this purpose, three α-TCP powders, containing 0, 16 and 71 wt.% of amorphous phase (ATCP), were mixed with either deionized water or a 0.1 M Na2HPO4 aqueous solution. The crystalline evolution of the paste was assessed quantitatively during the first 48 h of hydration at 23 °C by G-factor quantification. The present investigations demonstrate that ATCP reacted earlier than crystalline α-TCP. The results also suggest the formation of an X-ray amorphous phase during the hydraulic conversion formation of α-TCP into CDHA.

    Chondrocytes expressing intracellular collagen type II enter the cell cycle and co-express collagen type I in monolayer culture

    Adel Tekari, Reto Luginbuehl, Willy Hofstetter, Rainer J. Egli
    J Orthop Res 32: 1503–1511, 2014

    For autologous chondrocyte transplantation, articular chondrocytes are harvested from cartilage tissue and expanded in vitro in monolayer culture. We aimed to characterize with a cellular resolution the synthesis of collagen type II (COL2) and collagen type I (COL1) during expansion in order to further understand why these cells lose the potential to form cartilage tissue when re-introduced into a microenvironment that supports chondrogenesis. During expansion for six passages, levels of transcripts encoding COL2 decreased to <0.1%, whereas transcript levels encoding COL1 increased 370-fold as compared to primary chondrocytes. Flow cytometry for intracellular proteins revealed that chondrocytes acquired a COL2/COL1-double positive phenotype during expansion, and the COL2 positive cells were able to enter the cell cycle. While the fraction of COL2 positive cells decreased from 70% to <2% in primary chondrocytes to passage six cells, the fraction of COL1 positive cells increased from <1% to >95%. In parallel to the decrease of the fraction of COL2 positive cells, the cells' potential to form cartilage-like tissue in pellet cultures steadily decreased. Intracellular staining for COL2 enables for characterization of chondrocyte lineage cells in more detail with a cellular resolution, and it may allow predicting the effectiveness of expanded chondrocytes to form cartilage-like tissue.

    Low in vitro third-body wear on total hip prostheses induced by calcium sulphate used for local antibiotic therapy

    R. Heuberger, P. Wahl, J. Krieg and E. Gautier
    European Cells and Materials Vol. 28 2014 (pages 246-257)

    In case of implant associated infection, implant preservation is associated with high failure rates. Therefore, a removal or exchange of the implant is most often mandatory for treatment success. Alternatively, under certain conditions, local antibiotic delivery can be applied – preserving the implant, using for example calcium sulphate as a resorbable carrier. In this work, third-body wear on total hip prostheses caused by calcium sulphate particles was tested in a hip simulator. Inlays made of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) against 28 mm CoCrMo heads and 36 mm alumina pairings were tested in triplicate, both with and without calcium sulphate particles in the test liquid.
    Neither the alumina articulations nor the CoCrMo heads were affected by the calcium sulphate particles since calcium sulphate is a relatively soft material. The polyethylene inlays showed 39-89 % higher wear during exposure compared to references, but wear returned to >normal when no more particles were added. Thus, calcium sulphate might be used as antibiotic carrier even in the presence of total hip prostheses without fearing excessive third-body wear

    The influence of tibial morphology on the design of an anatomical tibial baseplate for TKA

    Maximilian J. Hartel, Yannick Loosli, Daniel Delfosse, Peter Diel, Michael Thali, Steffen Ross, Sandro Kohl, Stefan Eggli
    The Knee 21(2), 2014, 415-419

    Finding the right balance between tibial coverage and minimal implant overhang is an important factor in TKA. Another significant cause of failure is component malrotation.

    An average master shape of the proximal tibia at TKA resection level was calculated using fine slice computed tomographies of 117 cadaveric knees. To find out whether alternate implant contours would be necessary depending on the patient's body size, we established five subgroups to compare. CAD-Analysis was performed to simulate the overhang produced after ±4°/±7°/±10° rotation.

    A master shape for the tibial resection cut (with a 5° posterior slope, 7mm under lateral joint line) could be determined. Neither left vs. right knee joint, nor male vs. female nor the size subdivision appears to alter the calculated master shape significantly. The optimized shape allowing for ±4° of rotational freedom was found to be the best variant.

    Valid methods have been obtained to design a two-dimensional average shape of the tibial plateau. The modifications described in this study might come in useful, when designing future implant designs.

    Clinical relevance
    An optimized fit at the tibial plateau and lower rates of component malrotation may result in better outcomes after TKA.

    Improving the wear resistance of UHMWPE implants by in situ precipitation of hyaluronic acid using supercritical fluid technology

    María P. Fernández-Ronco, Johannes Kluge, Jeannine Krieg, Soraya Rodríguez-Rojo, Benjamin Andreatta, Reto Luginbuehl, Marco Mazzotti, Jorge Sague
    The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 95, 2014, 204-213

    Recently, the increase in the number of patients who require a hip or knee implant, combined with the reduction of age at which this implant is demanded, emphasizes the urgent need for the development of new materials with enhanced mechanical and tribological properties. In this work, a new technique called supercritical in situ precipitation (SCisP) has been employed to manufacture a blend made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene with added vitamin E (UHMWPEvit) plus a hyaluronic acid (HA) derivative. The precipitation of the HA derivative within the pores of a porous UHMWPEvit preform allows getting a blend after the post-processing of the SCisP product. Blend characterization results report the reduction of friction coefficient and wear rate in comparison to reference UHMWPEvit, probably due to the improvement in the wettability that hyaluronic derivative produces. Manufacturing times and raw material consumption have been drastically reduced by SCisP in comparison to processes reported up to now. Moreover, preliminary studies varying the conditions of the process, i.e. the type of hyaluronic acid derivative, solvent and number of injections, establish the basis of this technique for further development and open an interesting route in the manufacture of medical devices.

    Influence of physico-chemical material characteristics on staph­y­lo­coccal biofilm formation – A qualitative and quantitative in vitro analysis of five different calcium phosphate bone grafts

    M. Clauss, U. Furustrand Tafin, B. Betrisey, N. van Garderen, A. Trampuz, T. Ilchmann, M. Bohner
    European Cells and Materials Vol. 28 2014 (pages 39-50)

    Various compositions of synthetic calcium phosphates (CaP) have been proposed and their use has considerably increased over the past decades. Besides differences in physico-chemical properties, resorption and osseointegration, artificial CaP bone graft might differ in their resistance against biofilm formation. We investigated standardised cylinders of 5 different CaP bone grafts (cyclOS, chronOS (both β-TCP (tricalcium phosphate)), dicalcium phosphate (DCP), calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA) and α-TCP). Various physico-chemical characterisations e.g., geometrical density, porosity, and specific surface area were investigated. Biofilm formation was carried out in tryptic soy broth (TSB) and human serum (SE) using Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29213) and S. epidermidis RP62A (ATCC 35984). The amount of biofilm was analysed by an established protocol using sonication and microcalorimetry. Physico-chemical characterisation showed marked differences concerning macro- and micropore size, specific surface area and porosity accessible to bacteria between the 5 scaffolds. Biofilm formation was found on all scaffolds and was comparable for α-TCP, chronOS, CDHA and DCP at corresponding time points when the scaffolds were incubated with the same germ and/or growth media, but much lower for cyclOS. This is peculiar because cyclOS had an intermediate porosity, mean pore size, specific surface area, and porosity accessible to bacteria. Our results suggest that biofilm formation is not influenced by a single physico-chemical parameter alone but is a multi-step process influenced by several factors in parallel. Transfer from in vitro data to clinical situations is difficult; thus, advocating the use of cyclOS scaffolds over the four other CaP bone grafts in clinical situations with a high risk of infection cannot be clearly supported based on our data.

    Effect of grain size and microporosity on the in vivo behaviour of β-tricalcium phosphate scaffolds

    H. Lapczyna, L. Galea, S. Wüst, M. Bohner, S. Jerban, A. Sweedy, N. Doebelin, N. van Garderen, S. Hofmann, G. Baroud, R. Müller and B. von Rechenberg
    European Cells and Materials Vol. 28 2014 (pages 299-319)

    Defining the most adequate architecture of a bone substitute scaffold is a topic that has received much attention over the last 40 years. However, contradictory results exist on the effect of grain size and microporosity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of these two factors on the in vivo behaviour of β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) scaffolds. For that purpose, β-TCP scaffolds were produced with roughly the same macropore size (≈ 150 μm), and porosity (≈ 80 %), but two levels of microporosity (low: 10 % / high: ≈ 25 %) and grain size (small: 1.3 μm /large: ≈ 3.3 μm). The sample architecture was characterised extensively using materialography, Hg porosimetry, micro-computed tomography (μCT), and nitrogen adsorption. The scaffolds were implanted for 2, 4 and 8 weeks in a cylindrical 5-wall cancellous bone defect in sheep. The histological, histomorphometrical and μCT analysis of the samples revealed that all four scaffold types were almost completely resorbed within 8 weeks and replaced by new bone. Despite the three-fold difference in microporosity and grain size, very few biological differences were observed. The only significant effect at p < 0.01 was a slightly faster resorption rate and soft tissue formation between 4 and 8 weeks of implantation when microporosity was increased. Past and present results suggest that the biological response of this particular defect is not very sensitive towards physico-chemical differences of resorbable bone graft substitutes. As bone formed not only in the macropores but also in the micropores, a closer study at the microscopic and localised effects is necessary.

