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Ash content determination and degree of cross-linking of polymers

To determine the ash content, polymers are calcined at high temperature and the ash residue is determined gravimetrically. This can be used, for example, to determine the proportion of textile glass and mineral fillers in glass fiber reinforced plastics.

The degree of cross-linking of polyethylene (PE-X) is determined by means of solvent extraction based on the gel content. For this purpose, a sample is immersed in a suitable solvent. After a certain time, the sample is dried and weighed again. The mass loss corresponds to the proportion of soluble material. The degree of cross-linking is given as the proportion of remaining insoluble material

According to which standards do we test?

Whenever possible, we carry out our testing services in accordance with or based on these international standards:

Ash content of polymers:

  • ISO 3451-1

Degree of cross-linking of polyethylene (PE-X):

  • ISO 10147

Which devices do we use?

Ash content of polymers:

  • Bunsen burner
  • Nabertherm laboratory muffle furnace

Degree of cross-linking of polyethylene (PE-X):

  • Mettler Toledo XS205DU analytical balance
  • Leica RM 2165 Rotating microtome
  • Reflux condenser with round flask and heating hood

What you should know about this method?

Which products can be tested at the RMS?

We test all polymers. If your materials do not meet the scope of the above standards, please contact us and we will discuss your individual problem.

Are the analyses accredited?

RMS is an ISO 17025 accredited analytical laboratory (accreditation type C). The determination of the ash content and the degree of cross-linking according to the above-mentioned standards have already been validated. New or customer-specific analysis methods can be validated by us.


Who is your contact person?

Fabrizio Bigolin
Team Leader Analytics & Materials Testing
+41 32 644 2023