    Performance of β-tricalcium phosphate granules and putty, bone grafting materials after bilateral sinus floor augmentation in humans

    Michael Stiller, Esther Kluk, Marc Bohner, Marco A. Lopez-Heredia, Christian Müller-Mai, Christine Knabe
    Biomaterials 35 (2014) 3154-3163

    Sinus floor augmentation (SFA) using bone grafting materials, and in particular calcium phosphates (CaP), is a well-established pre-implantology procedure. The use of CaP simplifies SFA procedures. β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) is amply used for SFA. This study evaluated the clinical and osteogenic performance of β-TCP granules (TCP-G) and a β-TCP putty (TCP-P) bone graft material. TCP-P consisted of TCP-G in a hyaluronic acid (HyA) carrier. Bone formation, volume stability and osteogenic marker expression after bilateral SFA in patients was assessed. Eight patients were selected for a split-mouth design. Biopsies obtained six months after SFA, were processed for immunohistochemical analysis of collagen type I (Col I), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteocalcin (OC) and bone sialoprotein (BSP). Histomorphometric analysis determined bone, grafting material and marrow space percentages. Cone-beam computed tomography was used to calculate the graft volume and its stability. Both materials allowed excellent bone regeneration and volume stability. TCP-P displayed better surgical handling properties, greater bone formation, higher expression of Col I, ALP, OC and BSP; as well as significantly lower grafting volume reduction values. HyA had no adverse effect on TCP-P performance. Due to its clinical and osteogenic performance, TCP-P can be regarded as excellent bone grafting material for SFA.

    Growth kinetics of hexagonal sub-micrometric β-tricalcium phosphate particles in ethylene glycol

    Laetitia Galea, Marc Bohner, Juerg Thuering, Nicola Doebelin, Terry A. Ring, Christos G. Aneziris, Thomas Graule
    Acta Biomaterialia 10(9), 2014, 3922–3930

    Recently, uniform, non-agglomerated, hexagonal β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) platelets (diameter  400–1700 nm, h  100–200 nm) were obtained at fairly moderate temperatures (90–170 °C) by precipitation in ethylene glycol. Unfortunately, the platelet aspect ratios (diameter/thickness) obtained in the latter study were too small to optimize the strength of polymer–β-TCP composites. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate β-TCP platelet crystallization kinetics, and based on this, to find ways to better control the β-TCP aspect ratio. For that purpose, precipitations were performed at different temperatures (90–170 °C) and precursor concentrations (4, 16 and 32 mM). Solution aliquots were retrieved at regular intervals (10 s–24 h), and the size of the particles was measured on scanning electron microscopy images, hence allowing the determination of the particle growth rates. The β-TCP platelets were observed to nucleate and grow very rapidly. For example, the first crystals were observed after 30 s at 150 °C, and crystallization was complete within 2 min. The crystal growth curves could be well-fitted with both diffusion- and reaction-controlled equations, but the high activation energies (∼100 kJ mol−1) pointed towards a reaction-controlled mechanism. The results revealed that the best way to increase the diameter and aspect ratio of the platelets was to increase the precursor concentration. Aspect ratios as high as 14 were obtained, but the synthesis of such particles was always associated with the presence of large fractions of monetite impurities.

    Phase and size separations occurring during the injection of model pastes composed of β-tricalcium phosphate powder, glass beads and aqueous solutions

    S. Tadier, L. Galea, B. Charbonnier, G. Baroud, M. Bohner
    Acta Biomaterialia 10(5), 2014, 2259–2268

    Glass beads a few hundred micrometers in size were added to aqueous β-tricalcium phosphate pastes to simulate the effect of porogens and drug-loaded microspheres on the injectability of calcium phosphate cements and putties. The composition of the pastes was monitored during the injection process to assess the effect of glass bead content, glass bead size and paste composition on the paste injectability. The results revealed that the injection process led to both liquid and glass bead segregations: the liquid flowed faster than the glass beads, which themselves flowed faster than the β-tricalcium phosphate microparticles. In fact, even the particle size distribution of the glass beads was modified during injection. These results reveal that a good design of multiphasic injectable pastes is essential to prevent phase separation.

    Extracortical plate fixation with new plate inserts and cerclage wires for the treatment of periprosthetic hip fractures

    Johannes D. Bastian, Andre Butscher, Gianni Bigolin, Matthias A. Zumstein & Hubert P. Nötzli
    International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 38, 489–494 (2014)

    Fixation of periprosthetic hip fractures with intracortical anchorage might not be feasible in cases with bulky implants and/or poor bone stock.

    Rotational stability of new plate inserts with extracortical anchorage for cerclage fixation was measured and compared to the stability found using a standard technique in a biomechanical setup using a torsion testing machine. In a synthetic PUR bone model, transverse fractures were fixed distally using screws and proximally by wire cerclages attached to the plates using “new” (extracortical anchorage) or “standard” (intracortical anchorage) plate inserts. Time to fracture consolidation and complications were assessed in a consecutive series of 18 patients (18 female; mean age 81 years, range 55–92) with periprosthetic hip fractures (ten type B1, eight type C-Vancouver) treated with the new device between July 2003 and July 2010.

    The “new” device showed a higher rotational stability than the “standard” technique (p < 0.001). Fractures showed radiographic consolidation after 14 ± 5 weeks (mean ± SD) postoperatively in patients. Revision surgery was necessary in four patients, unrelated to the new technique.

    In periprosthetic hip fractures in which fixation with intracortical anchorage using conventional means might be difficult due to bulky revision stems and/or poor bone stock, the new device may be an addition to the range of existing implants.

    The relevance of biomaterials to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

    D. Arcos, A.R. Boccaccini, M. Bohner, A. Díez-Pérez, M. Epple, E. Gómez-Barrena, A. Herrera, J.A. Planell, L. Rodríguez-Mañas, M. Vallet-Regí
    Acta Biomaterialia 10(5), 2014, 1793-1805

    Osteoporosis is a worldwide disease with a very high prevalence in humans older than 50. The main clinical consequences are bone fractures, which often lead to patient disability or even death. A number of commercial biomaterials are currently used to treat osteoporotic bone fractures, but most of these have not been specifically designed for that purpose. Many drug- or cell-loaded biomaterials have been proposed in research laboratories, but very few have received approval for commercial use. In order to analyze this scenario and propose alternatives to overcome it, the Spanish and European Network of Excellence for the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporotic Fractures, “Ageing”, was created. This network integrates three communities, e.g. clinicians, materials scientists and industrial advisors, tackling the same problem from three different points of view. Keeping in mind the premise “living longer, living better”, this commentary is the result of the thoughts, proposals and conclusions obtained after one year working in the framework of this network.

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    (Tab id: module_17122664564493; Tab name:  2013 )

    Publications 2013

    In Vitro Ceramic Scaffold Mineralization: Comparison Between Histological and Micro-Computed Tomographical Analysis

    Benjamin W. Thimm, Oliver Wechsler, Marc Bohner, Ralph Müller & Sandra Hofmann
    Ann Biomed Eng 41, 2666–2675 (2013)

    The porous structure of beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) scaffolds was assessed by conventional histomorphometry and micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) to evaluate the substitutability of time-consuming histomorphometry by rapid micro-CT. Extracellular matrix mineralization on human mesenchymal stem cell seeded β-TCP scaffolds was scanned by means of micro-CT after 6 weeks in cultivation and evaluated morphometrically. For the histomorphometric analysis, undecalcified sections were prepared in the mediosagittal plane of the cylindrical tissue-engineered constructs. The sections were scanned at a nominal resolution of 8 μm and stained with von Kossa and Toluidine Blue. Pores were analyzed with both methods for morphometrical parameters such as horizontal/vertical diameter and pore/mineralized tissue area. Results showed highly significant correlations between histomorphometry and micro-CT for pore horizontal length (r = 0.95), pore vertical length (r = 0.96), pore area (r = 0.97), and mineralized tissue area (r = 0.82). Mean percentage differences between histomorphometry and micro-CT measurements ranged from 1.4% (pore vertical diameter) to 14.0% (area of mineralized tissue). With its high image precision, micro-CT qualifies as an additional tool for endpoint evaluation measurements of mineralized tissue development within tissue-engineered constructs also in ceramic scaffolds.

    Microporous calcium phosphate ceramics as tissue engineering scaffolds for the repair of osteochondral defects: Histological results

    A. Bernstein, P. Niemeyer, G. Salzmann, N.P. Südkamp, R. Hube, J. Klehm, M. Menzel, R. von Eisenhart-Rothe, M. Bohner, L. Görz, H.O. Mayr
    Acta Biomaterialia 9(7), 2013, 7490-7505

    Treatment of defects in joint cartilage aims to re-establish normal joint function. In vitro experiments have shown that the application of synthetic scaffolds is a promising alternative to existing therapeutic options. A sheep study was conducted to test the suitability of microporous pure β-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) ceramics as tissue engineering scaffolds for the repair of osteochondral defects. Cylindrical plugs of microporous β-TCP (diameter: 7mm; length: 25mm; porosity: 43.5±2.4%; pore diameter: ∼5μm) with interconnecting pores were used. Scaffolds were seeded with autologous chondrocytes in vitro and cultured for 4weeks. A drill hole (diameter 7mm) was placed in both medial femoral condyles of sheep. For the left knee the defect was filled with a TCP plug and for the right knee the defect was left empty. After 6, 12, 26 and 52weeks, seven animals from each group were killed and studied. The samples were examined employing histological, histomorphometric and immunohistological methods as well as various imaging techniques (X-ray, microcomputer tomography and scanning electron microscopy). After explantation the cartilage defects were first assessed macroscopically. There were no signs of infection or inflammation. Histological grading scales were used for assessment of bony integration and cartilage repair. An increasing degradation (81% after 52weeks) of the ceramic with concomitant bone formation was observed. The original structure of cancellous bone was almost completely restored. After 26 and 52weeks, collagen II-positive hyaline cartilage was detected in several samples. New subchondral bone had formed. The formation of cartilage began at the outer edge and proceeded to the middle. According to the O’Driscoll score, values corresponding to healthy cartilage were not reached after 1year. Integration of the newly formed cartilage tissue into the surrounding native cartilage was found. The formation of biomechanical stable cartilage began at the edge and progressed towards the centre of the defect. After 1year this process was still not completed. Microporous β-TCP scaffolds seeded with chondrocytes are suitable for the treatment of osteochondral defects.

    Control of the size, shape and composition of highly uniform, non-agglomerated, sub-micrometer β-tricalcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate platelets

    Laetitia Galea, Marc Bohner, Juerg Thuering, Nicola Doebelin, Christos G. Aneziris, Thomas Graule
    Biomaterials 34 (2013) 6388-6401

    Calcium phosphates (CaPs) are widely used as bone graft substitutes but are inherently brittle, hence restricting their use to mechanically protected environments. Combining them with a tough polymer matrix could potentially lead to a composite with load-bearing properties. However, the highest mechanical properties can only be achieved if the CaP particles possess very precise features: they should be uniform in size and shape, non-agglomerated, elongated and thin. The aim of the present study therefore was to assess a novel method to produce such particles. This involved the precipitation of CaP particles in ethylene glycol at moderate temperatures (90–170 °C) and the variation of different reaction parameters (temperature, concentration, pH, etc) to study their influence on particle composition, size, shape and dispersion was studied. As a result, two main CaP phases were obtained as well-dispersed and highly uniform platelets in the form of: (i) β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) hexagonal prisms and (ii) monetite (DCP) flat parallelepipeds. The size dispersion was the narrowest for β-TCP (standard deviation/mean< 5%) whereas the aspect ratio was the highest for DCP (up to 25). In both cases, the thickness of the platelets was below 300 nm which should be ideal for the synthesis of strong CaP-based composites.

    An actin length threshold regulates adhesion maturation at the lamellipodium/lamellum interface

    Y. Loosli, C. Labouesse, R. Luginbuehl, J.-J. Meister, J. G. Snedeker, B. Vianay
    Integrative Biology 5(6), 2013, 865–876

    The mechanical coupling between adherent cells and their substrates is a major driver of downstream behavior. This coupling relies on the formation of adhesion sites and actin bundles. How cells generate these elements remains only partly understood. A potentially important mechanism, the length threshold maturation (LTM), has previously been proposed to regulate adhesion maturation and actin bundle stabilization tangential to the leading edge. The LTM describes the process by which cells integrate lamellar myosin forces to trigger adhesion maturation. These forces, cumulated over the length of an actin bundle, are balanced at the anchoring focal complexes. When the bundle length exceeds a certain threshold, the distributed lamellar forces become sufficient to trigger the stabilization of the bundle and its adhesions. In this continuing study, we experimentally challenge the LTM for the first time, by seeding cells on micropatterned substrates with various non-adhesive gaps designed to selectively trigger the LTM. While stable actin bundles were observed on all patterns, their lengths were almost exclusively above 3 μm or 4 μm depending on the cell type. Furthermore, the frequency with which gaps were bridged increased nearly as a step function with increasing gap width, indicating a substrate dependent behavioral switch. These combined observations point strongly to LTM with a threshold above 3 μm. We thus experimentally confirm with two cell types our previous theoretical work postulating the existence of a length dependent threshold mechanism that triggers adhesion maturation and actin bundle stabilization.

    Risk factors for aseptic loosening of Müller-type straight stems – A registry-based analysis of 828 consecutive cases with a minimum follow-up of 16 years

    Martin Clauss, Silke Gersbach, Andre Butscher, and Thomas Ilchmann
    Acta Orthopaedica 2013; 84 (4): 353–359

    Background and purpose
    Even small differences in design variables for the femoral stem may influence the outcome of a hip arthroplasty. We performed a risk factor analysis for aseptic loosening of 4 different versions of cemented Müller-type straight stems with special emphasis on design modifications (2 shapes, MSS or SL, and 2 materials, CoNiCrMo (Co) or Ti-6Al-7Nb (Ti)).

    We investigated 828 total hip replacements, which were followed prospectively in our in-house register. All stems were operated in the same setup, using Sulfix-6 bone cement and a second-generation cementing technique. Demographic and design-specific risk factors were analyzed using an adjusted Cox regression model.

    The 4 versions showed marked differences in 15-year stem survival with aseptic loosening as the endpoint: 94% (95% CI: 89–99) for MSS Co, 83% (CI: 75–91) for SL Co, 81% (CI: 76–87) for MSS Ti and 63% (CI: 56–71) for SL Ti. Cox regression analysis showed a relative risk (RR) for aseptic loosening of 3 (CI: 2–5) for stems made of Ti and of 2 (CI: 1–2) for the SL design. The RR for aseptic stem loosening increased to 8 (CI: 4–15) when comparing the most and the least successful designs (MSS Co and SL Ti).

    Cemented Müller-type straight stems should be MSS-shaped and made of a material with high flexural strength (e.g. cobalt-chrome). The surface finish should be polished (Ra
    < 0.4 μm). These technical aspects combined with modern cement-ing techniques would improve the survival of Müller-type straight stems. This may be true for all types of cemented stems.

    New depowdering-friendly designs for three-dimensional printing of calcium phosphate bone substitutes

    A. Butscher, M. Bohner, N. Doebelin, S. Hofmann, R. Müller
    Acta Biomaterialia 9(11), 2013, 9149–9158

    Powder-based three-dimensional printing (3DP) is a versatile method that allows creating synthetic calcium phos­phate (CaP) scaffolds of complex shapes and structures. However, one major drawback is the difficulty of removing all remnants of loose powder from the printed scaffolds, the so-called depowdering step. In this study, a new design approach was proposed to solve this problem. Specifically, the design of the printed scaffolds consisted of a cage with windows large enough to enable depowdering while still trapping loose fillers placed inside the cage. To demonstrate the potential of this new approach, two filler geometries were used: sandglass and cheese segment. The distance between the fillers was varied and they were either glued to the cage or free to move after successful depowdering. Depowdering efficiency was quantified by microstructural morphometry. The results showed that the use of mobile fillers significantly improved depowdering. Based on this study, large 3DP scaffolds can be realized, which might be a step towards a broader clinical use of 3D printed CaP scaffolds.

    The in vivo performance of CaP/PLGA composites with varied PLGA microsphere sizes and inorganic compositions

    Jan Willem M. Hoekstra, Jinling Ma, Adelina S. Plachokova, Ewald M. Bronkhorst, Marc Bohner, Juli Pan, Gert J. Meijer, John A. Jansen, Jeroen J.J.P. van den Beucken
    Acta Biomaterialia 9(7), 2013, 7518-7526

    Enrichment of calcium phosphate (CaP) bone substitutes with poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microspheres to create porosity overcomes the problem of poor CaP degradation. The degradation of CaP–PLGA composites can be customized by changing the physical and chemical properties of PLGA and/or CaP. However, the effect of the size of dense (solid rather than hollow) PLGA microspheres in CaP has not previously been described. The present study aimed at determining the effect of different dense (i.e. solid) PLGA microsphere sizes (small (S) ∼20μm vs. large (L) ∼130μm) and of CaP composition (CaP with either anhydrous dicalcium phosphate (DCP) or calcium sulphate dihydrate (CSD)) on CaP scaffold biodegradability and subsequent bone in-growth. To this end mandibular defects in minipigs were filled with pre-set CaP–PLGA implants, with autologous bone being used as a control. After 4weeks the autologous bone group outperformed all CaP–PLGA groups in terms of the amount of bone present at the defect site. On the other hand, at 12weeks substantial bone formation was observed for all CaP–PLGA groups (ranging from 47±25% to 62±15%), showing equal amounts of bone compared with the autologous bone group (82±9%), except for CaP with DCP and large PLGA microspheres (47±25%). It was concluded that in the current study design the difference in PLGA microsphere size and CaP composition led to similar results with respect to scaffold degradation and subsequent bone in-growth. Further, after 12weeks all CaP–PLGA composites proved to be effective for bone substitution.

    Moisture based three-dimensional printing of calcium phosphate structures for scaffold engineering

    A. Butscher, M. Bohner, N. Doebelin, L. Galea, O. Loeffel, R. Müller
    Acta Biomaterialia 9(2), 2013, 5369–5378

    Powder based three-dimensional printing (3DP) allows great versatility in material and geometry. These characteristics make 3DP an interesting method for the production of tissue engineering scaffolds. However, 3DP has major limitations, such as limited resolution and accuracy, hence preventing the widespread application of this metho engineering. In order to reduce these limitations deeper understanding of the complex interactions between powder, binder and roller during 3DP is needed. In the past a lot of effort has been invested to optimize the powder properties for 3DP for a certain layer thickness. Using a powder optimized for an 88 lm layer thickness, this study systematically quantifies the surface roughness and geometrical accuracy in printed specimens and assesses their variation upon changes of different critical parameters such as the moisture application time (0, 5, 10 and 20 s), layer thickness (44 and 88 lm) and the number of specimens printed per batch (6 and 12). A best surface roughness value of 25 μm was measured with a moisture application time (using a custom made moisture application device mounted on a linear stage carrying the print head) of 5 s and a layer thickness of 44 μm. Geometrical accuracy was generally higher for the 88 μm thick layer, due to a less critical powder bed stability. Moisture application enabled 3DP of a 44 μm thick layer and improved the accuracy even for a powder initially optimized for 88 μm. Moreover, recycling of the humidified powder was not only possible but, in terms of reactivity, even beneficial. In conclusion, moisture-based 3DP is a promising approach for high resolution 3DP of scaffolds

    Biomechanics of the weakened mandible: use of image correlation analysis

    J. Yachouh, S. Domergue, R. Hoarau, Y. Loosli, P. Goudot
    British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 51(7), 2013, e137-e141

    Uninterrupted resection of mandibular bone is often necessary during maxillofacial operations for cancer. This weakens the mandible, and increases the risk of fracture. To our knowledge no biomechanical analysis has been made of deformations and strains that occur during chewing if this happens, so we have made such an analysis of the weakened mandible using a new technique: image correlation. Five fresh explanted human mandibles were prepared with black and white lacquer, and placed in a loading device that allowed replication of a physiological biting exercise. Calibrated pieces of bone were resected from the right body of each mandible. Images of the mandibular surface were recorded by 2 cameras and analysed with an algorithm to correlate them, which allowed us to confirm the distribution of strain on the body of the mandible, and to focus on the weak points. Before the bone was resected, we noted tensile strains on the alveolar border of the body, and compressive strains on the basilar border. The intensity of the strains in the posterior angle of the resected bony area then increased, with reduction in the height of the bone until fracture. The orientation of the fracture line started at the lower posterior angle of the resection area and spread in a lower posterior direction until it reached the basilar border of the mandible. Image correlation is a new technique for the study of mandibular biomechanics that provides accurate measurements on a wide bony surface with high definition images and without modification of the structure. Its application to weakened mandible provided reliable images of modifications to strains during simulated biting exercises.

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    (Tab id: module_17122664564493; Tab name:  2012 )

    Publications 2012

    Biomaterial surface modifications can dominate cell–substrate mechanics: the impact of PDMS plasma treatment on a quantitative assay of cell stiffness

    G. Bartalena, Y. Loosli, T. Zambelli and J. G. Snedeker
    Soft Matter, 2012,8, 673-681

    Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is a bioinert synthetic polymer with tunable elastic properties that is commonly used as a cell culture substrate. Although plasma treatments are widely used to bio-functionalize otherwise hydrophobic PDMS surfaces, plasma altered surface mechanical properties and implications for cell–substrate mechanical interactions are poorly understood. We performed a multi-scale mechanical characterization of PDMS following plasma treatment: spherical indentation tests were performed with a universal testing machine (indenter diameter, d = 4.75 mm) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) with round tips of 2 different diameters (d = 2 μm, d = 20 μm). Results indicated substantial surface stiffening at indentation depths up to 1 micron, with exponentially decreasing effects to depths of 1 mm. AFM indentation results were analyzed using a finite element (FE) based optimization to determine the substrate material properties, and thus separate the confounding influence of the underlying substrate on surface indentation experiments. We found that a two-layer material model composed of a thin, stiff plasma-oxidized layer (296 nm and 3.66 MPa, respectively) superimposed on a thick layer of bulk polymer (elastic modulus of 10.5 kPa) was able to robustly fit the experimental data. We then investigated the repercussions of the biopolymer surface modifications on cell mechanics, using an inverse finite element model to interpret cell–matrix force exchange. Estimates of cell elastic modulus neglecting the mechanical effects of plasma treatment were more than an order of magnitude lower than estimates accounting for the surface layer (9.6 ± 4.2 kPa vs. 124 ± 55 kPa, respectively). This study thus highlights the need to accurately consider biomaterial surface modifications and how they may influence cell–biomaterial interaction. It further provides a novel approach to characterizing cell-relevant mechanical properties of a polymer substrate. These advances may lead to an improved quantitative assessment of actin cytoskeleton function, with potential relevance to biomaterial based therapies.

    Evaluation of the ultrasonication process for injectability of hydraulic calcium phosphate pastes

    Mohamed Habib, Gamal Baroud, Laetitia Galea, Marc Bohner
    Acta Biomaterialia, 8(3), 2012, 1164-1168

    This study examined the use of ultrasonication to improve the injectability of an aqueous calcium phosphate paste. Ultrasonication was applied to the paste through the plunger of the delivery syringe. A factorial design of experiments with three investigated factors, liquid to powder ratio (LPR) (38%, 39% and 40%), the size of the delivery syringe (5 and 10ml) and the amplitude of the 20kHz power ultrasonication (0–30μm), was used in this study. The volume fraction of the extruded paste was used to quantify injectability. Small injectability improvements were observed with an increase in LPR and decrease in syringe size, which is consistent with previously published results. The improvements due to ultrasonication were significant and remarkable. For example, when using the 5ml syringe the injected volume fraction of the 38% LPR paste improved from 63.4±2.3% without ultrasonication to 97.3±2.4% with 30%. This result shows that ultrasonication is an effective solution to improve injectability.

    Effect of argon on HIP parts, permissible values and concentration determination

    B Hofer, K-U Volker, and F Bigolin
    Powder Metallurgy, 55(5), 2012, 329-332

    Argon gas is normally used as a pressure medium in the hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process and, in special cases, for powder atomisation. Argon is a noble gas and does not react with other elements. However, if argon content exceeds a critical level during densification of parts it can have an adverse effect on subsequent heat treatment, properties and welding processes. Capsule leaks before and during HIP allow the infiltration of argon. Possible counter­measures to eliminate the risk of argon in HIP parts are presented. It is important to recognise that the detection of argon in parts is not a standard process. Different argon levels will be compared with metallographic samples and the influence of heat treatment will be described.

    Acid and alkali etching of grit blasted zirconia: Impact on adhesion and osteogenic differentiation of MG63 cells in vitro

    Jasmin Althaus, Prabitha Urwyler, Celestino Padeste, Roman Heuberger, Hans Deyhle, Helmut Schift, Jens Gobrecht, Uwe Pieles, Dieter Scharnweber, Kirsten Peters, and Bert Müller
    Dental Materials Journal, 31(6), 2012, 1097–1102

    There is a need for evaluating zirconia surface modifications and their potential impact on the biological response of osteogenic cells. Grit blasted zirconia discs were either left untreated or underwent acid or alkaline etching. Adhesion and osteogenic differentiation of MG63 cells was determined after one week of culture. The macro-scaled roughness of the grit blasted zirconia discs, independent of the surface treatment, was within a narrow range and only slightly smoother than titanium discs. However, the alkaline- and acid-etching led to an increase of the micro-roughness of the surface. The surface modifications had no effect on cell spreading and did not cause significant change in the expression of differentiation markers. Thus, in this respective setting, morphologic changes observed upon treatment of grit blasted zirconia discs with acid or alkaline do not translate into changes in MG63 cell adhesion or differentiation and are comparable to findings with anodized titanium discs.

    Micro- and nanostructured polymer substrates for biomedical applications

    Reinhard Gruber, Erik Hedbom, Dieter D. Bosshardt, Roman Heuberger, Daniel Buser
    Proc. SPIE 8339, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication 2012, 83390Q (4 April 2012)

    Polymer implants are interesting alternatives to the contemporary load-bearing implants made from metals. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), a well-established biomaterial for example, is not only iso-elastic to bone but also permits investigating the surrounding soft tissues using magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography, which is particularly important for cancer patients. The commercially available PEEK bone implants, however, require costly coatings, which restricts their usage. As an alternative to coatings, plasma activation can be applied. The present paper shows the plasma-induced preparation of nanostructures on polymer films and on injection-molded micro-cantilever arrays and the associated chemical modifications of the surface. In vitro cell experiments indicate the suitability of the activation process. In addition, we show that microstructures such as micro-grooves 1 μm deep and 20 μm wide cause cell alignment. The combination of micro-injection molding, simultaneous microstructuring using inserts/bioreplica and plasma treatments permits the preparation of polymer implants with nature-analogue, anisotropic micro- and nanostructures.

    Chemical Functionalization of Bioceramics To Enhance Endothelial Cells Adhesion for Tissue Engineering

    Françoise Borcard, Davide Staedler, Horacio Comas, Franziska Krauss Juillerat, Philip N. Sturzenegger, Roman Heuberger, Urs T. Gonzenbach, Lucienne Juillerat-Jeanneret and Sandrine Gerber-Lemaire
    J. Med. Chem. 2012, 55, 7988−7997

    To control the selective adhesion of human endothelial cells and human serum proteins to bioceramics of different compositions, a multi­functional ligand containing a cyclic arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD) peptide, a tetra­ethylene glycol spacer, and a gallate moiety was designed, synthesized, and characterized. The binding of this ligand to alumina-based, hydroxy­apatite-based, and calcium phosphate-based bioceramics was demonstrated. The conjugation of this ligand to the bioceramics induced a decrease in the nonselective and integrin-selective binding of human serum proteins, whereas the binding and adhesion of human endothelial cells was enhanced, dependent on the particular bioceramics.

    Nanoparticle Synthesis and Growth in a Continuous Plasma Reactor from Organosilicon Precursors

    Christian Roth, Gina Oberbossel, Elizabeth Buitrago, Roman Heuberger, Philipp Rudolf von Rohr
    Plasma Process. Polym. 2012, 9, 119–134

    Silica-like nanoparticles are produced from four different organosilicon monomers HMDSO, TMDSO, TEOS and TMOS in a continuous non-equilibrium plasma reactor. The nanoparticle synthesis is studied as a function of the process pressure, plasma power, gas velocity,and gas composition (Ar:O2:monomer). The morphology, mass production,and chemical composition of the plasma formed particlesare investigated. An adapted particle growth model for a continuous plasma reactor is introduced which explains the influence of the different process parameters on particle evolution. The morphology of the produced amorphous particles is similar to fumed silica, with primary particles in the size range of 10 nm building hard-agglomerates of several hundred nanometers during the synthesis.

    Minimally invasive mandibular bone augmentation using injectable hydrogels

    Elena Martínez-Sanz, Oommen P. Varghese, Marta Kisiel, Thomas Engstrand, Karoline M. Reich, Marc Bohner, Kenneth B. Jonsson, Thomas Kohler, Ralph Müller, Dmitri A. Ossipov, Jöns Hilborn
    J Tissue Eng Regen Med, 6, 2012, s15-s23

    Hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels are proven biocompatible materials and excellent carriers of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) that have been successfully tested for bone generation in vivo. Different formulations, with or without nano­hydroxy­apatite, have shown promise for craniofacial applications. In this study, 28 rats were used to investigate whether it is possible to achieve mandibular bone augmentation upon injection of novel hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels containing nano­hydroxy­apatite and different concentrations of BMP-2 (0, 5 and 150 µg/ml). The biomaterials were injected subperiosteally through fine needles into the innate mandibular diastema, imitating a clinical procedure for resorbed mandibles. No incisions, flaps or sutures were necessary. After 8 weeks the mandibles were evaluated by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT), micro-computed tomography (μCT), histology, immunohistochemistry and fluorochrome labelling. As a result, engineered bone was observed in all treated mandibles, with a statistically significant increase in mandibular bone volume correlated with the amount of BMP-2 loaded in the hydrogel formula. We therefore demonstrated that minimally invasive mandibular bone augmentation is possible upon injection in rats, when using the appropriate injectable scaffolds. This represents an attractive clinical alternative for oral implantology patients.

    Influence of the pore generator on the evolution of the mechanical properties and the porosity and interconnectivity of a calcium phosphate cement

    Marco A. Lopez-Heredia, Kemal Sariibrahimoglu, Wanxun Yang, Marc Bohner, Daiki Yamashita, Aliz Kunstar, Aart A. van Apeldoorn, Ewald M. Bronkhorst, Rosa P. Félix Lanao, Sander C.G. Leeuwenburgh, Kiyoshi Itatani, Fang Yang, Phil Salmon, Joop G.C. Wolke, John A. Jansen
    Acta Biomaterialia, 8(1), 2012, 404-414

    Porosity and interconnectivity are important properties of calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) and bone-replacement materials. Porosity of CPCs can be achieved by adding polymeric biodegradable pore-generating particles (porogens), which can add porosity to the CPC and can also be used as a drug-delivery system. Porosity affects the mechanical properties of CPCs, and hence is of relevance for clinical application of these cements. The current study focused on the effect of combinations of polymeric mesoporous porogens on the properties of a CPC, such as specific surface area, porosity and interconnectivity and the development of mechanical properties. CPC powder was mixed with different amounts of PLGA porogens of various molecular weights and porogen sizes. The major factors affecting the properties of the CPC were related to the amount of porogen loaded and the porogen size; the molecular weight did not show a significant effect per se. A minimal porogen size of 40μm in 30wt.% seems to produce a CPC with mechanical properties, porosity and interconnectivity suitable for clinical applications. The properties studied here, and induced by the porogen and CPC, can be used as a guide to evoke a specific host-response to maintain CPC integrity and to generate an explicit bone ingrowth.

    Processing and in vivo evaluation of multiphasic calcium phosphate cements with dual tricalcium phosphate phases

    Marco A. Lopez-Heredia, Matilde Bongio, Marc Bohner, Vincent Cuijpers, Louis A.J.A. Winnubst, Natasja van Dijk, Joop G.C. Wolke, Jeroen J.J.P. van den Beucken, John A. Jansen
    Acta Biomaterialia, 8(9), 2012, 3500-3508

    Calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) use the simultaneous presence of several calcium phosphates phases. This is done to generate specific bulk and in vivo properties. This work has processed and evaluated novel multiphasic CPCs containing dual tricalcium phosphate (TCPs) phases. Dual TCPs containing α- and β-TCP phases were obtained by thermal treatment. Standard CPC (S-CPC) was composed of α-TCP, anhydrous dicalcium phosphate and precipitated hydroxyapatite, while modified CPC (DT-CPC) included both α- and β-TCP. Physicochemical characterization of these CPCs was based on scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, specific surface area (SSA) and particle size (PS) analysis and mechanical properties. This characterization allowed the selection of one DT-CPC for setting time, cohesion and biological assessment compared with S-CPC. Biological assessment was carried out using a tibial intramedullary cavity model and subcutaneous pouches in guinea pigs. Differences in the surface morphology and crystalline phases of the treated TCPs were detected, although PS analysis of the milled CPC powders produced similar results. SSA analysis was significantly higher for DT-CPC with α-TCP treated at 1100°C for 5h. Poorer mechanical properties were found for DT-CPC with α-TCP treated at 1000°C. Setting time and cohesion, as well as the in vivo performance, were similar in the selected DT-CPC and the S-CPC. Both CPCs created the desired host reactions in vivo.

    Printability of calcium phosphate powders for three-dimensional printing of tissue engineering scaffolds

    Andre Butscher, Marc Bohner, Christian Roth, Annika Ernstberger, Roman Heuberger, Nicola Doebelin, Philipp Rudolf von Rohr, Ralph Müller
    Acta Biomaterialia 8 (2012) 373–385

    Three-dimensional printing (3DP) is a versatile method to produce scaffolds for tissue engineering. In 3DP the solid is created by the reaction of a liquid selectively sprayed onto a powder bed. Despite the importance of the powder properties, there has to date been a relatively poor understanding of the relation between the powder properties and the printing outcome. This article aims at improving this understanding by looking at the link between key powder parameters (particle size, flowability, roughness, wettability) and printing accuracy. These powder parameters are determined as key factors with a predictive value for the final 3DP outcome. Promising results can be expected for mean particle size in the range of 20–35 μm, compaction rate in the range of 1.3–1.4, flowability in the range of 5–7 and powder bed surface roughness of 10–25 μm. Finally, possible steps and strategies in pushing the physical limitsconcerning improved quality in 3DP are addressed and discussed.

    Calcium phosphate bone graft substitutes: Failures and hopes

    Marc Bohner, Laetitia Galea, Nicola Doebelin
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (2012) 2663–2671

    Despite 40 years of efforts, researchers have failed to provide calcium phosphate bone graft substitutes performing well enough to replace bone grafting procedures: their osteogenesis potential is limited, and calcium phosphates are too brittle. However, there is hope to solve the two aforementioned problems. First, it is now clear why nacre and bone are very tough despite a high ceramic load. Also, recent studies suggest that calcium and phosphate ions can trigger osteoinduction. The present article aims: (i) to review our current knowledge in the field of synthetic bone graft substitutes, (ii) to explain why ceramics and in particular calcium phosphates are still the most promising materials for bone graft substitution, and (iii) finally to describe the strategy to obtain osteoinductive calcium phosphate bone graft substitutes as strong as cortical bone.

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    (Tab id: module_17122664564493; Tab name:  2011 )

    Publications 2011

    Recrystallization of Amorphized α-TCP

    Nicola Döbelin, Laëtitia Galea, Urs Eggenberger, José Maria da Fonte Ferreira, Marc Bohner
    Key Engineering Materials, vol. 493–494, 2011, 219–224

    Phase-pure α-TCP powder was milled using a high-energy planetary mill to obtain a partially X-ray amorphous material. Calcination at temperatures between 350 and 600 °C was employed to recrystallize the powder. The phase composition as a function of calcination time and temperature was determined in-situ using high-temperature XRD equipment. It was found that the amorphous fraction recrystallized mainly to α-TCP, with only small amounts of β-TCP formed. At low temperatures (≤ 450 °C), a stable composition with approximately 85 wt-% α-TCP was found once 100% crystallinity was reached. The time required to reach full crystallinity depended on the calcination temperature. For temperatures > 450 °C a slow transformation to β-TCP was observed. The transformation rate depended on the calcination temperature and on the milling intensity. A moderately milled powder recrystallized to α-TCP, followed by a slow transformation to β-TCP at 600 °C, whereas an intensely milled powder also recrystallized to α-TCP, followed by a fast transformation to β-TCP at the same temperature.

    Commentary: Deciphering the link between architecture and biological response of a bone graft substitute

    Marc Bohner, Y. Loosli, G. Baroud, D. Lacroix
    Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 478–484

    Hundreds of studies have been devoted to the search for the ideal architecture for bone scaffold. Despite these efforts, results are often contradictory, and rules derived from these studies are accordingly vague. In fact, there is enough evidence to postulate that ideal scaffold architecture does not exist. The aim of this document is to explain this statement and review new approaches to decipher the existing but complex link between scaffold architecture and in vivo response.

    Structural and material approaches to bone tissue engineering in powder-based three-dimensional printing

    A. Butscher, Marc Bohner, S. Hofmann, L. Gauckler, R. Müller
    Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 907–920

    This article reviews the current state of knowledge concerning the use of powder-based three-dimensional printing (3DP) for the synthesis of bone tissue engineering scaffolds. 3DP is a solid free-form fabrication (SFF) technique building up complex open porous 3D structures layer by layer (a bottom-up approach). In contrast to traditional fabrication techniques generally subtracting material step by step (a top-down approach), SFF approaches allow nearly unlimited designs and a large variety of materials to be used for scaffold engineering. Today’s state of the art materials, as well as the mechanical and structural requirements for bone scaffolds, are summarized and discussed in relation to the technical feasibility of their use in 3DP. Advances in the field of 3DP are presented and compared with other SFF methods. Existing strategies on material and design control of scaffolds are reviewed. Finally, the possibilities and limiting factors are addressed and potential strategies to improve 3DP for scaffold engineering are proposed.

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    Publications 2010

    Oxygen permeation, mechanical and structural properties of multilayer diffusion barrier coatings on polypropylene

    L Körner, A Sonnenfeld, R Heuberger, J H Waller, Y Leterrier, J A E Månson and Ph Rudolf von Rohr
    J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 (2010) 115301

    To improve temperature durability for autoclaving of SiOx diffusion barrier coatings on polypropylene, plasma polymerized hexamethyldisiloxane (pp-HMDSO) is applied by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition as interlayer material and compared with results obtained with amorphous hydrogenated carbon–nitrogen (a-C : N : H) and a-Si : C : O : N : H interlayers. The influence of the O2/HMDSO ratio on the chemical structure and related mechanical and oxygen barrier properties is investigated by fragmentation tests, dilatometry, oxygen transmission rate, internal stress and mass density measurements as well as Fourier transform infrared and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Carbon-rich, polymer-like coatings with low density, low internal stress and excellent adhesive and cohesive properties are found for pp-HMDSO at the expense of barrier performance. In the SiOx/pp-HMDSO coating a broad transition in chemical composition was observed, explaining improved mechanical properties responsible for good barrier performance after thermal cycling or autoclaving.

    Aqueous impregnation of porous β-tricalcium phosphate scaffolds

    C. Stähli, Marc Bohner, M. Bashoor-Zadeh, Nicola Doebelin, G. Baroud
    Acta Biomaterialia 6 (2010) 2760–2772

    The ability of a porous bone graft substitute to be impregnated with an aqueous solution is of great importance for tissue engineering and in vivo applications. This study presents an impregnation test setup and assesses the effect of various synthesis parameters such as sintering temperature, composition, macroporosity and macropore size on the impregnation properties of porous β-tricalcium phosphate scaffolds dipped in water. Among those parameters, the macropore size had by far the largest effect; generally, the bigger the macropore size, the lower the saturation level. The results also showed that impregnation was less complete when the samples were fully dipped in water than when they were only partially dipped, owing to the requirement for the system to create air bubbles under water.

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    Publications 2009

    A physical approach to modify the hydraulic reactivity of α-tricalcium phosphate powder

    Marc Bohner, Reto Luginbühl, Christian Reber, Nicola Doebelin, Gamal Baroud, Egle Conforto
    Acta Biomaterialia 5 (2009) 3524–3535

    A microsized α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) powder was calcined at various temperatures (350 °C < < 800 °C) for various durations (1–24 h) and the resulting physico-chemical and reactivity changes were measured. Without calcination, the α-TCP powder started reacting within minutes after contacting a 0.2 M Na2HPO4 solution as measured by isothermal calorimetry. The overall reaction was finished within a few days. After calcination at 350 °C   550 °C for 24 h, no significant changes in the crystalline composition, crystallite size, particle size or specific surface area were noticed. However, the powder reactivity was progressively changed. More specifically, the hydraulic reaction of the powders calcined at 500 and 550 °C only started after 2–3 h whereas the overall hydraulic reaction was only slightly postponed, suggesting that physical or chemical changes had occurred at the particle surface. As mainly physical changes were detected at the particle surface during calcination at 500 °C, it was speculated that the appearance of this reaction delay (= induction time) was due to the disappearance of surface defects during the calcination step, i.e. to the need to create surface defects to induce dissolution and hence reaction.

    Silicon-substituted calcium phosphates – A critical view

    Marc Bohner
    Biomaterials 30 (2009) 6403–6406

    Nowadays, the scientific community widely accepts the statement that silicon-substituted calcium phosphates have better biological properties compared to pure calcium phosphates. For example, a review published in this journal in 2007 started with the sentence “Silicon (Si) substitution in the crystal structures of calcium phosphate (CaP) ceramics such as hydroxyapatite (HA) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) generates materials with superior biological performance to stoichiometric counterparts” [1]. A critical look at published articles demonstrates that this sentence is controversial and somehow misleading, because there is no experimental evidence that Si ions are released from Si-substituted calcium phosphates at therapeutic concentrations, and because there is no study linking the improved biological performance of Si-substituted calcium phosphates to Si release. The aim of this article is to explain this statement in more details.

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    Publications 2008

    Bone substitute: Transforming β-tricalcium phosphate porous scaffolds into monetite

    Laetitia G. Galea, Marc Bohner, Jacques Lemaître, Thomas Kohler, Ralph Müller
    Biomaterials 29 (2008) 3400–3407

    The goal of the present study was to assess the possibility to change the composition of a calcium phosphate scaffold from a high-temperature phase to a phase only stable at or close to room temperature without macrostructural changes. For that purpose, macroporous β-TCP scaffolds were converted into α-TCP by high-temperature thermal treatment and then dipped into a phosphoric acid solution to obtain a more acidic calcium phosphate phase called monetite or dicalcium phosphate (DCP; CaHPO4). Two different solid-to-liquid ratios (SLR: 0.067 and 0.200 g/mL) and three different temperatures (T: 37, 60 and 80 °C) were used. The reaction was followed by measuring the change of sample size and weight, by determining the compositional changes by X-ray diffraction (Rietveld analysis), and by looking at the micro- and macrostructural changes by scanning electron microscopy and micro-computed tomography. The results revealed that the transformation proceeded faster at a higher temperature and a higher SLR value but was achieved within a few days in all cases. Morphologically, the porosity decreased by 10%, the pore size distribution became wider and the mean macro pore size was reduced from 0.28 to 0.19 mm. The fastest conversion and the highest compressive strength (9 MPa) were measured using an incubation temperature of 80 °C and an SLR value of 0.2 g/mL.

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    Publications 2006

    Combining particle size distribution and isothermal calorimetry data to determine the reaction kinetics of α-tricalcium phosphate–water mixtures

    Marc Bohner, Anna K. Malsy, Christopher L. Camiré, Uwe Gbureck
    Acta Biomaterialia 2 (2006) 343–348

    Many calcium phosphate bone substitutes are based on the use of α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) powder. This compound has been intensively studied, but some aspects of α-TCP reactivity are still controversial. The goal of this study was to determine the setting kinetics of α-TCP based on a new approach that compared particle size distribution data to isothermal calorimetry data. Results indicated that α-TCP conversion is mostly controlled by surface reactions, with at later stages a diffusion-controlled mechanism. The presence of an X-ray amorphous α-TCP fraction in the crystalline α-TCP powder increased the dissolution rate threefold, without modifying the reaction mechanism.

    In vivo behavior of calcium phosphate scaffolds with four different pore sizes

    Marie-Cécile von Doernberg, Brigitte von Rechenberg, Marc Bohner, Sonja Grünenfelder, G Harry van Lenthe, Ralph Müller, Beat Gasser, Robert Mathys, Gamal Baroud, Jörg Auer
    Biomaterials 27 (2006) 5186–5198

    The goal of the present study was to assess the effect of macropore size on the in vivo behavior of ceramic scaffolds. For that purpose, β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) cylinders with four different macropore sizes (150, 260, 510, and 1220 μm) were implanted into drill hole defects in cancellous bone of sheep and their resorption behavior was followed for 6, 12 and 24 weeks. The scaffolds were evaluated for biocompatibility, and new bone formation was observed macroscopically, histologically and histomorphometrically. Histomorphometrical measurements were performed for the whole defect area and for the area subdivided into three concentric rings (outer, medial, and inner ring). All implants were tolerated very well as evidenced by the low amount of inflammatory cells and the absence of macroscopic signs of inflammation. Resorption proceeded fast since less than 5% ceramic remained at 24-week implantation. Hardly any effect of macropore size was observed on the in vivo response. Samples with an intermediate macropore size (510 μm) were resorbed significantly faster than samples with smaller macropore sizes (150 and 260 μm). However, this fast resorption was associated with a lower bone content and a higher soft tissue content. At 12 and 24 weeks, the latter differences had disappeared. Bone was more abundant in the outer ring than in the rest of the blocks at 6 weeks, and in the outer and medial ring compared to the inner ring at 12 weeks.

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    (Tab id: module_17122664564493; Tab name:  2005 )

    Publications 2005

    Injectability of calcium phosphate pastes

    Marc Bohner, Gamal Baroud
    Biomaterials 26 (2005) 1553–1563

    A theoretical model was developed to assess ways to improve the injectability of calcium phosphate pastes. The theoretical results were then compared to experimental data obtained on calcium phosphate slips. The theoretical approach predicted that the injectability of a cement paste could be improved by an increase of the liquid-to-powder ratio, and a decrease of the particle size and the plastic limit (PL) of the powder. The theoretical results were confirmed by experimental data. Interestingly, an increase of the viscosity of the mixing liquid with small additions of xanthan had a positive effect on the paste injectability. This effect could be due to a change of the PL of the powder or to the lubricating effect of the polymer.

    Synthesis and characterization of porous β-tricalcium phosphate blocks

    M. Bohner, G.H. van Lenthe, S. Grünenfelder, W. Hirsiger, R. Evison, R. Müller
    Biomaterials 26 (2005) 6099–6105

    Porous β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) blocks with four different macropore sizes (pore larger than 50 μm) were synthesized using “calcium phosphate emulsions”, and characterized by optical, geometrical, gravimetric, and radiological methods. The reproducibility of the synthesis method was excellent. Moreover, the macropore size could be easily controlled without modifying the microporosity (pore smaller than 50 μm) or the total porosity (microporosity+macroporosity). Based on the initial composition of the blocks and their final apparent density, the microporosity, macroporosity, and the total block porosity were calculated to be close to 21%, 54%, and 75%, respectively. These values were confirmed by microcomputed tomography (μCT). The mean macropore diameters were close to 150, 260, 510 and 1220 μm, as measured optically. Consistenly lower values (25% lower) were obtained by μCT, but the linear correlation between μCT and optical method was high (r2>0.97). The macropore size distribution calculated from μCT scans appears to be narrow and normally distributed. The very good correlation between the results of the various methods and the possibility to determine the pore size distribution suggest that μCT is an ideal tool to non-destructively characterize macroporous calcium phosphate bone substitutes.

    Technological issues for the development of more efficient calcium phosphate bone cements: A critical assessment

    M. Bohner, U. Gbureck, J.E. Barralet
    Biomaterials 26 (2005) 6423–6429

    The first calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) were discovered in the 1980s. Two decades later, the interest for these materials is still rising. The goal of the present document is to review the most recent achievements in the field and to analyze future directions in research and development.

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    (Tab id: module_17122664564493; Tab name:  2004 )

    Publications 2004

    New hydraulic cements based on α-tricalcium phosphate–calcium sulfate dihydrate mixtures

    M. Bohner
    Biomaterials 25 (2004) 741–749

    Calcium sulfate dihydrate (CSD) powder was added to a cement consisting of α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) and water. The changes of the physico-chemical properties of the cement were investigated as a function of the CSD amount, the phosphate concentration in the mixing solution, and the solution volume. An increase of the phosphate concentration in the mixing liquid and small additions of CSD powder strongly reduced the cement setting time. Simultaneously, the fraction of unreacted α-TCP powder present after 1 day of incubation increased, indicating that α-TCP hydrolysis was inhibited. The effects of the CSD amount and the phosphate concentration were synergetic, i.e. the effect of CSD powder was increased with an increase of the phosphate concentration and vice versa. Interestingly, none of the factors affected the cement diametral tensile strength. The present results were explained based on solubility calculations. The present study shows that the use of CSD crystals in combination with phosphate ions is an easy and interesting way to control the setting time of α-TCP–water mixtures, in particular, because the mechanical properties of the cement are not modified.

    Theoretical model to determine the effects of geometrical factors on the resorption of calcium phosphate bone substitutes

    M. Bohner, F. Baumgart
    Biomaterials 25 (2004) 3569–3582

    A theoretical approach was used to determine the effect of geometrical factors on the resorption rate of calcium phosphate bone substitutes that are either dense, microporous, and/or contain spherical macropores. Two cases were considered: (a) macroporous blocks that can be invaded by resorbing cells either directly because the structure is fully open-porous, or indirectly after some resorption of the macropores walls and/or interconnections. (b) Microporous or dense blocks/granules that cannot be invaded by resorbing cells, i.e. can only be resorbed from the outside to the inside, layer by layer. The theoretical approach was based on five assumptions: (i) the pores are spherical; (ii) the pores are ordered according to a face-centered cubic packing; (iii) the resorption is surface-controlled; (iv) the resorption is only possible if the surface can be accessed by blood vessels of 50 μm in diameter; and (v) the resorption time of a given amount of calcium phosphate is proportional to the net amount of material. Based on these assumptions, the calculations showed that the resorption time of a macroporous block could be minimized at a specific pore radius. This pore radius depended (i) on the size of the bone substitute and (ii) on the interpore distance. Typical radii were in the range of 100–400 μm. These values are similar to the numerous pore size optima mentioned in the scientific literature. For microporous or dense blocks/granules, the model suggested that a relatively small radius should be preferred. Such a radius leads to an optimum combination of a high surface area favorizing resorption and the presence of large intergranular gaps favorizing blood vessel ingrowth. In that case, the optimum of granule radius is around 100–200 μm. Finally, a very good agreement was found between the predictions of the model and experimental data, i.e. the model explained in all but two cases the results with an accuracy superior to 80%. In conclusion, the model appears to be a useful tool to better understand in vivo results, and possibly better define the geometry and distribution of the pores as well as the size of a bone substitute.

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    (Tab id: module_17122664564493; Tab name:  2003 )

    Publications 2003

    Theoretical and experimental model to describe the injection of a poly­methyl­methacrylate cement into a porous structure

    M. Bohner, B. Gasser, G. Baroud, P. Heini
    Biomaterials 24 (2003) 2721–2730

    A theoretical approach was used to determine the distribution of a poly(methylmethacrylate) cement after its injection into a porous structure. The predictions of the model were then compared to experimental results obtained by injecting a polymethylmethacrylate cement into an open-porous ceramic filter. The goal was to define a model that could predict what factors affect the risk of cement extravasation and hence how the risk of cement extravasation can be minimized. The calculations were based on two important rheological laws: the law of Hagen–Poiseuille and the law of Darcy. The law of Hagen–Poiseuille describes the flow of a fluid in a cylindrical tube. The law of Darcy describes the flow of a fluid through a porous media. The model predicted that the extravasation risk was decreased when the cement viscosity, the bone pore size, the bone permeability and the bone porosity were increased, and when the diameter of the extravasation path and the viscosity of the marrow were decreased. Experimentally, the effect of the marrow viscosity and extravasation path could be evidenced. Therefore, the model was believed to be an adequate approximation of the experimental behavior. In conclusion, the experimental results demonstrated that the model was adequate and that the best practical way to decrease the risk of extravasation is to increase the cement viscosity.

    Compositional changes of a dicalcium phosphate dihydrate cement after implantation in sheep

    M. Bohner, F. Theiss, D. Apelt, W. Hirsiger, R. Houriet, G. Rizzoli, E. Gnos, C. Frei, J.A. Auer, B. von Rechenberg
    Biomaterials 24 (2003) 3463–3474

    A hydraulic calcium phosphate cement having dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) as end-product of the setting reaction was
    implanted in a cylindrical defect in the diaphysis of sheep for up to 6 months. The composition of the cement was investigated as a
    function of time. After setting,the cement composition consisted essentially of a mixture of DCPD and b-tricalcium phosphate
    (b-TCP). In the first few weeks of implantation,the edges of the cement samples became depleted in DCPD,suggesting a selective
    dissolution of DCPD,possibly due to low pH conditions. The cement resorption at this stage was high. After 8 weeks,the resorption
    rate slowed down. Simultaneously,a change of the color and density of the cement center was observed. These changes were due to
    the conversion of DCPD into a poorly crystalline apatite. Precipitation started after 6–8 weeks and progressed rapidly. At 9 weeks,
    the colored central zone reached its maximal size. The fraction of b-TCP in the cement was constant at all time. Therefore,this study
    demonstrates that the resorption rate of DCPD cement is more pronounced as long as DCPD is not transformed in vivo.

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    (Tab id: module_17122664564493; Tab name:  2000 )

    Publications 2000

    Stainless steel in bone surgery

    J.A. Disegi, L. Eschbach
    Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 31 (2000) S4 D2-D6
    Today, stainless is one of the most frequently used biomaterials for internal fixation devices because of a favorable combination of mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and cost effectiveness when compared to other metallic implant materials. The biocompatibility of implant quality stainless steel has seen been proven by successful human for decades.
    Composition, microstructure and tensile properties of stainless steel used for internal fixation is standardized in ISO and ASTM material specifications. Metallurgical requirements are stringent to ensure sufficient corrosion resistance, nonmagnetic response, and satisfactory mechanical properties.
    Torsional properties of stainless steel screws are different from titanium screws. Stainless steel bone screws are easier to handle because the surgeon can feel the onset of plastic deformation and this provides adequate prewarning to avoid overtorquing the screw.
    New nickel-free stainless steels have been recently developed primarily to address the issue of nickel sensitivity. These stainless steels also have superior mechanical properties and better corrosion resistance. The Ni-free compositions appear to possess an extraordinary combination of attributes for potential implant applications in the future.

    Cobalt-base alloys used in bone surgery

    A. Marti
    Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 31 (2000) S4 D18-D21
    Cobalt-base alloys may be generally described as non magnetic, wear, corrosion and heat-resistant (high strength even at elevated temperature). Many properties of the alloy originate from the crystallographic nature of cobalt, the solid-solution-strengthening effect of chromium and molybdenum, the formation of extremely hard carbides and the corrosion resistance imparted by chromium. Cobalt-base alloys are difficult to fabricate which is why their use has been limited, but continuous work led to the development of specialized casting methods.
    Due to its excellent resistance to degradation in the oral environment, the first medical use of cobalt-base alloys was in the cast of dental implants. Various in vitro and in vivo tests have shown that the alloys are bio-compatible and suitable for use as surgical implants.
    Today, the use of Co alloys for surgical applications is mainly related to orthopaedic prostheses for the knee, shoulder and hip as well as to fracture fixation devices. Joint endoprostheses are typical long-term implants and the applied implant material must therefore meet extremely high requirements with regard to biocompatibility with the surrounding body tissue material and corrosion resistance to body fluids.

    Nonresorbable polymers in bone surgery

    L. Eschbach
    Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 31 (2000) S4 D22-D27
    Sufficient strength and stiffness, biocompatibility and long-term stability are important criteria that polymers have to fulfill for successful implant applications in bone surgery. An additional requirement is sterilization without degradation of the polymer properties.
    Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene is used as a carrier material in joint replacement components because of good wear and damping properties. Nevertheless, reduction of wear is still a major challenge in polyethylene research as wear particles are responsible for early loosening of prosthetic devices.
    Acrylic bone cement is used for the fixation of artificial joints, providing an immediate and strong fixation of the implant. Possible problems with this bone cement are the residual (toxic) monomers and the high curing temperature that may cause thermal bone necrosis.
    Polyacetal resins are implantable high performance polymers. Due to their high chemical and mechanical resistance, they are used in joint replacement components and other long-term implants. Polyetheretherke- tone is a new and even more stable high performance polymer. Due to its stability at sterilization temperatures and under irradiation, PEEK is intended to replace POM in future. PEEK is available in a “medical grade” quality suitable for long-term implantation.

    Inert bioceramics (Al2O3, ZrO2) for medical application

    A. Marti
    Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 31 (2000) S4 D33-D36
    Ceramics is defined as the art and science of making and using solid articles having as essential components inorganic non-metallic materials and which are composed largely of them (Kingery et al., 1976). The inherent brittleness of traditional ceramics has limited their ability to compete with ductile metals and polymers for technical applications. However, over the last 100 years innovative techniques in the fabrication of ceramics have led to their use as high-tech materials. Inert bioceramics, such as Al2O3 and ZrO2, have inherently low levels of reactivity compared with other materials such as polymers and metals as well as surface reactive or resorbable ceramics. In a human body, they are expected to be nontoxic, non-allergenic, and non-carcinogenic for a lifetime, which leads to a corresponding range of engineering design philosophies for medical application. Due to their excellent frictional properties technical ceramics are nowadays mainly used in endoprosthetics.

    Calcium orthophosphates in medicine: from ceramics to calcium phosphate cements

    M. Bohner
    Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 31 (2000) S4 D37-D47

    Calcium phosphate (CaP) compounds are becoming of increasingly great importance in the fiel of biomaterials and, in particular, as bone substitutes. Recent discoveries have accelerated this process, but have simultaneously rendered the field more complicated for the everyday user. Subtle differences in composition and structure of CaP compounds may have a profound effect on their in vivo behaviour. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to provide a simple, but comprehensive presentation of CaP compounds. Reference is made to the most important commercial products.

    About composite materials and their use in bone surgery

    B. Gasser
    Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 31 (2000) S4 D48-D53
    Composite materials consist of two or even more different material components or phases, which are combined with the aim to improve physical, mechanical and/or biological properties. Such structurs are designed to fulfil very specific requirements with respect to a selected device application making full use of their higher weight-specific strength and/or stiffness. Furthermore, these materials offer an opportunity for constructing radiolucent devices.
    In medical technology, composite materials mainly consist of a polymer matrix and fibres as a reinforcement phase. Composites similar to those known from technical applications reveal a number of specific biological problems. This is due to the materials and manufacturing processes available for the construction of such composites preventing their unrestricted use in direct bone contact. Nevertheless, an application potential for these materials in bone surgery exists and justifies further research and development efforts.
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    (Tab id: module_17122664564493; Tab name:  1997 )

    Publications 1997

    Gentamicin-Loaded Hydraulic Calcium Phosphate Bone Cement as Antibiotic Delivery System

    Marc Bohner, Jacques Lemaître, Dmitriy Alexeev, Pascale Van Landuyt, Pierre-Yves Zambelli, Hans P. Merkle, Bruno Gander
    Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 86(5) (1997) 565-572

    A hydraulic calcium phosphate cement made of β-tricalcium phosphate [β-Ca3(PO4)2], monocalcium phosphate monohydrate [Ca(H2-PO4)2·H2O], and water was used as a delivery system for the antibiotic gentamicin sulfate (GS). GS, added as powder or as aqueous solution, was very beneficial to the physicochemical properties of the cement. The setting time increased from 2 to 4.5 min with 3% (w/w) GS and then slowly decreased to 3.75 min with 16% (w/w) GS. The tensile strength increased from 0.4 to 1.6 MPa with 16% (w/w) GS. These effects were attributed to the presence of sulfate ions in GS. The release of GS from the cement was measured in a pH 7.4 phosphate-buffered saline solution at 37 °C by USP paddle method. Factors such as cement porosity, GS content and presence of sulfate ions or polymeric additives were investigated. The amount of GS released was roughly proportional to the square root of time up to ∼50% release. Afterwards, the release rate markedly slowed down to zero. In all but two cement formulations, the total dose of GS was released within 7 days, indicating that no irreversible binding occurred between the cement paste and the antibiotic. When small amounts of hydroxypropylcellulose or poly(acrylic acid) were added to the cement, the maximum fraction released was a few percent lower than the total GS dose, suggesting some binding between the polymer and GS. The GS release rate was strongly influenced by the presence of sulfate ions in the cement paste and by the cement porosity. The higher the sulfate ion content of the cement paste, the lower the GS release rate. This influence was attributed to the finer cement microstructure induced by the presence of sulfate ions. Furthermore, when the initial cement porosity was increased from 38 to 69%, the release rate almost tripled (0.16 to 0.45 h−1/2). Finally, the biological activity of GS in the cement was maintained, as measured by assaying the release medium.